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eminem vs. bush

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

with this huge effort to over come the apathy of youth, I wonder if it will actually have an effect on the turnout of the younger demographic.

i hope it doesn't, cause most of them will just go by whatever rhetoric the candidate they choose to go with and not look into things
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wow. thats a really cool video, graphically speaking. and, eminem is still lyrically one of the best rappers ive ever heard.


its too bad hes a horrible human being with a wrong minded mesage thats too stupid and too much of a sheep to realize that republican presidents are good for him.

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Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

i hope it doesn't, cause most of them will just go by whatever rhetoric the candidate they choose to go with and not look into things

Unlike every other American?


Unless you live outside the USA, chances are good that you are a victim of political rhetoric. You just choose to think that you are more informed since your rhetoric was neatly packaged in a "non biased" source.


I truly believe that anyone who whole heartedly supports either candidate (especially bush ;) ) is either deliberately ignorant of the laundry list of weaknesses they each present, is entirely naive in general, or stands something to gain personally.


["You" doesnt mean you Adam]

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Unlike every other American?


Unless you live outside the USA, chances are good that you are a victim of political rhetoric. You just choose to think that you are more informed since your rhetoric was neatly packaged in a "non biased" source.


Let me fill you in from personal experience: people outside the US are just as dumbass as we and just as swayed by media bias and soundbytes and all the other stuff that beguiles "us stupid americans".


I can say that after spending weeks chatting with my inlaws in Holland on a recent trip this fall. Their teenagers and twentysomethings are just as vapid and shallow as ours are: although polite, they're often just as quick to fire off some quip they caught on MTV Euro, and then have nothing to back it up. And their adults are just as prone to propaganda (Oh, anyone remember last century, btw?)


Oh and as for Kerry or Bush - I honestly don't care, we're screwed either way. Though I like Cheney a HELL of a lot more than Edward for three reasons: 1- He's not a lawyer, 2- He's retiring after this term, 3 - Edward looks like Sam Neil in "Omen".... *shudder*

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Originally posted by Orion:

...republican presidents are good for him.

Maybe he has enough depth and caring as a human being to realize that when voting for anything it's not what's best for him, but what's best for that greater good. Not saying that is necessarily the case, just what popped into my head when I saw that.


If you are saying "I'm voting for Bush because I want my taxes lowered" hang yourself.


Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

true, i guess every age group has its misinformed people, just seems like younger high school kids seem to have higher numbers than most

Pepole are generally dumb and uninformed regardless of their age group.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Neo:

Maybe he has enough depth and caring as a human being to realize that when voting for anything it's not what's best for him, but what's best for that greater good. Not saying that is necessarily the case, just what popped into my head when I saw that.


If you are saying "I'm voting for Bush because I want my taxes lowered" hang yourself.


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

true, i guess every age group has its misinformed people, just seems like younger high school kids seem to have higher numbers than most

Pepole are generally dumb and uninformed regardless of their age group.</font>This man speaks truth. The vast majority of the American electorate is too intellectually lazy to understand complex issues. This is why campaigns live or die by ten-second soundbites, and little thought is given to laying out real plans for their next term. Even if Kerry could finance his plans, they'd never get through a republican congress, but the average voter doesn't take the time to realize this. On the other side, Bush has taken absolutely no responsibility for his numerous fuck-ups. As my sig says, this is truly like choosing between herpes and AIDS. Either way, we're screwed, but the question is how bad the screwing will be.
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Originally posted by Neo:

Maybe he has enough depth and caring as a human being to realize that when voting for anything it's not what's best for him, but what's best for that greater good.

That's why I'm voting for Bush. smile.gif


Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

with this huge effort to over come the apathy of youth, I wonder if it will actually have an effect on the turnout of the younger demographic.

I think it's funny how everybody thinks young voter = democrat. Yesterday I got a complimentary Rolling Stone, with John Kerry on the front cover, 6 days till election, and I live in Ohio. Wow what a nice totally random suprise! :rolleyes:


Over half of these efforts to get young people to vote, push Kerry on them. All these bands, Michael Moore, etc. are very biased. Like on South Park, they just want them to vote because they think they will vote for their candidate. Other groups, like Rock the Vote, seem to be non-partisan and present all sides, they let young voters make up their own mind, which is great.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

...because Eminem is such a great role model!

and a coke snorting, service dodging president is?


i know i'm going to get hell for that but, seriously don't glorify the man, he's just...a man.

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Maybe he has enough depth and caring as a human being to realize that when voting for anything it's not what's best for him, but what's best for that greater good.
jesse, in case you hadnt noticed, thats an eminem video. eminem. just thought id point that out.
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Originally posted by Orion:

jesse, in case you hadnt noticed, thats an eminem video. eminem. just thought id point that out.

Just in case you hadn't noticed, Eminem is an entertainer. I'd almost put money on the fact that he doesn’t act or think like his 'character'. I also do not think that we should listen to what entertainers have to say about politics (F.A.G.), as you implied. I did not imply that in my post.


Regardless, that was not the point of my post. I did also say "Not saying that is necessarily the case, just what popped into my head when I saw that”, which you so conveniently left out. I wasn't trying to say anything specifically about Eminem, because I don't know him and neither do you, but more of a generalized statement to make people think about why they are voting for who (or what) they are voting for. Saying "a republican president is good for ME" is not the right attitude to have about voting for a president (or issue). Having pride in this country is not about self-preservation. The men and women on the front lines exemplify that. It seems as if Steve understood my post, and I bet you did too, you just felt like being argumentative. If that’s not the case, I hope I explain myself better this time around.

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