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Opinion/Advice/Help Needed

Rally Pat

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I have just been put in the exact kind of situation ive been trying to avoid. My grandparents bought a new car and ill will be getting 1 of two cars, depending on if my grandma startings driving my grandpa's old car or not. So the thing is, my grandpa decided that his shitty old saturn wasnt good enough, and he bought a shitty NEW saturn (dont know exact model, dont care, every saturn except the Ion Redline sucks) very similar to his old one. My grandma drives an early model Chevy Cavalier. My grandma is in love with this rust bucket, but my grandpa is trying to get her to take his old mid-ninties saturn. Here is where i come in. My grandpa wants to give me the Cavalier, my grandma wants me to take the Saturn, and i dont want ANY of them. They are both automatic, and have TONS of miles on them cause my grandparents frequently drive back and forth to where my family's farms are out in the country to visit. If i get one of the 2, i at least want the Saturn cause its a twin cam, newer, in better shape, and i could probobly get more for it.


Alternatives im coming up with: After selling one of the cars im getting, I have some stuff i could sell that i am sure i could get alot of money for and here is why. My dad was going to build a Porsche 924 rally car powered by the larger 944 engine. He acually got the car for free from a friend named Alan who is a psychyatrist that has too much money, and he gave the car to my dad for FREE. Yes, $0.00 dollars, and he already had the 944 engine installed in it! This car was a beast, too bad when my dad fell ill, he gave it back to it's original owner. But you see, this has left me with a garage full of 924/928/944 parts that are all mine to sell! It has been my plan all along to sell all the parts and the conversion van we own that sits around to get my first car and use the leftover money to get a few early bolt mods.


several sets of wheels

2 engines

2 sets of doors

2 hoods

assorted consoles, relays, rotors ect ect


Ok i know that was alot to read, but i need your opinions! My future hangs in the balance!

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If I were your grandparents reading this, you'd get nothing!


How caring a grandson who lets the e-world know of his desire of only the vehicle that he can get more money for, by selling it!


Why don't you think a little bit, love anything your grandparents give to you, and be happy they are still amongst the living!

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ok, i suppose i wrote that part of the plan wrong. i wanna sell just my parts and the van, which would give me at least 3000 to get a nice starter MANUAL vehical, and maybe some things like a new intake, plugs, oil, and other small things
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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

Take what they give you. Work. Drive the free car for a year or so. You can beat it w/o worry. You aren't going to be Mario Andretti. An auto fine to learn to drive on. After a year of working/selling crap, you will have more $.

I agree. Keep it for about a year, then sell it after you have saved some money up. Learn to drive first, then worry about having a fast car.
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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

how about instead of selling a bunch of junk you go get a job.oh yeah.....never EVER bitch about a free car,especially if it's your first car.

I agree a thousand percent.... 16 year olds with NO experience behind the wheel do not deserve to be driving a fast car.... they are the reason why insurance premiums are so high... I know you don't believe me, but you really need to have a few years under you belt before you drive a fast car.... believe it or not.... there are ALLOT of situations that can only be learned by experience... plus isn't a porsche RWD? Our winters aren't exactly the best.... that car would be wrecked the first snow fall.


I've never had a car given to me and I'd have it no other way....


my advice for you is, tell your grand parents thank you for thinking about you... but that you would rather work for a car on your own.... get a job and buy your own rust bucket for 500 dollars.... scrub that thing, work on it... make it new again... then when you turn 21... but a fast car.... (what I did)

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No one ever gave me a car, and never paid for my upkeep/insurance/etc. About the most help I got was parents co-signing one loan, getting another under their name, and loaning me a few hundred bucks (all for different car purchases, all paid back quickly in full and HELPING their credit in the end).


You will respect a vehicle far more if you earn it yourself. Your first vehicle should also be a POS.

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My response has already been written, I agree with everyone else here. Take one of the free cars and STFU. Fix it if it breaks, and learn. Anything you buy after that will seem like a luxury car, and you will appreciate whatever it is.
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ok, first off i have a fucking job, but it sucks. i work 4 days a week and get 6.50 an hour. however i dont get to see any of my fucking money cause my mom takes my paycheck and puts it away in HER ACCOUNT. this is the problem with us both working in the same building. we get payed at the same time and she just tells my boss "oh ill take his check". she claims she is taking it and putting it away to pay my insurance, but im not so sure. legally i cant take my own check and cash it.


i dont think any of you get it. im in a position where i can buy my own fucking car, but im being force to take one i dont want. i dont want a fast car, i want a manual cause i want a fucking manual. fuel economy is better and i like the feeling of shifting my own gears.


edit: well, maybe the boob guy does

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it is incredibly illegal for your parent to take your check. When I worked at target, my buddy worked there also. His mom was responsible for handing out people's checks to them every week, and even SHE wasn't allowed to bring his home to him. I'm pretty sure that whatever company you work at could get into HUGE amounts of trouble for letting that go on, let alone your mother. Find yo'self a good lawyer and sue the piss out of both of them. :D
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Originally posted by Megaman.EXE:

however i dont get to see any of my fucking money cause my mom takes my paycheck and puts it away in HER ACCOUNT. this is the problem with us both working in the same building. we get payed at the same time and she just tells my boss "oh ill take his check". she claims she is taking it and putting it away to pay my insurance, but im not so sure. legally i cant take my own check and cash it.

Uhh, sounds like bullshit to me. Either tell the person that hands out the checks to start giving the check to you, and you alone, or find another job that doesn't involve family. I am assuming you are under 18, so I'm not sure what the rules are about this, but I would recommend opening a bank account at a different bank from what your mother uses with only your name on it. If you have to have a parent as a joint owner, then it's not worth the effort. But, this would be another step to keeping her from taking the money you make.


As for the car situation, I would suggest taking which ever car they decide to give you and keeping it for a daily driver. It's a free car, there's not much to complain about except paying for insurance, and minimum coverage would be cheap on either of those. That way, you can save up and pick up whatever other car you want for a fun car later on, but won't have to worry about not being able to drive when it's broken or something.

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your mom legally can't cash your check... it has your name on it... not hers....


besides that.... insurance isn't cheap man... 6.50 an hour.... you can legally only work 18 hours a week while going to school... so that's what... 100 dollars a week max? after taxes.... that should be just about enough to cover insurance for you to drive...


just as an FYI, until you are 18 years of age... even if you buy a car, it has to be in your parents name... so you are pigeon holded into driving what they want you too... just feel fortunate if they let you drive one at all... Also, remember, if they do try to control your car privledges... remember it's for your own good... odds are, you were doing something stupid, and doing something stupid with a car is very dangerous.... I really can't stress that one enough.

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by BiG BeN:

oh yeah.....never EVER bitch about a free car,especially if it's your first car.

+1...who cares if its automatic or manual..its your first car (right?) and its FREE. Your grandparents are nice enough to give you a car...I had to get a job @ 15 to buy my POS car so be happy its free :rolleyes:

And about "legally" working 18 hours/week when in school...I've never heard that and I'm SURE most places dont' obey it even if it is true. I worked around 30 when I was a sophomore.

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Originally posted by ( . Y . ):

your mom legally can't cash your check... it has your name on it... not hers....


besides that.... insurance isn't cheap man... 6.50 an hour.... you can legally only work 18 hours a week while going to school... so that's what... 100 dollars a week max? after taxes.... that should be just about enough to cover insurance for you to drive...


just as an FYI, until you are 18 years of age... even if you buy a car, it has to be in your parents name... so you are pigeon holded into driving what they want you too... just feel fortunate if they let you drive one at all... Also, remember, if they do try to control your car privledges... remember it's for your own good... odds are, you were doing something stupid, and doing something stupid with a car is very dangerous.... I really can't stress that one enough.

You can have a car in your name as a minor. A Parent needs to sign the financial responsibility form.
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Look, this is what you should do. Keep whichever car your grandparents give you and sell the van and the porsche parts that you have. Put the money you get from selling the van and porsche parts in the bank and let it grow interest. Then, GET A JOB. Drive whichever car your given as long as you can, until it either completely falls apart, dies, or you really have to spend alot of money to keep it running. All along, continue to save as much $ as you can. Then, once your around the age of 21, you should be able to handle something sporty and with some good engine power. These next few years riding around in a saturn or a cavalier may seem like an eternity, but believe me, it'll be worth it, as long as you get a job and save all the money you can.
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