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The Butteryfly Effect


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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Ya know, I had somethin here before, but I've changed my mind. Yeah, there is one thing I wish I could change in my life, but that doesn't help anything. All I have to say is there are some things you can't take back, so just think about stuff before you do it.


It's nothing serious, just something personal I regret.

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i would have bought a diesel rabbit in high school, ,and saved ass loads of money, and be driving a much faster car than my current turdstang.


EDIT: Wait, i take that back, I regret not telling my parrents to buy microsoft stock as a child and making them buy it till it hurt.

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I'd have not had that last cigarette in the Naval Hospital parking lot before leaving to drive Tina back to the Naval Base I was stationed at.


That was a three minute cig. If I'd have left three minutes earlier from the hospital, I'd have never gotten into my accident where I broke my neck and she impacted her clavicle. That three minute window was enough to have never been in the same area as the jackass who hit us and ran us off of the road.


Three minutes. It can change your life.

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Guest Elinar Longsight

I would have stopped my uncle from pulling that trigger. :(


Beyond that, every regret I have I wouldn't want to change because it would change what I have now, my kids and my husband.

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I would have had a better study/work ethic in high school. the study habits i carried into college were terrible. I was in college for 3 quarters and quit twice. Now, I'm thinking the military is going to change it. Hopefully it does.
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3 days ago I woulda kept Jack from going in that apartment on his 18th and getting blown to pieces.


Guy who shot him said he kicked in the door and tried to rob them. Door is in perfect condition. Other people said he went in at 10:30 and got shot at 12:30. The guy was a barber as well, dunno if he was getting his haircut, or really trying to rob the guy but...

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Guest GSRchick714

I would have gone away to college instead of staying in Columbus.

I also would have tryed to have a better relationship with my dad so that we could be on better terms now....

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Originally posted by Rane:

3 days ago I woulda kept Jack from going in that apartment on his 18th and getting blown to pieces.


Guy who shot him said he kicked in the door and tried to rob them. Door is in perfect condition. Other people said he went in at 10:30 and got shot at 12:30. The guy was a barber as well, dunno if he was getting his haircut, or really trying to rob the guy but...

HUH? Was this a friend of yours or?
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I'm working hard and I have a good life...there is a very fine balance between doing what you WANT to do in life and doing what you NEED to do. Successful people are able to manage that balance and still able to achieve greater and greater things.


I have done many painful things that (at a time) I've regretted, but I do a great job of learning from my mistakes. If I could change anything, I would like to have kept up with my fitness regimen from college, instead of playing catch-up 4 years later :D

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