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Another drunk hits police cruiser


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Well it happened again a female drunk driver hit one of my fellow officers cruiser while she was sitting in the side of the road with her flashing lights on taking an accident report no less. The officer was alright and the cruiser wasn't hurt but it was the girls second OVI in two years. You would think that she would have learned her lesson by now.
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I still think that the second of thrid some be a charge of attempted vehicular homoscide. I have had people argue this with me saying that the person made a bad choice. I don't by that, never will. It's lile saying that you didn't know if you pointed a loaded gun at a group of people and pulled the trigger that SOMEONE ain't gonna get shot. It's not a murder because there is no specific intent at a specific person, which I believe is a requirement for murder. But there, in my opinion is still intent. We hear about peopel getting killed every other night on the news by a drunk driver. So anyone that goes out drinking, without a designated driver or other means of getting home besides driving themself, then making the choice to drink too much shows intent, or at the very least serious neglect.


Everyone screams that the laws need changed, I don't believe that. I think that it's not being charged properly with the laws that we do have. If some dim wit blows a .1 for a second time then ok. He's just a dipshit. The guy thats blowing .19 for the 5 time, well, lock him up and forget about where you locked him up at for about 30 yrs. I don't believe that you will stop a druck from drinking and driving, so remove him from society.

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capital punishment... let a drunk driver sit in a car and then let a fuckin big F350 slam into the ass end of it at 50 or 60mph. Bet youd only have to do it once or twice for people to stop doin it.


Dumb idea, but it sure would be a wakeup call.

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Just like the neighbor across the street from me. he JUST got his yellow tags (btw.. do they only get them in the front? or the back as well? Cause he only put them in the front). Anyways. My neighbor across the street has gotten damn.. I dunno .. 3-4 DUI's in the past few years. I know that becuase every time he gets one, his car ends up on the street with dents and shit everywhere (he hit something.. obviously).


Glad I don't park any of my cars on the street.

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Agree laws to lenient. Drunk drivers convicted more than twice? Thats it, no more license. Caught drivin without the license, book em. Waaay to many innocent people being hurt or killed by these folks that continue to make bad decisions --- redface.gif
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Guest rperry74

The sentence for a first offense drunk driving in El Salvador......


Execution on the spot! They have the lowest omvi rate in the world. Hmmmmmm, imagine that. You may be on to something N8.

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Glad to hear the Officer was alright. I agree, drunk driving laws are too lenient. Of course the lawmaker are worry about those front license plates rather than drunks on the road.
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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by n8:

drunk drivers should be shot.


At least the officer wasn't hurt.

A while back I was in a left turn lane (light was green) but I was stopped waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn left and a drunk bastard slammed right into the back of me :mad:graemlins/nonono.gif Luckily nobody was hurt but I was pissed

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