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Movie Review: The Butterfly Effect


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Summary: Evan (Ashton Kutcher) portrays a character who, as a child, is afflicted with a condition who plagued his father as well. As a child, he has had blackouts (not passouts) and cannot recall anything that happened during those blackout periods. He begins keeping journals of everything he does in attempt to keep his memory active and it works. College rolls around and he and his roommate Thumper (the big fat guy from American History X and Mallrats) decide to go shoot some pool at a local bar/hangout and Evan brings a gorgeous chick back with him, who finds the journals under his bed and asks him to read her some. From here begins the quest. He realizes he's able to use the journals to travel back to his past and change certain things during his blackouts. This ultimately changes his past up to that point and his new life is completely different than the old one. However, something always seems to go wrong and he finds himself using this technique quite often to fix everything that went wrong.


Pros: Quite freaky, especially the first 10-15 minutes of the movie - I found myself jumping quite a few times. The concept is the most original I've seen since Identity and the movie, while a complicated concept, is easy to follow. Lots of suspense and very good acting (coming from someone who doesn't care too much for Ashton).


Cons: It has Ashton Kutcher in it. And if you're a very sensitive person, some of the scenes may trouble you a bit (depending how attached you are to your significant other or how you feel about kids, etc). You'll probably find yourself saying "Oh my god" a few times.


Rating: 5 stars from me. This movie, getting past Ashton and over the fact that the few sensitive scenes are part of the movie, it's is just an AMAZING movie. One of the best I've seen since ROTK (shutup, Kenny :D ).

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Good post Kevin. I also enjoyed the movie, and went into it with the thought that this would be Ashtons defining movie, and I think it worked.


He did a hell of a job, and that crazy little kid (for those that have seen it) is one sick and twisted mofo...


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We saw it sunday night and both didn't like it. It was an ok movie, but was a one time only kinda movie... If you were to see it again, then you know the whole plot, so it would be ruined....


On a side note, the movie did seem to have quite a bit of hot chicks and some freaking nekkid bitches in it which made it enjoyable tongue.gif

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Most dramas are one-time only movies for that very reason. Most movies that you want to watch a bunch of times are action/fantasy movies (huge battles, big explosions, cool fight scenes, etc.)


Originally posted by MadMalibu:

and that crazy little kid (for those that have seen it) is one sick and twisted mofo...


Fuck yeah he is. The scene in the movie theater...never saw it coming. :eek:
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Hmm interesting. Thanks for the review. Haven't seen it yet, and probably won't see it in theatres for the very reason that it has Ashton in it (can't stand him). I'll pick it up when it hits the video stores though and see if I agree with you. Thanks again.
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  • 9 months later...

I wanted to bring this back from the dead and tell anyone who owns this on DVD or who rents this movie to watch the Director's Cut version after you watch the theater version.


Gave me goosebumps.


5 stars, Ashton surprised the shit out of me with his acting in this one.

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