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Movie Review: Kill Bill Vol. 2


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Summary: Extending from where the first one left off, Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman) continues her quest to kill her former "master" Bill (David Carradine) for shooting her in the head during a wedding rehearsal 4 years earlier, leaving her in a coma for that entire time.


Pros: More of a plot-oriented "movie", rather than a slasher action film like the first, great fight scenes, and both Uma and David did great.


Cons: A few cheesy lines, but even those were tolerable. Other than that, not really anything that bad, other than IMO the storyline of revenge is just kinda plain.


Overall: 4.25 stars. Definitely better than the first, definitely worth ticket money, and a semi-funny blooper at the end of the credits (though not really worth sitting through all of the credits to see).

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I saw it tonight. Fucking great. I can't really say it was better then the first one because they are one movie. It was just cut in half. It isn't possible to say one was better then the other. That's like saying one half of a hot dog tasted better then the other half. They're the same damn hot dog. Just my opinion. I would strongly recommend seeing this movie. Definitely watch Vol 1 first though. I will buy this DVD when it comes out. Already bought Vol 1.



For originality and just fucking coolness, this movie gets:


five muthafuckin' stars bitch

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i'm kind of confused about this movie is it supposed to be like satirical comedy?



the first one sucked ass, the second one was "ok". personally i think tarentino made a big mistake. and the only reason some people like it is b/c all their friends like it or b/c its a tarentino film


i mean shit there were people clapping durin ga movie, reminded me os star wars/matrix.

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Originally posted by StillPee:

I can't really say it was better then the first one because they are one movie. It was just cut in half. It isn't possible to say one was better then the other.

Sure can. The second half of the movie was better than the first half.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i'm kind of confused about this movie is it supposed to be like satirical comedy?



the first one sucked ass, the second one was "ok". personally i think tarentino made a big mistake. and the only reason some people like it is b/c all their friends like it or b/c its a tarentino film


i mean shit there were people clapping durin ga movie, reminded me os star wars/matrix.

More so the opposite, people only dislike it because their friends didnt like it. If you actually watched it i find it hard for someone to dislike the movie. Granted I am not you and maybe you really jsut didnt like it. But it was a great movie....its not pulp fiction but still really good non the less
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