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Stop Arresting soldiers?

Devils Advocate

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I just saw on the news that more soldiers have been arrest for... Using abandoned trucks in the middle east to deliver gas to other troops, because they were not provided with proper equipment to do so.


Let's break this down:

1. Troops are given an objective.

2. troops are not provided with the means to reach aforementioned objective by their commanding officers/government.

3. Troops decide to use the resourcefullness that god gave them and that their commanding officers have trained into them. Troops accomplish objective, presumably without extensive damage to equipment or fellow soldiers.

4. ten years ago, troops would have recieved an award for their resourcefullness.

5. Now, what with today's extremely fucked up governmental structure and the fact that everyone in the world has a really sweaty vagina, the troops are sent to jail for SIX MONTHS.



Why in the fuck would anyone want to join the military? "Sure, we want you to risk your lives for us, but if you fuck up at ALL, you have no rights and will be sent to jail for all of your troubles... Sorry, but we have to please the people who are trying to kill us." Fuck that shit. :mad::mad::mad:

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whats even more fucked up is on christmas wishlists soldiers are askign for underwear, socks, toothpaste , and batteries for their night vision goggles.


some how people say they voted for this president because he supported troops? sorry to bring this in to discussion but seriously wtf.

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

This message brought to you by the Bush administration.



On a side note, break a law, get punished, dont care who you are. We're supposed to be a great nation, lets act like it and set an exmple.

... The trucks were abandoned, and I imagine were returned unharmed. Wartime law in another country and peacetime law here are (should be) two totally different things.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

The trucks were abandoned, and I imagine were returned unharmed. Wartime law in another country and peacetime law here are (should be) two totally different things.

First off, this isnt a war. Congress never declared war, this, like vietnam, is legaly considered a "conflict".

Laws concerning this were determined back in the ol geneva convention.

I honnestly dont see any problem with commndeering abandoned vehicles, but some one obviously had a problem with it, or else we wouldn't hve herd about it. Why is a functional vehicle abandoned? In that nation, functional machinery is precious. It's easy to beleive that they needed a truc, so they took one that was "abandoned" in some one's driveway/yard/feild etc, and the info was sufficiently "softened" by the time it got to us Yanks. If some one runs out of gas and abandons a car on the side of the highway, are you allowed to take it home?

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The Bush admin = idiots. Orders were put in by armed forces for more armor 6 months ago, and the Bush admin is just now starting to look at those orders (true story). No I'm not turning this into a Kerry vs. Bush deal here. But let's face it, this is getting out of hand. Hell, the other day on CNN, a mother was talking to her son on a cell phone he got, and he's out on a mission. He's whispering to her how they have no armor at all and have been on a mission with heavy fire for 1 week, and have been calling in tanks and planes to no avail. Him and 4 other troops were killed 3 days later. Enough said.
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I love how ther are several anti Bush comments here, even though there is a VERY public movement by the elite left to screw this war up in any way, shape or form possible. It would be interenting to see who it was that brought the charges, we know that lawyers prosicuted the case, and you will look long and hard to find a consertive lawyer. It is also up to a fairly biased media to report the story. And to omit facts in the case that are relivant to it. Hell, lets take a look at the history of the media. NBC packs an S-10 with C4 and sets it off as a car is rammed into the side of the pickup to demonstrate that they experience fuel tank ruptures and fires. Never mind that the blew the car into orbit, Hollywood couldn't have done it better.

Receintly, CBS and the hometown hero/facist, Dan "Rather lie than have a dull newscase" Rather, took bogus documents, from a KNOWN highly biased person and reported them as news, either without checking them out for authenticity, or KNOWING they were bogus and using them anyhow.


We have seen "The Vault of mobster Al Capone" be broken into by Rivaria, he be beaten down by a KKK member, and had the show that started the daytime Shock Shows" like Montell and Springer, and whats he get for his efforts, a reporters job at CNN where he goes to Kuwait during the first gulf war and gives up the position of American forces. This asshat is credible??? and somehow we should believe that even if he's not credible, that the rest of CNN is??? Are you on drugs????? If they would employ a sack of shit like Riveria, that's cliam to fame is a two hour show about breaking down a wall, claiming it that "All the hidden riches of Al Capone's mob empire" to lay on the otherside of it. Then finding NOTHING, not so much as some change dropped on the floor.

And I know this wasn't the only time he looked stupid on national TV I just can't remember the other show he did that was equally as stupid.


I am also curious about one thing, since when is the president GOD????? God, according to the bible, or our parents or whoever is this all knowing all seeing being that knows what every single individual is doing, saying or thinking at any time. So Bush knew that this guy took an abandon truck, even as he was doing it, saw him do whatever he did with the truck, saw him get arrested, charged, inprisoned and court marshaled.

And did nothing about it. I now have even less understanding of the left, they renounce God, run him out of existance, remove his name from schools and public buildings. Yet they expect that the president of the United States to have God like powers and KNOW everything about everyone at all times. Put down the crack pipe and come back to reality ya'll!

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Originally posted by desperado:

I love how ther are several anti Bush comments here

In case you didnt notice it was pretty evenly divided back in november so that should show you that not everyone supports the redneck in office or his war.


I think that 6 months is more than extreme. Its unfortunate even more so at this time of the year. As long as they weren't fucking anything up by doing so I dont see why its such a big deal.

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Originally posted by desperado:

Put down the crack pipe and come back to reality ya'll!

Your grasp of political reality is almost as brilliant as your spelling.

How can you support the Bush administration, when every day we hear new reports (From all but the most rabidly conservative news agencies)of how poorly the War in Iraq has been handled.

We have troops without body armor, vehicles without armor or with inadequate armor or with "hillbilly armor"(And don't give me that rag about the liberal press "undermining" the war effort, the improvised armor story broke well before the insurgency got going, and the administration did nothing.).

We have a no-bid contract to a company Dicky-Boy used to work for, which subsequently overcharged the government and shortchanged the troops.

We have an IRR call-up that is calling back people who had no idea that they COULD be called up.

And let's not forget that were still best buddies with the Saudi royal family, whose own people want out of power so badly that they are willing to kidnap and kill to accomplish that goal. Not to metion that most of the terrorists involved in 9/11 were Saudi. Has Bush said one damn word about that?

We have an election in the Ukraine that is so bogus that the Moscow party tried to poison the winner in order to stay in power, the same Moscow party that is backed so heavily by Putin, who is hauling Russia back into communism by the ankle. And yet Bush has not even asked Putin to denounce their actions, and even seems to be good friends with the commie bastard.

Just so you don't think that I'm harping on the bad points and ignoring his grasp of domestic fuck-ups, how about "No Child Left Behind"?

An unfunded mandate to already badly under-funded schools, that requires all teachers to be "highly qualified", but sets no actual standard.

How about social security? Bush wants to give "younger workers" private accounts in which to invest their social security earnings? Nevermind that this would cost trillions of dollars and leave a tax gap a small moon could pass through unnoticed. And nevermind that most "young workers" have all the investment sense of a dairy cow (myself included).

Let's not forget that Bush and his cronies pushed through a huge tax-cut for their own tax-bracket at the same time that they were pushing an $87,000,000,000 spending bill for the war(Which didn't even begin to cover the actual cost of the war.).

No matter how hard I look, I cannot find ONE DAMN THING that Bush has done right. And it seems that, somehow, HE can't find one thing he did WRONG.

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jesus, whatever the man does he gets critized for, even if it is for different sides of an issue, and i am still trying to figure out why bush being a christian is bad?? and how people think that it is just bush for not getting supplies to the troops i mean hell none of that stuff goes through congres at all, jesus eric get in here and talk, cause at least you have some sense in issues, the retards talking in here are fucking stupid
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

jesus, whatever the man does he gets critized for, even if it is for different sides of an issue, and i am still trying to figure out why bush being a christian is bad?? and how people think that it is just bush for not getting supplies to the troops i mean hell none of that stuff goes through congres at all, jesus eric get in here and talk, cause at least you have some sense in issues, the retards talking in here are fucking stupid

No need to bash desperado.
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Originally posted by GonneVille:

Your grasp of political reality is almost as brilliant as your spelling.

How can you support the Bush administration, when every day we hear new reports (From all but the most rabidly conservative news agencies)of how poorly the War in Iraq has been handled.

We have troops without body armor, vehicles without armor or with inadequate armor or with "hillbilly armor"(And don't give me that rag about the liberal press "undermining" the war effort, the improvised armor story broke well before the insurgency got going, and the administration did nothing.).

We have a no-bid contract to a company Dicky-Boy used to work for, which subsequently overcharged the government and shortchanged the troops.

We have an IRR call-up that is calling back people who had no idea that they COULD be called up.

And let's not forget that were still best buddies with the Saudi royal family, whose own people want out of power so badly that they are willing to kidnap and kill to accomplish that goal. Not to metion that most of the terrorists involved in 9/11 were Saudi. Has Bush said one damn word about that?

We have an election in the Ukraine that is so bogus that the Moscow party tried to poison the winner in order to stay in power, the same Moscow party that is backed so heavily by Putin, who is hauling Russia back into communism by the ankle. And yet Bush has not even asked Putin to denounce their actions, and even seems to be good friends with the commie bastard.

Just so you don't think that I'm harping on the bad points and ignoring his grasp of domestic fuck-ups, how about "No Child Left Behind"?

An unfunded mandate to already badly under-funded schools, that requires all teachers to be "highly qualified", but sets no actual standard.

How about social security? Bush wants to give "younger workers" private accounts in which to invest their social security earnings? Nevermind that this would cost trillions of dollars and leave a tax gap a small moon could pass through unnoticed. And nevermind that most "young workers" have all the investment sense of a dairy cow (myself included).

Let's not forget that Bush and his cronies pushed through a huge tax-cut for their own tax-bracket at the same time that they were pushing an $87,000,000,000 spending bill for the war(Which didn't even begin to cover the actual cost of the war.).

No matter how hard I look, I cannot find ONE DAMN THING that Bush has done right. And it seems that, somehow, HE can't find one thing he did WRONG.

Damn dude, do you have Fuckinhype 9/11 running in a loop on your TV or what????


Armor= well, whe it's time for war, you go, armor or no armor. We been at this for over a year, there were more troops killed on D-Day (one day) than there have been in this whole war. Someone is doing something right. It's war, people do tend to die in a war.


no bid contracts= well it was between two companies that could do the job correctly the one we choose and Slumberjay (SP) a faggot FRENCH company, so I assume that we should have gave those billions to the faggot french, and listened to the media bitch about that. Try again!


Putin and elections, well, if yo are so fucking worried about it, go over and meet with Putin your damn self. You ever consider that we might ont know what all has been said between Putin and Bush?


No child left behind, gee, the numbers are getting better for test scores. And underfunded schools. Here's a tip, go look at the omst highly funded school district in the USA right now, it's in Washington DC. And it has the LOWEST TEST SCORES!!! Funding education IS important, I will grant you that. Throwing money at any problem is like expecting YOU to understand the truth about this shit. Maybe it's just that YOU got left behind.


Lastly, medicare is funded to 2050 by numerous independant accountants figures. So your grandmother is NOT going to be eating dog food. Fuck, you sound like Al fucking Gore and his bullshit. It's MY FUCKING MONEY, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO WITH IT AS I PLEASE. Where do you get off thinking that the goverment should take MY money and invest it for me. I can handle that. As far as the smarts of the young workers today. We are back to a sink or swim mentality, don't fucking worry about them or about me. We'll get through it and not need the goverment to hold our hands in the process. If you need your hand held hire yourself a Nanny, leave the rest of us to do as WE like.

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No, we are just enjoying the fact we have a down to earth republican in the white house that's not no afraid to do shit that makes him look bad even if its' good for the nation and the world as a whole. And yes, we DO understand what he's saying, ALL the time.

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Hold up here folks. I served in the military during the clinton administration and we had the same problems. It isn't the particular party's fault that this is like this.


You cannot yell at a recruit in boot camp, or hit him/her. That is the problem right there, toughen them up or they will advance into the upper ranks as pussies.


The US people haven't seen a conflict in a while and want the government to spend less on defense. If you don't want taxed, don't complain when we don't have a prepared military. I think everyone was mad during 9/11 but rather than create taxes to get money for the military our government handed out money to stimulate the economy. Who is to say which way would have worked better.

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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

the retards talking in here are fucking stupid

I assume he was referring to my comment. I said it specifically to be an asshole. Call me bitter that the dubya got re-elected b/c of his "christian values". Dont resort to name calling b/c someone insulted your bf. Unless I call you a douche I dont see why your panties are bunched up.


Get back on topic. They got the shaft for what they did. The guys beating the shit of prisoners maybe deserved what they got but this is a little far, imo.

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Originally posted by Mr Blunt 2gnt:

Call me bitter that the dubya got re-elected b/c of his "christian values".

What I want to know is who came up with this "Christian Values" got Bush reelected horseshit? I seriously don't think it had as much to do with the election as the Lefties would like to think. Stop making fucking excuses.
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