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El Karacho1647545492

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Ok, I think cops need to start handing out tickets for failure to signal. I'm not talking about in an empty street at 4:30 in the morning going 35 mph, I'm talking about flying across 4 lanes to reach your exit without so much as an indication that you will soon be restricting the distance between me and you to a meter. I'm also talking about checking your goddamn blind spot. I'd rather have some fucker fly in front of me without his blinker if at least he checked his blind spot than assholes that figure a blinker gives them license to swerve whatever distance that signal indicates. Most often the people who don't use the signals are people what weave in and out of traffic, and even if they are not speeding I'd rather see those people off the road than someone doing 100 mph in a straight line. I'm probably just mad because I got cut of by the same person for the 3RD FREAKING IN 4 WEEKS in their gigantic chrysler new yorker. They weave regardless of conditions, they don't use their blinker, and I'm usually to busy putting a cushion of about 500 yards in between me and them to get their license plate despite my pretty good eyes.


I'm lame.

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I agree with you 1000%!!!!!!! I sometimes have wondered 1) if turn signals were an option on their vehicle & they didn't buy them? or 2) Their just ignorant & stupid & shouldn't even have drivers license!!!! redface.gif
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my signal doesn't seem to help.


I turn on the signal in the big red truck and then have to wait for like a half hour for 60 people to bust ass past me in the right hand lane becuase big trucks are slow and apparently its much too difficult to let me over and then pass on the left...


so now I just turn on the blinker and get the fuck over its funny how fast people can lock all four wheels when theres 15,000 pounds of truck bearing down on them...

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I'm so fucking sick of idiots braking and slowing to about 5 MPH and then turning on thier signal to make the turn. Jesus Goddamn Christ....the turn signal is supposed to warn us in advance that you will be slowing and then making the turn. I know you'll be turning ....after almost coming to a complete freaking stop........in the middle of the road.......GRRRRRRRRRRRR!


[ 05. March 2005, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]

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That shit pisses me the fuck off! I am not Madame Cleo, I cannot read minds, and I do not know that you plan to swerve your fucking beater right in front of me as I'm trying to pass your worthless ass, so fucking SIGNAL!


Even more annoying is people who don't signal for their right/left turns, and brake suddenly on a one lane road, coming to a complete stop before making their turn, making everyone else behind them slam on their brakes.


Failure to signal needs to be a 4 point violation, with mandatory driving school, period.

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I really like it when truckers signal and start to get over when I'm right next to them. Thats my favorite. Now I know that sometimes they can't see you and I always try to get out of their way and be courteous to them but I know that when I can see there face from looking in their mirrors that they can see me too, and when they get over on me in those situations it just straight pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the squirrels are out today one just climbed down a tree in front of my room and is now hopping across the parking lot, they are really cute. :D
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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

I really like it when truckers signal and start to get over when I'm right next to them. Thats my favorite. Now I know that sometimes they can't see you and I always try to get out of their way and be courteous to them but I know that when I can see there face from looking in their mirrors that they can see me too, and when they get over on me in those situations it just straight pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree....and it ALWAYS happens to me. :mad:


Another thing I hate is when people are driving down the road with their turn signal on forever + a year :rolleyes:

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Guest Redracerx
No kidding, but hey maybe their deaf or have the radio turned up too loud... or they could be going to their dealership to find out what the clicking noise and flashing arrow on their dash is.
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Originally posted by 12499470:

so now I just turn on the blinker and get the fuck over its funny how fast people can lock all four wheels when theres 15,000 pounds of truck bearing down on them...

that's the kind of person i want driving around me



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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Also the squirrels are out today one just climbed down a tree in front of my room and is now hopping across the parking lot, they are really cute. :D

Ryan,... graemlins/nonono.giftongue.gif


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