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The Draft will Start in June 2005


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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

it was written(for the 4th time now) by a north carolina democrat senator.

Originally posted by Slowica GT:

Just goes to show you that people LOVE to hate. Forget research...it's automatically Bush's fault.

ABSOL-FUCKING-UTLY! Isn't it amazing how people have heard the same bush bashing bullshit for so long they start to believe the shit without looking at the whole picture.


Eric- I have heard you on many occasions, trying to put yourself above "partisan bullshit" It's nice that you are finally being honest and showing how you really feel.


All I ask for is Consistancy.


BTW to the initial poster: Big deal, PENDING legislation. hell, ,how long has the "No front licence plate bill" been Pending legislation, and it still gets shot down every time.

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Originally posted by STR8 H8:

ABSOL-FUCKING-UTLY! Isn't it amazing how people have heard the same bush bashing bullshit for so long they start to believe the shit without looking at the whole picture.


Eric- I have heard you on many occasions, trying to put yourself above "partisan bullshit" It's nice that you are finally being honest and showing how you really feel.


All I ask for is Consistancy.


BTW to the initial poster: Big deal, PENDING legislation. hell, ,how long has the "No front licence plate bill" been Pending legislation, and it still gets shot down every time.

Exactly, and to the guy that posted the thread, just because the website is named congress does NOT mean it is official, the ONLY official congress website is .gov. I could make www.senate.org, and it would be a college student's website and have nothing to do with the government.

And BTW atmosphere, your reading comprehension needs some help. Both of those bills you posted from the REAL congress website, were the mandatory service bills, not the draft.

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It is a proposed bill in congress. It has a 0 backing meaning its the one douchebag democrat and noone else trying to push this. He is simply trying to get a reaction out of the US. And for you cock holes that blame everything on bush. There is a congress and there are democrats there. There are checks and balances in place that keep everything on the level. DIdnt any of you ignorant fucks graduate from government class? It is a requirement to graduate highschool but since you assume bush has control ont he gas prices i'm gonna bet you havent got that far yet or that you took it on with the amazing effort that you've put into researching anytyhing involving this post or what you've said.


A good argument/statement/point has truth and validity. If you dont have one or either then what you say is bullshit and you're just making yourself look like even more of an ignorant asshole. So please continue bitching, i enjoy seeing what im not going to be raising children to be.

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Originally posted by Tire Killer:

Your thread title "The draft will Start in 2005".


Sorry to distract away from your attention-grabbing headline, but it is in error. Clearly you are either implying that you believe these bills will pass, or you wish to make others believe that.


We have had several threads on this board about this topic, and while I understand that those of you in the target range are scared stupid about this prospect, understand this: a draft is BAD POLICY for the modern military, and it is BAD POLITICS for elected officials to vote for.


These bills have been proposed for the sole purpose of generating more anti-war sentiment. It will be a cold day in hell before the draft is ever reinstated in this country.


BTW, those of you voting for the first time this year should take a very careful look at the party affiliations of the authors of those bills. You should also investigate whether Bush or Kerry have advocated a draft. The current Secretary of Defense had this to say:


Rumsfeld, while commenting on a bill introduced to initiate the draft, said it was unnecessary.


"We're not going to re-implement a draft," he said Tuesday. "There is no need for it at all."


He is on the record with numerous comments explaining the low value of drafted soldiers and the amount of training the require. He does not see draftees as having any use in the modern military.


Don't want a draft? I guess you'd better think real hard about voting for Bush.

Bush isnt all that bad, id watch out for that wishy washy John Kerry........
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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by STR8 H8:

Eric- I have heard you on many occasions, trying to put yourself above "partisan bullshit" It's nice that you are finally being honest and showing how you really feel.

What? He epxressed his opinion. Just because it may or may not match a particular parties/politicans/you views doesn't mean its partisan.


What makes you think that this has to be broken down into DemoRepubliCrat terms? Why can't people have an opinion and ideas without a party affiliation?

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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

What? He epxressed his opinion. Just because it may or may not match a particular parties/politicans/you views doesn't mean its partisan.


What makes you think that this has to be broken down into DemoRepubliCrat terms? Why can't people have an opinion and ideas without a party affiliation?

If you can't see it, it's a lost cause to try to explain it to you.


Anthony, i'm down. Convince the wife. But i'm not sure it will help much, sooner or later they'll find out i'm just a big pussy.

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I posted this thread to get everyone's opinions on it, not for it to turn into a flame war.


"And BTW atmosphere, your reading comprehension needs some help. Both of those bills you posted from the REAL congress website, were the mandatory service bills, not the draft. "



The two bills I posted are the ones that were mentioned in the article that I posted. That's all.


With that said I would like to share my view on this. I'm 18, I've been accepted to The Ohio State University and I really don't want to be drafted in the army, I have too much to live for. I have nothing against Bush, he hasn't done a horrid job; but it hasn't been stellar either. I am registered to vote, and I will vote when the election comes around. Also, if I was drafted I would fight for the country, I would be proud to be defending my country, because it is my country. Just because I don't want to be drafted doesn't mean I wouldn't stand up and fight to defend the United States of America.


Now, about this post.. I probably went about it the wrong way in posting it. I may have seemed biased, I'm not. It was 1:30 in the morning after a long night, and I posted it wanting to hear everyone's opinion.


Also, I realize the article says pending. The title of the thread was an attention grabber, and that's it.


Sorry if by posting this I offended anyone. Also, I didn't know that this thread had been on here numerous times before.. I try to read as much as possible, but I must have missed those threads.

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By the way, you know the draft does not automatically = combat. There are many jobs to be done that do not involve shooting people and being on the front line. If a draft were to happen, I'd bet that very small percent would be sent to the "front lines." Hell, even see any kind of combat.


The U.S. Military has plenty of infantry. Toilet cleaners, clothes menders, and dish washers they do not. I'm sure they would rather have the soldiers resting than cleaning toilets.


I don't necessarily think that the draft will ever be re-instated, and honestly I'm not excited at the thought. But if I'm called up you can bet your ass I'll do it. I love this country and the freedoms we enjoy, and I'll do what I'm asked to do. Even if I have to sell my house and all of my stuff, you can bet I'll do what I have to do. I can buy another house, another car, more stuff. Those things are petty in comparison with protecting democracy and American, hell, ANY lives. Education and your life can be resumed. The life of a person in danger of losing theirs cannot.


Some people need their balls to drop, seriously.

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Guest Ranger_Man



i think some of you need your internet connection taken away permanently before you make the rest of us just as stupid as you are.

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I'm all for it. I, for one, wouldn't have a problem doing it. I personally think the U.S should do like Israel does, and require that ALL people, serve in the military for one year after they get out of highschool. I think this is true. I've heard it somewhere, but it sounds like a GREAT idea. Hell, that whole country is trained for combat, in the event they go to war with someone else.
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Some people need to go to combat and be on the front of it all patroling everyday, being on call 24/7. It changes your perspective on AMERICA, yourself, and everything you take for granted. But one way or another people don't have to worry. And once again practice your freedom of speach, that's why it's there, to talk shit.
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Regardless of it being true or not, I think more people should serve in the military. Give them a greater appreciation for their country, what they have, and why they have it so good. graemlins/thumb.gif


I already did my time, active duty in the Air Force. God bless the USA, greatest country on Earth... smile.gif

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Originally posted by 94whitegsr:

uhhh... dind't he lose the popular vote??

I couldn't imagine where we would be with Gore


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Originally posted by Keyword:

I couldn't imagine where we would be with Gore


We'd be paying $5+ for a gallon of gas, everything possible would be illegal, there would be thought police roaming the streets, we'd be getting attacked on a weekly basis, Europe would be laughing at us for being pussies (wouldn't THAT be ironic), and we'd still be hearing him talking about how he invented the intarweb.


Not a whole lot different than what it will be like if Kerry gets elected.



To the person that started this thread: there will never be another draft without another world war. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. If things actually start to get desperate, then we will just pull out some more interesting weapons, and finish it.


This is probably the 10th thread on here about this bullshit draft rumor, and it was old the first time. Please move on with your life.


Thank you

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OK first off, I will FIGHT and KILL and DIE for the safety of this country. BUT THE WAR IN IRAQ IS NOT ABOUT THE SAFETY OF OUR FUCKING COUNTRY AND WE SHOULD NOT BE THERE anyone who thinks that Iraq was legitimately part of the "War on Terror" is a fucking moron and I will say that to their face! We should be worrying about North Korea, they've been talking a LOT of shit, and Bush is pulling troops from there to go to Iraq!

Terrorism did not EXIST in Iraq before the US put it's nose in. If we had waited five more years, the country would have collapsed anyway. My Uncle Bill was in Vietnam when the Tet Offensive started, why don't some of you read up on that, and then compare the death-toll to what's happening in Iraq right now. What should have been done, when we advocated civil rebellion in Iraq after the Gulf War, we should have stuck to the promises we made and provided the arms that we guaranteed! Thank Bush Sr. for fucking up that one.

As for Aphganistan, notice that we hear very little from there lately, does anyone even think Osama's still there?

Al-quaida should have been dealt with after the Cole was attacked, when they were still fairly centralized. Not just the little Tomahawk POS they dropped on ONE camp, but Daisy-Cutters on every known Al-Quaida camp out there. Thank you Billy-boy.

As for Bush being our "Elected President", did I vote for him? No, and neither did well over half of the rest of the country! Bush got the Presidency though a combination of imcompetency, corruption, and overwhelming financial advantage un-heard in this country before. And, it's not just the War in Iraq that makes me call him an idot, look how badly he and his cronies have fucked up our economy! The only reason he is still in office is that the Founding Fathers never thought to include a no-confidence-vote measure in the Constitution.


I support our troops in Iraq, Aphganistan, and around the world, BUT I WILL NOT DIE FOR THE POLITICAL AMBITIONS OF AN IDIOT.

And, yes, we should look at who is advocating these bills, notice, maybe, that they're being pushed by people that have NEVER been in the military.

I can handle a rifle as well as anybody and if any country is ever stupid enough to set their army's feet on our shores, I will be out in the woods with a whole Hell of a lot of ammo.

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Originally posted by Bananular:

You stupid mother fucker. Do you know who controls gas prices?

Yes, OPEC, and who do you think got THEM pissed off at Western civilization? If you want to get a little more local, how about BP, Exxon, Texaco? Guess who BUSH gave massive tax cuts to? Not to mention making it easier for them to shleter their taxable earnings?
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Originally posted by GonneVille:

OK first off, I will FIGHT and KILL and DIE for the safety of this country. BUT THE WAR IN IRAQ IS NOT ABOUT THE SAFETY OF OUR FUCKING COUNTRY AND WE SHOULD NOT BE THERE anyone who thinks that Iraq was legitimately part of the "War on Terror" is a fucking moron and I will say that to their face! We should be worrying about North Korea, they've been talking a LOT of shit, and Bush is pulling troops from there to go to Iraq!

Terrorism did not EXIST in Iraq before the US put it's nose in. If we had waited five more years, the country would have collapsed anyway. My Uncle Bill was in Vietnam when the Tet Offensive started, why don't some of you read up on that, and then compare the death-toll to what's happening in Iraq right now. What should have been done, when we advocated civil rebellion in Iraq after the Gulf War, we should have stuck to the promises we made and provided the arms that we guaranteed! Thank Bush Sr. for fucking up that one.

As for Aphganistan, notice that we hear very little from there lately, does anyone even think Osama's still there?

Al-quaida should have been dealt with after the Cole was attacked, when they were still fairly centralized. Not just the little Tomahawk POS they dropped on ONE camp, but Daisy-Cutters on every known Al-Quaida camp out there. Thank you Billy-boy.

As for Bush being our "Elected President", did I vote for him? No, and neither did well over half of the rest of the country! Bush got the Presidency though a combination of imcompetency, corruption, and overwhelming financial advantage un-heard in this country before. And, it's not just the War in Iraq that makes me call him an idot, look how badly he and his cronies have fucked up our economy! The only reason he is still in office is that the Founding Fathers never thought to include a no-confidence-vote measure in the Constitution.


I support our troops in Iraq, Aphganistan, and around the world, BUT I WILL NOT DIE FOR THE POLITICAL AMBITIONS OF AN IDIOT.

And, yes, we should look at who is advocating these bills, notice, maybe, that they're being pushed by people that have NEVER been in the military.

I can handle a rifle as well as anybody and if any country is ever stupid enough to set their army's feet on our shores, I will be out in the woods with a whole Hell of a lot of ammo.

The mis-information in that was amazing.


First off, the current president takes the economy of the President before him. When Clinton was leaving office, the economy was already in a downturn. Clinton just rode out 8 years of a good economy with NO CRISIS. Clinton did not have a 9/11 happen!

2. The war in Iraq is part of the war on Terror, it is the U.S. going on the offensive. Saddam was a psycho. Plus, with the U.S. being able to have bases and such in a portion of the world that is so unstable is a big plus. It is a good idea.

3. Korea's nukes could maybe, MAYBE hit Japan. They are nothing to worry about.

4. One of your Democrats is the one that proposed the bill

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