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Wierdest foods you've eaten...

Devils Advocate

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Originally posted by Republicant:

A.<--- This should help you look less like a cueball... Until you talk to these guys, I'd stay the hell away from a pool hall.


B.<--- Shave that scruffy ass shit off your face, you look like one of those ugly ass super nintendo "street-fighter" characters.


C. www.keyboardwarior.com I know you think you're sweet, but damn, get some skills.

A.Last I saw in the mirror, I had a full head of hair


B.Last I shaved, this morning.


C.Like half the shit you say ever makes sense or is even remotely insulting or hurtful? Please, I have been on the verge of suicide, I can deal with rich-kid bullshit like yours, is that where you learned to talk shit?


You may have a big cock, but spit it out or pull it outta your ass, cause it ain't yours

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  • 2 weeks later...

While in Taiwan & China:


Sheeps intestine, chicken hearts, rattlesnake, fish eyes, some small birds, shark fin soup... and who know's what else. Everything is "beef" or "chicken," they just don't tell you what part.


But the worst was KFC in Shanghai. The chicken was like cardboard and it took me about 10 minutes to swallow a bite (didn't want to show disrespect).

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