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I for one think that EVERYONE needs to be reavalueated every 10yrs with a driven and signs test to be able to drive. And a new driver liceense every 5yrs. Our tags should be a 5yr thing as well. FU to the BMV for letting ass clowns get behind a wheel,and have no respect for other moterest. I'm not going to get into details on what happened,so that is my $.02.
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I nearly got crushed at the confluence of I-270N and I-70W this morning thanks to a black Mazda Millenia doing 50 MPH in the center (merge) lane. After getting over I pulled up next to him and saw the douchebag with a cell phone to his ear with his right hand, and taking a drag on a cigarette in his left hand.
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Originally posted by dark horse:

I just want people to at lEAST go the fucking speed limit....I hate going down a 50mph zone and people still go 35!!!! Thank god for the dotted lines but sometimes you cant..

Welcome to my world again. The worst is on 142 North of 70 out West of Columbus. It's 50 and I do 60, I always seem to get stuck behind people doing 40. I can't tell you how frustrating that is, especially on a Friday afternoon. There aren’t very man passing zones at all on that road either.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by dark horse:

I just want people to at lEAST go the fucking speed limit....I hate going down a 50mph zone and people still go 35!!!! Thank god for the dotted lines but sometimes you cant..

I agree, but I am equally pissed at people who tailgate the shit out of me when I drive the speed limit in the slow lane. If you'd like to risk your license, you're free to pass.
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Yeah, a lot of native ohio residents don't seem to know how to fucking drive properly. Columbus isn't anywhere NEAR as bad as Toledo though. Fucking crackheads and dilaudid addicts tearing through red lights in bigass Buicks and shit causing accidents, and middle aged douchebags in little riceboxes that think they're invincible, like the dumbass in a Del Sol that took the Angola Rd. S-curve at 50mph (which you really shouldn't take above 25mph when there's traffic) and attempted to drift into a parking lot (which happened to be a body shop) in front of my car a couple years ago. Dumbass got a nice big gash in his quarter panel for his trouble. My bumper... well... it was a Buick, so it got some of his paint on it and not a whole lot else happened to mine.
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Be glad you dont live in Kentucky, it only gets worse....I've been down here for a total of 8 months and I've learned these simple rules:


If the light goes red, AT LEAST 3 cars will run it.

If their car is held together with duct tape and twine, they will tailgate the hell out of you.

These jackasses merge into your lane whether you're there or not.

When it rains, just try to avoid driving.


Shit, I'm looking forward to being back in Ohio.

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Yeah columbus winter drivers are dumb fucks, I hate tailgaters too, but I really hate the ones that flash there highbeams at you when your already doing 85 in the left lane. Dumb fucks actually thinks that if your already violating the speed limit you should obey the "pass only on the left rule thingy" Is there really a rule for that? If so I still don't give a shit. I'll be driving +800 miles this weekend and I'll do it all the in the far left lane.



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