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Tailgating / The Worst Offense


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Wanted to share / while driving home from work yesterday, west on rt 270, 2 miles before Sawmill Rd exit - IT'S BACKED UP!! Sooo I get in far left lane going 60 mph (have adequate space from car in front of me), ergo NOBODY'S GOING ANYWHERE IN A HURRY - I get a clown trying to kiss backside of my vette. He's driving a white honda civic with a burned out headlight. When I get the chance, I promptly move into other lane, he gets beside me with 2 other guys in his car & they're looking at me like I'm nuts? One thing leads to the next, we exchange the finger & other hand signals??? Then they follow me - I'm real HOT now & pull off at Dublin exit - of course they head on down rt33 leaving more hand signals for me. I don't understand why people can't drive & worse then proceed to push themselves as (rightoeus?) on folks that are driving properly?? & not bothering anyone. Just seems this type of thing is going on more & more. Had he hit me because I had to stop for something in front of me / I might be in jail today for what I'd have done to him & his friends. Sorry for venting & going on & on, this just infuriates me --- :mad:
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I see it everyday. People have no problem getting right under my bumper so that I can't see there front end anymore and I'll be going 75 and they won't pass on the left. They just flash head lights swirve around and honk.



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That shit pisses me off to no fucking end. Was driving the AE86 last night, going a good 80MPH on 270 (well after 2 AM), and this douche in some beat ass truck starts tailgating, and trying to pass me using the right shoulder, but there's just not enough room for him to do that. There's MORE then enough room for douche to go around and pass on the left, but he thinks it's better to tailgate and swerve around. Almost was enough to make me wish I had a "spray oil on road behind you" button in my car.
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Guest jpurdy2003

Remember, if you brake-check them and they're tailgating, their insurance pays, and you may even be able to get something from them in a civil case (unlikely, but possible). I brake checked people constantly in the RX7, knowing full well that their insurance would probably wind up buying me one in better shape. They never hit me though. :sad:


I also have a Snapple Peach Iced Tea Addiction, and I keep an empty bottle on the passenger's seat to thow if need be, plus several dead D batteries.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Doug:

Don't let that stuff get to yeah. Life goes on. smile.gif

I don't fuck with tailgaters because of anger, resentment, or bitterness. I do it because it's fun, and potentially profitable.
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Guest Ranger_Man

when i had my beater no one would tailgate me. rather unfortunate i must say.


while driving the 240 if someone tailgates me i downshift and keep the car at the same speed and let that fucker choke on unfiltered exhaust fumes.

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Originally posted by The DropTop:

I like my car, so I try not to let them hit it. smile.gif


But i drop it down into 3rd and engine brake, no lights, but the car still slows. :D


If necesary I'll pace the car next to me so they can't get around.

I do the same thing, especially when I'm in my car and can accelerate quick, I'll usually try to trap tailgaters against a semi-truck or other traffic in a middle lane so they can't do shit.
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Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

I brake checked people constantly in the RX7, knowing full well that their insurance would probably wind up buying me one in better shape. They never hit me though. :sad:


Funny how that works isn't it? When people pull out and cut it close on left hand turns like morons. I barely slow down if any. The nose on my firebird is all scratched and nasty, I'm just hoping for that new one. smile.gif
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graemlins/nonono.gif Smooth driving always is better then trying to intimidate people into moving over. People need to just learn to find the ideal path to take to get through a patch of traffic without driving like douchebags.


To me the best revenge is to find that path, take it, and leave them stuck in a patch of traffic still fighting to get through.

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Kevin R.:

So if a witness sees you break check them it is still their fault for not keeping a safe distance?

why no its not if you happen to see something in the road.
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Originally posted by Kevin R.:

So if a witness sees you break check them it is still their fault for not keeping a safe distance?

No there has been mnay court cases in recent years for this. If a witness sees you "break check" someone and it causes an accident you can be not only found at fault but charge with wreakless operation. If you do it and it leads to an accident that results in a fatality you will be charged with homicide.


Guy in cincinnati a few years ago break checked a woman becasue he felt she was riding his ass. She swerved to the berm to miss him and rearended a semi stopped on the berm. She was pregant and lost the baby. Another motorist saw the accident testified in court backing up what the lady said about him break checking her and he is nw serving a 5-7 yr prision term can't remember which it was.

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i just go fast enough all the time to never worry about tailgaters, cause if they are going to tailgate me well into triple digits i glady let them get around me and wave with admiration, cause if someone will follow me going that fast they have earned my respect or fear

and really if someone is behind you and wants to get around just let them, now if they are going to go around you and only go 5 mph faster than you that pisses me off or go around you then get in front of you, the only time i let someone i know if front of me know that i want around is when i am wanting to do 20+ more than them

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