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Learn to drive in the snow, or stay the fuck home!!!


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What the shit is with the majority of native Ohio drivers???


I grew up in Los Angeles, where it doesn't even rain most of the time, and I've only been here since 12/01, and only have been driving a RWD 5-speed since October, but I can already handle snow at a good speed, and turn just fine in the snow. Hell, I can even drift in the snow without sliding out of control if I want to. So why the hell do so many people who have grown up all around this shit drive like total idiots the moment a flake touches the ground?!?!

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Because.. well, it's Columbus. 80% of the peeps here probably STILL don't know how to drive.


I think it's all the morons in their 4wd SUV's that think since they have 4wd, they own the road (like a tractor trailer).. :(

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Guest GSRchick714
Probably because people are stupid and forget every year. That's why there's always a jillion accidents the day of the first snow of the year. Then it clears up for a few weeks and it all happens again! :rolleyes:
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My car is a pretty solid car in any situation except snow. I slid off the road at literally 5 mph. Once I got off the road, I was able to get traction and get ALMOST back on, where I was able to dig myself a path through the snow and get back on the road. Being incredibly light sucks.
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remember, its' when you get cocky and think you can drive better than you can in the snow / rain that you wreck or end up off the side of the road.. since our winters haven't been that bad the past few years, you probably havent' had much practice driving in bad weather... don't get too cocky or it'll bite you in the ass.... with taht said, I agree... there are some dumbasses that drive.... today comming back from lunch, some arab lady was driving 15 down a 50 zone and would swerve you tried to pass her... I ended up parking next to her at work and told her to call a cab to go home and she started yelling in some foreign language....
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Guest timmybgood

you know, its not just your imagination. ohio drivers suck and are getting worse. during winter 2003 there was an increase of approximately 10,000 accidents, or about 90% more than 2002.


why do i know this and many more amazing traffic stats?!?! i actually have to give a speech about how bad people suck at driving in the winter on the 8th, ha!

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Guest GSRchick714

Seriously, it normally takes me about 7 minutes to get home from work and yesterday it took 35 because stupid people go into accidents and blocked up the roads :mad:

The best part is when people already can't drive then they go out in their RWD cars and can't control it worth shit :rolleyes:

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The problem I have is that though people drive extremely slowly in bad weather, which is usually a good thing, they don't know why they are doing it. Even if they are driving 15 mph, they still don't use their brakes until the last minute at a stoplight, they follow other cars within 2 carlengths, and that is what causes accidents. I drive slightly faster than the average inexperienced driver, but I also am very aware and I take forever to brake before lights, stop signs, etc, and I follow at least 5 carlengths in the shit weather. I learned to navigate snow in CT, which poses the extra challenges of narrower roads and hills, so you really have to implement those aforementioned tools to prevent accidents.
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I hate the highway when it's snowing. You can see the ground, only a dusting on the highway and people are going 40-45MPH. I'm like wow, don't drive. Even in the rain people do only about 50. It's retarded.
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Originally posted by 10xworse:

The problem I have is that though people drive extremely slowly in bad weather, which is usually a good thing, they don't know why they are doing it. Even if they are driving 15 mph, they still don't use their brakes until the last minute at a stoplight, they follow other cars within 2 carlengths, and that is what causes accidents.



Originally posted by Shitaro:

remember, its' when you get cocky and think you can drive better than you can in the snow / rain that you wreck or end up off the side of the road..



Its also the tires you have mounted. I know nobody on here could go "fast" on my F1 Supercars EMTs in the snow.


So don't think its you. Its your tires + luck that you haven't hit ice.


My take is this: When it snows I'm going to go slow.


*/rant to SUVs on*

I'm gonna go slow. If you don't like it, fuck off. And don't tailgate me. Tailgate me, and I will at the next light get out of my car and drag you out of your car and beat your head in. And I will win.


I don't tailgate SUVs the other 99% of the year when its dry and they're in my way. Don't ride my ass when I'm going slow the other 1% of the time. 3 or 4 days of the year you can just sit back and wait on my shit like I wait on yours the rest of the time.

*/rant off*


Anyone disagrees can kiss my ass.


The end.


[ 02. March 2005, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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I hate it when you get tailgated when your in a line of cars with no chance what so ever of going faster.


I agree with 10Xworse you just need to excercise(sp?) a little restraint and give yourself room to stop. Most people drive slow and tailgate how does that help at all?


This morning all I could see in my rearview mirror was the front grill of an SUV. She was less then a car length behind me like I could make the 30 cars ahead of me go faster.

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