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The Draft will Start in June 2005


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"to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18--26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes."


According to this statement EVERYONE, including college students and females, are subject to be drafted to the army in 2005. I would suggest everyone read this article, as it deals with the lives of many on this board (anyone 18-26).

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27 now, still receiving medical benefits from the Navy.


I can still be called back to active duty since I'm on a retired status, but only to do paperwork here in the US due to the injuries I'd received that I'm being paid for now.


Oh well, I think everyone should be in the service at least once. But I'll leave that alone since people will bitch about it and not realize it's people like me and other military members that allow them that right by keeping our country safe smile.gif

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Guest Rane
Yea, I would join the mililtary. However, with all of the anti-war people and the people who just don't give a fuck about there country what the the point in dying for them? Most people who I would fight for are already fighting, the rest are either disabled or are those people not worth fighting for. As far as I'm am I would go join the military now if I could handle them moving me all over like I am a bitch so I don't join. However, if I get drafted I would be more then glad to go do my duities.
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Originally posted by Tire Killer:

Good. Maybe the Army can teach some people reading comprehension.


"Pending legislation".


Anyone care to define the word "pending" for me?

What was the point of that post? I didn't say that it had happened yet. All I said was that everyone here should take a look at it because it's real. These bills are in the house and senate, and they effect a population on this board. Gonneville stated that if they start up the draft he's buying a rifle, and keyword stated that he doesn't believe it.. Where in any of those posts did anyone say that it wasn't pending?
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ok, I'm getting tired of people bashing the president... I don't like his choices anymore than the next guy... BUT he is our elected official and we should stand by his descisions... if you don't like him... get your ass to the poles and vote against him. I made the mistake for not voting last election... this time I'll be damned if I miss voting to vote against him... that was my fault for missing...


I'm getting sick of people bashing our country or it's political leaders.... if you don't like what's going on... register to vote and vote against the people you don't agree with.. OR better yet.... run for election.... get your ass in office and make a difference.


I'm not bashing anyone in particular.. I'm just tired of hearing the same shit over and over.. I'm justas much to blame cause I do the same thing... but it gets to a point where you shit or get off the pot... this is that time.... if you don't like something.. do something to change it...


/rant mode off smile.gif

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Guest nevarmore

"There is pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills: S 89 and HR 163) which ..."


PENDING. Thats important. Its politics, nothing is final yet.


All you military guys. Thanks. Yea you guys volunteered to do a lousy job for shitty pay. Wether or not you were actually protecting my ass isn't up to you, the rich, old, safe white guys in DC decided that. The fact is if something came up that really threatened MY country you woulda died for it. That takes a commitment that I can't make.


I don't think that the elected officials should have assigned a lot of the missions that our military has to do now. I cannot follow a leader (be it the CINC, the electorate, or one of thier lackeys) that I do not respect. They ask (if this bill passes, force) me to do what needs to be done, no matter what the cost, but are unwilling to do that themselves. Politicos will sacrifice good men and women to bolster thier approval rating but won't sacrifice the same reputation to do what is truly right and just.


No leader in my lifetime has really done anything to make me respect them. I seriously doubt that one will.

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Guest Rane
Cougar, your not going out there dying for your president. Your going out there dying for your pride, your country, your freedom, your moms freedom your future kids freedom, your dads freedom(Who by the way obviously should have used protection.) and the list goes on. People like you are the reason I don't sacrifice what I have to join the military. However, if they truely needed me I still would. But as long as I'm not needed incredibly badly I'm not going to war with people like you dishonoring our country. I offer you this swor...er anyways, they give you the chance to join the reserve for 4 years and get free college. If you refuse and then later on they call your name who's fault is that. If you spit in a kids face who wants to be your friend. What makes you think he is going to give you money once he hits the mega millions? Oh well, think about it.
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Funny to hear this pussy shit. Guess what the IRR is called first, that's Inactive Ready Reserve. Don't worry because people that serve now are making repeated trips(including me) to Iraq so you don't have to go. So feel free to stay a civlian. All those that are too pussy go to Canada or Mexico we don't need you gettin people killed cause you can't pull a fuckin trigger in a fire fight. I CAN talk shit, I know what I can do, and I know 1 shot one kill. AMEN GOD BLESS AMERICA
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Originally posted by Atmosphere:

What was the point of that post? I didn't say that it had happened yet. All I said was that everyone here should take a look at it because it's real. These bills are in the house and senate, and they effect a population on this board. Gonneville stated that if they start up the draft he's buying a rifle, and keyword stated that he doesn't believe it.. Where in any of those posts did anyone say that it wasn't pending?

Your thread title "The draft will Start in 2005".


Sorry to distract away from your attention-grabbing headline, but it is in error. Clearly you are either implying that you believe these bills will pass, or you wish to make others believe that.


We have had several threads on this board about this topic, and while I understand that those of you in the target range are scared stupid about this prospect, understand this: a draft is BAD POLICY for the modern military, and it is BAD POLITICS for elected officials to vote for.


These bills have been proposed for the sole purpose of generating more anti-war sentiment. It will be a cold day in hell before the draft is ever reinstated in this country.


BTW, those of you voting for the first time this year should take a very careful look at the party affiliations of the authors of those bills. You should also investigate whether Bush or Kerry have advocated a draft. The current Secretary of Defense had this to say:


Rumsfeld, while commenting on a bill introduced to initiate the draft, said it was unnecessary.


"We're not going to re-implement a draft," he said Tuesday. "There is no need for it at all."


He is on the record with numerous comments explaining the low value of drafted soldiers and the amount of training the require. He does not see draftees as having any use in the modern military.


Don't want a draft? I guess you'd better think real hard about voting for Bush.

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Originally posted by Sapper21B:

Funny to hear this pussy shit. Guess what the IRR is called first, that's Inactive Ready Reserve. Don't worry because people that serve now are making repeated trips(including me) to Iraq so you don't have to go. So feel free to stay a civlian. All those that are too pussy go to Canada or Mexico we don't need you gettin people killed cause you can't pull a fuckin trigger in a fire fight. I CAN talk shit, I know what I can do, and I know 1 shot one kill. AMEN GOD BLESS AMERICA

Hell yes. Everyone who sees this man should buy him beer. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by Driver:

Welcome to communism.


This is my home and you are my people, I would be honnoered to fight and die defending that.

I will NOT fight and die for some jack ass texans ambitions and poor foreign policy.

that bill has nothing to do with texas. it was written(for the 4th time now) by a north carolina democrat senator. those bills have been in legislation since the draft ended in 1973. and guess what...the democratic jesus(jimmy carter) was the one who required the draft registration process to be picked up after ending in 75.
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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

that bill has nothing to do with texas. it was written(for the 4th time now) by a north carolina democrat senator. those bills have been in legislation since the draft ended in 1973. and guess what...the democratic jesus(jimmy carter) was the one who required the draft registration process to be picked up after ending in 75.

Just goes to show you that people LOVE to hate. Forget research...it's automatically Bush's fault.
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Originally posted by Cougar:

This is gay. Hey everyone, lets go die for our f*cked in the head president while he continues to jack up gas prices. If they force you to leave school, they should at least pay for it.

You stupid mother fucker. Do you know who controls gas prices?
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If you bastards don't like the way this country is ran, or the elected officials.. THEN LEAVE. It's servicemen like Scott and others that give us the the privelege to live in this great country.


Scott... Thank you for putting your life on the line for us.

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Originally posted by Cougar:

This is gay. Hey everyone, lets go die for our f*cked in the head president while he continues to jack up gas prices. If they force you to leave school, they should at least pay for it.

God damn, I should ban you. Ignorant motherfucker.
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