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Q for those who lift Heavy things (Exercise)


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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Books are often filled with outdated info. I work out at california fitness in Reynoldsburg. If you went with me (and DJ) You would learn a whole lot.

Muscle science dosent really change though, much...I mean a book from the 70s is a little out dated but anything within a few years would be ideal. People have been getting built for a long time, and there are only so many ways to do it.
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Originally posted by B:

Muscle science dosent really change though, much...I mean a book from the 70s is a little out dated but anything within a few years would be ideal. People have been getting built for a long time, and there are only so many ways to do it.

Like roids? ;)tongue.gif


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Originally posted by B:

Muscle science dosent really change though, much...I mean a book from the 70s is a little out dated but anything within a few years would be ideal. People have been getting built for a long time, and there are only so many ways to do it.

Ya that is what I was thinking I want to get a good grasp on the principles and muscles as far as what vitiamns and minerals are needed, when is a good time to lift what should be eaten while lifting etc etc.

I have a basic understanding from lifting in school but I never learned the other stuff that goes with it.

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Originally posted by B:

best post you ever made...hahaha

Get a nutrition book if your interested in the proper foods to eat.

Ya I am reading "Nutrition for dummies" at the moment and it is pretty good as it is basic since as we could tell I did not know how to eat well before, so I am learning that. But what about tips and tricks and a good outline on putting together a good rutine (SP?) and I would think I would need to take additional supliments while lifting hard, But I don't want to be trying to figure out what is the "net greatest thing" and what I need to take to see good results. I am not looking to be Ronnie coleman or what not, as I am big enough and I don't want to be "cut" just fit and maybe slght abs would be good
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Arnold has a pretty comprehensive book on lifting. Not sure what the title is off the top of my head. I'll see if i can dig it up this weekend when i go home. By comprehensive i mean as thick as the yellow pages, but man is there a lotta info in that bish.
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