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Damn slow cars are clogging the streets.


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What I can't stand is people who not only drive slow, but intentionally try to block you from passing them. Little miss Buffy on her cell phone seems to think that because SHE only wants to go 35MPH down schrock, that she's got the right to direct traffic with her idiotic little Saturn SL2. Fucking people should NOT be driving anywhere near me.
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Guest 420GSXR1000

adopt some german "laws"....18 to have drivers license, costs big $$$ to get it(that doesnt mean shit though), and the training is more intensive, i mean shit they drive on the autoban, ya know???


i ride a bike and ppl are stupid....and for the most part feel they are the only ones on the road...i want tighter skills tests...boaters too...ppl cant drive em just cause they can buy them!!!!!!

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Whenever I see a bike out, I give them MAD room. I don't want to be anywhere near them, or cause any situation that could in any way cause my car to come in contact with the biker. If my RX-7 nudges some idiot in a Civic, then oh well. It's a bumper. If I smack someone on a bike, it's severe injury at the least, maybe death.


I'm for a "water test" being part of the driving exam. A good road course type setup, with the track being hosed down to simulate wet, rain covered roads, with a good amount of corners to test the driver's braking skill as well as their cornering abilities. Can't negotiate it at a reasonable speed? Can't handle the spots on the track where water has pooled to form a 2 inch deep puddle? No license for you.

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Hey, before my AE86 broke down, I was delivering grinders for W.G. Grinders. Snow and rain were no excuse not to get my work done. Lightweight RWD car + snowy, icey, or wet roads = oversteer. No better way to learn to control your car then to be forced to drive it in shitty road conditions, and still be running on a tight schedule. They didn't want me out there for 1 hour just to deliver 5 miles away, so I just got real familiar with how to drive the damn thing.
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I say we revert back to the old days of an automatic tranny being a luxury, not the norm. I find that when I drive an automatic car, I tend to not pay attention to the road. I'll be more inclined to talk on my cell phone or look around or be a worse driver. Driving a stick as I do, I pay close attention, never talk on my cell phone, and I rarely have instances where I feel that emergency maneuvers are necessary because I was braindead at the moment.
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Originally posted by 10xworse:

I say we revert back to the old days of an automatic tranny being a luxury, not the norm. I find that when I drive an automatic car, I tend to not pay attention to the road. I'll be more inclined to talk on my cell phone or look around or be a worse driver. Driving a stick as I do, I pay close attention, never talk on my cell phone, and I rarely have instances where I feel that emergency maneuvers are necessary because I was braindead at the moment.



When I'm driving my RX-7, or my AE86, both 5-speeds, I'm very much NOT inclined to do something stupid like eating, dialing the phone, etc, because I'm paying a lot more attention to the car itself, and I also know if I need to downshift for some odd reason, I don't want my hands busy with other shit.


When I borrow my roommate's POS Accord.... Or when I drove the Neon I used to have... I used to always mess with other shit.


Plus, the RX-7 is just a way sportier car then anything I've had before. I'm more inclined to just park the damn thing, put the top down, and relax to some music and watch shit in the comfy seats while I eat, instead of eating on the fly.

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Guest buckeyefarmboy
at the very minimum the test for getting a car license should be the same as the cdl test. stopping w/ front bumper on line right hand curb turn , right angle dock/stall backinf slallom forwards and backwards, and last but not least REAL parallel parking all done w/ a stick-shift car no excuses no pass no drive that simple. this country is so affraid of airliner accidents and other fairly uncommon B.S that it neglects the fact that driving is the single most dangerous thing that 99.9% of the population will ever do in their lives. and yes i am speaking not out of my ass but as a professional driver that has gotten the birds eye view of some real stupid shit on this city's freeway's graemlins/finger.gif
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Name the stupidest shit you've seen. Worst I've heard of is some douchebag in a Cavalier who got cut off by a truck deciding to get his revenge by swooping in front of the 18-wheeler, and slamming on his brakes at freeway speeds. Needless to say, a wreck happened.
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Guest buckeyefarmboy
working on 161 270 job hauling from west bound 161 to the triangle median between 161w to 270n ramp and freeway this required us drivers to run all 4 cloverleafs to get to dump site and back to load site each time. as i was running the final 2 clover leafs had put signal on approx. 150 feet earlier was down shifting just i got ready to turn i hear a whine of a kompressor and shooting to my inside was an MB slk yuppie scum machine. had i turned the wheel 10 degrees more i would have run clean over the asshat in that little crackerbox. the first and golden rule of driving is BIGGEST VEHICLE WINS! drive accordingly have somany other rectally puckering incidents it is not even funny.
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Guest Rane

Yea ppl who dont pay attention amaze me. And the people who think its cool to swerve around. On some real shit, if some idiot ricer hits ANY of my cars they better hope I am in to much pain to fuck them up when I get out of my car. Man woman or child, no mercy. Take me to jail PLZ


Seriously, I don't know whats worse. All the cell phones eating and drinking. Or the cars that could at any second lose there bumper or door, have no lights or mirriors and look like they've already been in 10+wrecks.


Either way I guess they all take a second to drunk drivers.

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Originally posted by farmboy:

this country is so affraid of airliner accidents and other fairly uncommon B.S that it neglects the fact that driving is the single most dangerous thing

Yeah, but when your in a fender-bender in a car, or a part goes out on your car as you're driving, you don't automatically plummet to your death and end your existence in a fiery crash.
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Airplanes are inspected far more regularly than cars. after every single flight is a turnaround inspection. then there are regularly scheduled inspections set at intervals probably the same as the Marine Corps/Navy standards of every 7, 14, 28, 56 days and 2 or 3000 flight hours a more in depth inspection.
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Today I almost got in an accident for the time since I'd begun driving (3 years now) that could have possibly been my fault. I was making a right turn when a dude turned on his blinker and slowed down, sure enough when I pull out I hear tires squeel next to me so I slam my breaks and manage to stop before losing my nose. And then I see the same dick passing by with his blinker still on for a turn he didn't make. I would have more then likely gotten a failure to yield, but I also would have had a failure to keep my foot from going up the guy's ass.
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I miss driving in iraq. hard to argue with a 110,000 lb vehile that has an 50 cal on top.

seriously though, driving on sawmill is iritating as hell. when school lets out you have all these kids in the new civic that mommy and dady bought for them, complete with the fart pipe, weaving in and out of trafic showing thier tite skillz. god i just wana take my buick and run over them.

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Today: It was in my car, my friend was driving and we were getting on 71 north from 11th (jeg's) and as we were trying to merge onto the highway before we were forced to exit on 17th, some dumbfuck bitch driving a FUCKING SCHOOLBUS NO LESS decided to get to 70 mph AND KEEP ACCELERATING. My car is by no means fast and so as we tried (and did) out-accelerate the bitch, we were forced to exit on 17th so as to avoid getting into an accident with the bigger vehicle. I tried to get the bus # but she got off at Hudson and we didn't feel like chasing. fucking whore.
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Originally posted by Lustalbert:

I miss driving in iraq.

More fun driving in Kuwait and Bahrain... less chance of getting shot at or blown the fuck up. but nothing tops driving in Okinawa.
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