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Girls in winter boots


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Alright what the fuck is this new trend in vinyl, i got these at walmart, fur covered, not waterproof, dopey, bulky, not hot boots. All i see on campus now are dumb hoes with their "pretty" boots on strutting like this is something special. Just because MTV created some 26 year old redheaded douchbag in highschool that wears boots does not mean its cool. Honestly its 50 fucking degrees out and i've been seeing this shit since it was 80 out. Unless you lack the ability to tie shoe laces or strap velcro, in which case i wonder how is it you breath. Keep the damn things off your just making yourself even more NOT HOT.


I realize there are not to many girls on this board but,who gives a fuck its my rant of the moment.


Kyle G.

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I think they do it because its in magazines and is supposed to be the big trend, but I would never put them on my feet because they are so friggin ugly. I hate them and I laugh when I see other girls wearing them. It's one of those things that when they look back at pictures later they think what was I wearing?
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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

I think they do it because its in magazines and is supposed to be the big trend, but I would never put them on my feet because they are so friggin ugly. I hate them and I laugh when I see other girls wearing them. It's one of those things that when they look back at pictures later they think what was I wearing?

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Originally posted by Venomss:

You keep ranting about those type of girls, and I'll keep fucking them. Sound fair?

You must not of seen his girl in them. She looks fn sexy in them. Ever since j lo started rocking these things again they've been selling like hotcakes. They don't bother me to much.
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Originally posted by Regenmeister:

who wants a chick with hot sweaty feet? I wear boots alot, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to fuck me. tongue.gif

That doesn't bother me except when I have there ankles on my shoulder, and even then I'm too distracted to give a shit!
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Originally posted by Rotarded:

That doesn't bother me except when I have there ankles on my shoulder, and even then I'm too distracted to give a shit!

cha ching.


I think they are stupid looking, and typically the flakely ones tend to purchase them.

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i hate them. they are "Ugg"ly, they have to make your feet stink and they look stupied period. what ever happened to nice sluttly boots for fall? i was very disapointed this fall. the boot choices for this fall are for the most part like the "ugg" boots or native americanish. i say screw that, give me something with at least three inch heels.
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Originally posted by THE_BITCH_OF_FURY:

the only boots that are hot to wear are:



knee high or thigh high leather boots




hooker boots or striper boots

I'll second that motion, the only time i can ever see these boots as being hot is when a girl is wearing just them.
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Just Google image search for ugg


Originally posted by THE_BITCH_OF_FURY:

the only boots that are hot to wear are: knee high or thigh high leather boots aka hooker boots or striper boots

+1 Those are sexy. These ugg boots are silly.
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My girl friend wears knee high's, I'll back that those things look very nice on her/girls in general. Oh here is an "Ugg" picture, I'm willing to bet 45 girls at my school wear them, and about another 50 have knock-off's of them. http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:WX7UkGs4H0kJ:www.wavejammer.com/catalog
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