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Drinking and driving

old dirty bastard

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Last winter I met a real cool kid thru my ex-girlfriend I just found out he was walking down a road the other night in Northeastern Ohio and he was hit by a drunk driver and killed he never seen it coming.I cant see what the point is to get totally shit faced and think you can operate a motor vehicle it is stupid people fucking die for nothing.I cant imagine what that fucking idiot who hit him was thinking. If you plan to drink do me a favor dont drive and stay safe.
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Originally posted by Tony K:

Any thoughts/comments from CR about "Scarlet Letter" license plates? Me = like 'em.

I don't know if they do a whole lot of anything. Isn't someone who has been convicted of drunk driving once very likely to do it again? If that's the case, I just don't see what they accomplish. But I'm not necessarily against them either.


T.J. I'm really sorry to hear about that. That's a horrible thing to hear and I hope the family and all other friends are doing all right. Don't worry, that guy will get his one-day.

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I thought that they supposed to mean that the driver only has "work priviledges," so cops will know that a car driving around at 3am should probably be checked out. Of course, that makes sense, so I'm probably wrong.
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The "party plates" are for people who have been convicted of a DUI 2 times within a certain time period, which I think is 2 years. Whether the person has work priveleges or not, the car is to have the party plates for a specified length of time.
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Man, that's really awful. I totally agree with TJ and the rest of you guys about drunks. Joe and Karl lost a good buddy of theirs from school this past year because of s drunk driver. It's bullshit that people cause that much grief and misery just because they won't control themselves. :(
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the problem we are having isn't with drunk drivers themselves it is with the lax attitude this whole country has with dui's, my brother got pulled over in the winter and was drunk, went to court and got it reduced to a reckless op, paid some fines (i think about in the area of 700 to 1000) and lost his license for 3 months, now i lost my license for too many speeding tickets within 2 years and i lost my license for 6 months, lets no even add up the total fines for those tickets, the shitty thing is not with my brother (who i am hoping learned his lesson) but with every other muther fucker i have talked to, they act like yeah its bad but he shouldn't have gotten in so much trouble, and one of my dads employees just got his 3rd dui in two years, he has had 2 in the last 6 months, this time he also got fleeing and evading, no license, no insurance fictious plates, and i am waiting to see what he gets cause i guarantee it won't be more than a year, i will no be surprised if it is only 6 months, if this guy isn't one who should get hammered then no one will ever get in trouble for a dui, and he is a nice guy but almost ran over two people in his last driving exercise, as soon as this attitude of many people change then there will be NO real decrease in dui's


someone correct me if i am wrong but doesn't people convicted of drving drunk in germany get 10 years, and honestly i think this is just about right, now personally i would have hated to see my brother go to jail for that long over this, but we all know the dangers and risks involved with drinking and driving, and if you knew you might lose your freedom for it no one would do it

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