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rice!?!?! (rant)

Black ITR Guy

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Pulling out of the Good Guys show this after noon i was leaving the parking lot folowing a GMC Envoy who was also folowing a Miata. We all were merging out of the spectator parking lot and into the participant line of cars leaving. We were turning left heading to 71 when i pull out to hop in line and a big guy steps into the middle of the street with his video camera and begins to scream "lite 'em up!!!!!" i just ignored him and went about my driving not trying to bring any attention to myself. Next thing i hear is this asshole proclaiming "fucking rice" at the top of his lungs. Now i wasnt doing anything to even be considered rice. If you look at my car it looks completely stock except for the rims and they are very suttle, hell i was even keeping the rpms low so i wasnt being that loud. Its funny that i come and appreciate the old american muscle, but some bone headed closed minded asshole has to ruin my day. Sorry for the rant but it just pisses me off that some of the muscle heads get offended by a little technology and even down right rude for no reason.



Ohh yeah, im 21 today too just thought id throw that in.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

was your car sitting in the middle of the field outside the gates when the rain hit?

no i got lucky.... we got there early and i parked in a paved parking lot right across from the state patrol acadamey.....when you get us at the ass-crack of dawn you sould get a decent parking spot
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

it just pisses me off that some of the muscle heads get offended by a little technology

Not to defend this guy, and in this case it most likely wouldn't apply at all, but it's that type of comment that helps give imports a bad name.


Too many import enthusiasts believe that over head cams are "new tech" and pushrods are "low tech, old tech, etc." (not saying that is you, but in general). Yet when you look in the history books, you'll see there is nothing new about over head (or even dual over head) cams. I'd bet the technology in some of the big motors you saw today would be considered far more advanced in a DOHC VTEC under your hood.


Regardless, that has nothing to do with this guy being a dick, but you'll have that on all sides of the fence. Try driving through the Mopar Nationals if you really want to see people abusing an import driver.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Not to defend this guy, and in this case it most likely wouldn't apply at all, but it's that type of comment that helps give imports a bad name.


Too many import enthusiasts believe that over head cams are "new tech" and pushrods are "low tech, old tech, etc." (not saying that is you, but in general). Yet when you look in the history books, you'll see there is nothing new about over head (or even dual over head) cams. I'd bet the technology in some of the big motors you saw today would be considered far more advanced in a DOHC VTEC under your hood.


Regardless, that has nothing to do with this guy being a dick, but you'll have that on all sides of the fence. Try driving through the Mopar Nationals if you really want to see people abusing an import driver.

Im wasnt saying that to sound like my stuff is way more advanced, and i wasnt directing that towards all guys that like muscle cars either. One of the guys that went with us to the show has never worked on anything but old chevys all his life, he loved my car. It tickeled the shit out of him to see time slips from trails, see pics of me with my trophie, and watch me tach it up to about 9 grand. All day me and him talked about cars in the show he stayed by my side and answered any questions i had and explained the difference in years of cars. And like wise, if he had a question about my car or any new car i helped him out. I guess after spending a day with a guy like that, and then seeing this fucktard just it just took the cake.
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

Im wasnt saying that to sound like my stuff is way more advanced, and i wasnt directing that towards all guys that like muscle cars either. One of the guys that went with us to the show has never worked on anything but old chevys all his life, he loved my car. It tickeled the shit out of him to see time slips from trails, see pics of me with my trophie, and watch me tach it up to about 9 grand. All day me and him talked about cars in the show he stayed by my side and answered any questions i had and explained the difference in years of cars. And like wise, if he had a question about my car or any new car i helped him out. I guess after spending a day with a guy like that, and then seeing this fucktard just it just took the cake.

Did you get his number? ;)













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When was Joe re-issued his soapbox? tongue.gif


I do find it pretty fucking stupid that you were called rice for NOT doing a burnout, something hailed by most here as the riciest of behavior. You left with your dignity, and that guy left and went back to his dead end career with is name on his shirt. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

You should have ran him over and took his camera tongue.gif

I'm gonna have to say that is a righteous choice. And don't let a dick like that get you down. He is probably going to drive a rusted out gremlin back to his trailor to throw another bottle at his sister anyway. That or he is trying to hide the fact he secretly loves dadick. graemlins/gay.gif
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Originally posted by MackZilla:

I'm gonna have to say that is a righteous choice. And don't let a dick like that get you down. He is probably going to drive a rusted out gremlin back to his trailor to throw another bottle at his sister anyway. That or he is trying to hide the fact he secretly loves dadick. graemlins/gay.gif

hahahaha yea thats what i like to think.
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