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646 Pound Catfish Caught In Thailand!


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Originally posted by Abbie Hoffman:

Yeah I saw that yesterday.


What does everyone think of cloning endangered species, in an attempt to repopulate them? Ethical, or playing God?

IMO not a good idea, man has really been screwing mother earth over ever since the industrial revolution, and trying to fix it with anything not natural would probably backfire in a huge way.


Please don't take what I said as a cry from tree hugging hippie, I love burning fossil fuels as much as or more than the next guy.

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Originally posted by Abbie Hoffman:

What does everyone think of cloning endangered species, in an attempt to repopulate them? Ethical, or playing God?

Well if we would have never became industrialized and overpopulated the Earth as we do now we would have probably never done things to the Earth to make them an Endangered species. So basically we have already indirectly played god up until this point.


People say cloning is playing god. Well so is medicine that makes us live longer.


Matt has a really good point though, we don't know what will happen when we reintroduce a species that is endangered (or even gone?) back into the chain. Mother nature, if we want to call it that, has already taken steps to compensate for the lack of that species. By reintroducing more of that species to what it once was, hundreds of years ago, we are throwing the balance back off again. I believe that at some point we will know much more about the ecological system and the checks and balances it uses to smooth things out. At this point I believe we could, in a controlled slow manner, repopulate, or even reintroduce species with little to no negative consequences on the rest of the ecological system.


I saw that in my dads latest National Geographic that I was reading on the Shitter the other day. I told Howard about it and he didn't believe me.

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If an animal is made extinct or less populated by other animals eating them or destroying their homes, how is that different to people doing the same thing to animals. We are doing what comes naturally to us as well. We have a natural instinct to disperse and consume, and that causes some animals(the weaker or dumber ones) to become endangered/extinct. I don't see the difference.


Mother nature corrects her own wrongs. If we reintroduce species that are endangered/extinct, and they die, we have lost nothing but our effort. If we do nothing, a species is wiped off the face of the earth. Besides, why clone animals like sheep, but not the animals that need more numbers?

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"Im sorry sir but we are going to have to fine you $65 for not practicing catch and release..."


I think before we clone anything, we need to find ourselves a BigFoot. Who wants to go on a field trip???

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Originally posted by Abbie Hoffman:

Ethical, or playing God?

Who's to saying playing God isn't ethical? I mean, if you play God the right way, wouldn't that be ethical? Apparently, God plays God all the time, and no one calls Him unethical. So, why when we play God are we considered unethical?
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Ha Haaaaa I love when threads go like this? It starts off with this story of the HUGE Fish caught, then moves to cloning & playing God!!!!!!


No matter how you look at it - thats a big fu-- fish!


As for playing God, I agree with the Doc / we already do, continue to, & we've screwed up the planet soo badly "it is what it is" - Best we can hope for is that we monitor the entire f/up & try to not let it get much worse - graemlins/nonono.gif

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CLoning endangered species is a good idea if you dont consider genetics. CLonig draws fromthe same pool over and over again. Its bad for the species, like inbreeding.



That fish aint big, just fat.

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Thai fishermen caught a 293-kilogram (646-pound) catfish that may have been the world's largest freshwater fish, wildlife conservation groups said.
The largest of all American fishes is the white sturgeon of the coastal waters and rivers of the Pacific Northwest. A 12-foot female tipped the scales at 1285 pounds and others, in the past may have approached a ton. The largest sturgeon of all was a beluga from the Volga which weighed out at 3221 pounds.
Fish like this used to be commonplace in Lake Huron, untill they were fished out. Theres a resteraunt in Mackinaw Mi with a wall full of pics like these: http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/m/j/mjh11/sturgeon.jpg


600 pounders still dwell the pacific NW, but are rare. They were too big NOT to be seen when spawnig, and got shived, kinda like the dodo.





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Originally posted by Abbie Hoffman:

Yeah I saw that yesterday.


What does everyone think of cloning endangered species, in an attempt to repopulate them? Ethical, or playing God?

i think it's agreat idea,as long as we use the technology to populate alum creek with these. screw the ethics.
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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

i think it's agreat idea,as long as we use the technology to populate alum creek with these. screw the ethics.

people swim there....people I dont know, so it'll be great news! On second thought, he might only eat kids, and thats not cool.


The fish is probably a century old, you wanna wait that long? ALum creek can barely grow Musky, dont expect many big fish.


dig this;

big cats

Alligator Gar mouth, they live in ohio and get HUGE

Dont forget Alligator snapping turtles. They get massive enough to take a leg, check out the pair at the columbus zoo.


Dont think that just because you're in fresh water that there aint shit that can seriously fuck you up. graemlins/thumb.gif


[ 04. July 2005, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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