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Rant about ignorant neighbors...

Guest Harris92

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Guest Harris92
So Im cruising in my neighborhood with my girlfriend in her car (pgsrt4) and we are going pretty slow because it was trick-or-treat night in my neighborhood, when we hear something hit the side of her car, and she said that was the second time she had heard that noise going by this house. So we turn around to go talk to the owners of the house and see if one of their kids threw something. We arrive at the house to find out it was a group of ADULTS that threw something at the car because they thought she was speeding when she was going 22! WTF!! We were both very pissed off, and it became a heated conversation. I told them if I ever see them throw anything at my car, my girlfriends car, or any other fucking car I see on the streets, Im going to call the cops, and I told them I might call them anyway. When we were leaving we found pellets from a pellet gun on the driveway right where they were sitting!! Im watching this house like a hawk and waiting to call the cops next time they try to start shit. How can grown adults justify throwing and (shooting) objects at moving cars when they are driving in neighborhoods? They say they are just trying to keep their kids safe. :rolleyes: I cant wait until they try to start shit with me... :mad:
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I'd call the cops and make a report (altho it is probably too late now). First off, they have no right to damage anything that is not theirs. Unfortionatly, we had a similar problem on sat. night. Our neighbors came onto our property and paintballed my mom's Expedition, and my brothers F150. We've been building a case on them for almost a year now. The cop said that we are doing the right thing by filing reports to build a report and take them to court. It sounds like you should do the same thing! (Even if you are just a witness to it, call and report it!)
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Yeah, I would think if every time it happened you called the cops and had them come to file a report you could eventually build a case on them. Plus I would think a pellet gun would leave some kind of mark on her car, unfortunate. But that, along with pellets in their drive way makes for a pretty good report against them.


Situation really sucks and I’m sorry to hear about it. Hopefully they either quit before something serious happens, or you can get the cops out next time and 'make' them quit.


I can’t sit here and say I wouldn’t do something stupid in the heat of the moment if they did the same thing to me. I will try to say, not being in the situation, try not to do anything stupid that could get you in trouble.

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Yeap, good luck building a case man, next time they shoot them pellets at you, get a paintball gun and shoot it back at them! Two wrongs dont' make a right but it sure does make you feel a hell of a whole lot better!
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they wanted to keep their kids safe but yet they were shooting pellet guns wild into the street?! wtf, what if a pellet bounced of the car and hit one of the kids...im sure theyd feel real shitty then
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I have kids and hate people driving fast by my house. My kid knows to stay out of the street but things happen and he might run after something. If you don't want to slow down at my request that is fine, but if you hit my kid because you are stupid you will die.


I never take it any further than yelling for them to slow down, and I certainly wouldn't shoot a pellet gun at a car, that is just plain dumb.

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Originally posted by 1SLOMOFO:

Yeap, good luck building a case man, next time they shoot them pellets at you, get a paintball gun and shoot it back at them! Two wrongs dont' make a right but it sure does make you feel a hell of a whole lot better!

Remember what happened to the Amish guys hiding in a cornfield that were throwing tomatos at cars? No, I don't suggest shooting these people with a shotgun. If your/her car is damaged, file a report with the police.
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hahah I am not american so I won't know the story of the amish guys lol! but not a shot gun for sure! hahah a paintball gun should survise! But yeah on a sensible note, deffinetly seek legal action.
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Guest Harris92

Thanks for the responses everyone. We checked her car for damage, and their is just a small scratch from where they threw some kind of ball at her car.

These people mentioned a pellet gun out of the blue,(we had said nothing about a pellet gun, we just thought they threw a ball of some sort), this of course raised our suspiscions. Ryan then looked down and saw pellets scattered where they were sitting on the driveway. we suspect they were shooting them at other cars. I will be watching these reckless people, waiting for them to do something again, and I will get cops all over their ass. Ignorant people are sooo frustrating. :mad:

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Originally posted by Harris92:

Thanks for the responses everyone. We checked her car for damage, and their is just a small scratch from where they threw some kind of ball at her car.

These people mentioned a pellet gun out of the blue,(we had said nothing about a pellet gun, we just thought they threw a ball of some sort), this of course raised our suspiscions. Ryan then looked down and saw pellets scattered where they were sitting on the driveway. we suspect they were shooting them at other cars. I will be watching these reckless people, waiting for them to do something again, and I will get cops all over their ass. Ignorant people are sooo frustrating. :mad:

Drew, dont get mad, get even ;)


I have pellet guns:)


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They also shut their dooe in our faces when my mom and I went up to their house later that evening to confront them about it. What assholes, I grabbed a bunch of pellets out of their driveway just in case. I'm so pissed off about that too. What logic does it make to shoot pellets guns during Trick-or-Treat night to get some people to slow down. First off if someone shot at me I wouldn't slow down I would get my car out of their then call the cops and secondly hello little kids running around in dark halloween costumes? Logic? Hmmm... Oh thats right there is none. WTF!!!!!!!! :mad:
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I'm really trying to adjust to living in Columbus, but things like this really enforce the "cow town" stereotype.


I would call the police the first time. I wouldn't even talk to them. If someone is shooting a pellet gun, they are already 1) unreasonable, and 2) dangerous.

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The sad thing is that they probably were shooting pellets at cars for fun and just came up with the "protecting the kids from speeders" thing when you confronted them about it.
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1st you have criminal damaging, your car.

2nd you have possible aggravated assault 2 counts you and your gilfriend and they used a weapon, the pellet gun. A felony.

3rd you can still file a police report even though you should have called that night.

Good luck and remember call the police thats what we are there for, to serve and protect.

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