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People who don't belive in freedom of religion.

Guest jpurdy2003

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Guest jpurdy2003



Poll: Many Citizens Support Restricting Muslim-Americans' Rights

Cornell University Releases Results Of Survey


POSTED: 10:10 pm EST December 17, 2004

UPDATED: 10:14 pm EST December 17, 2004


ITHACA, N.Y. -- A nationwide poll finds nearly half of all Americans believe the U.S. government should restrict the civil liberties of Muslim Americans.


The survey -- conducted this fall by Cornell University -- found that 44 percent favored at least some restrictions, while 48 percent said civil liberties shouldn't be restricted in any way.


Twenty-seven percent of the 715 respondents supported requiring all Muslim-Americans to register where they lived -- and 29 percent thought agents should infiltrate Muslim civic and volunteer groups.


The poll also found Republicans and people who described themselves as highly religious were more likely to support curtailing Muslims' civil liberties than Democrats or people who are less religious.


The executive director of the Muslim American Society says the news is disturbing, but not surprising.


Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.




Don't people understand that if we start treating certain religions like second class citizens that we're doing the same thing the Taliban did. This is un-American. graemlins/nonono.gif

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Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

right, but we didn't fly planes into their buildings. fuck'em, if it were up to me I'd kill all of their Jihad bullshit asses.

Merry christmas, you're an ignorant cocksmoke! It's people like you that make the world hate America. Go eat some squirrell and watch maury, you redneck.
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Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

right, but we didn't fly planes into their buildings. fuck'em, if it were up to me I'd kill all of their Jihad bullshit asses.

I'm sure there are MANY people who share the same faith as you who have killed in out right cold blood. In line with your thinking that would make you a cold blooded killer too. What a dumb ass. graemlins/slap.gif
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

actually i think organized religion in theory works, but just like communism people mess it up

In theory, Communism kicks ass, and in small communities it could possibly even work. In practice, it can't be used to run anything.


There's nothing wrong with having ideas. But when these ideas run your life to the point of being fanatical about them, regardless of what they are, is dangerous.


Extra credit: What war(s) in the history of Earth were started for a reason that had absolutely nothing to do with any religion?

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welp, im pretty religious, and i believe in freedom of religion. too bad they didnt ask me.


mike, please. for a start, the civil war, the french and indian war, the war of independence, ww1, the first gulf war, the war of 1812.....


...and these are just wars where america was involved. religion, while being a huge motivating factor in a lot of things, is not always something people go to war over. as broken as us humans are, we can find plenty of other reasons to war than religion.

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Anyone seen the movie Rules of Engagement with Sameul L. Jackson? There was the part in the movie where a doctor from Yemen was reciting Islamic Jihad from a tape recorder, saying a bunch of stuff about "...duty to kill Americans" and what not. I don't know if that's true or not, but as long as whatever religion one decides to partake in doesn't have stupid shit like that in it, I don't care. I think it's extremely unfair to judge an entire group of people based on a few that fuck it up for the majority of them. Unfortunately, that happens too much already.
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Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

you all think i'm a worthless hillbilly any way, so what the fuck difference does it make what i say on the fucking intranet??

Chill with the keyboard warrior shit. It's never impressed anyone (coming from anyone, not just you). You know I think you're pretty cool in person, I hope you and me and your brother get a chance to go skiing again this winter. I'm sure there are plenty of other people in this thread who don't have a problem with you at all. I just think you have some messed up views in some areas, this being one of them.
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I'm a Republican and moderately religious. I don't support limiting the rights of Muslims.


As a Christian, I feel there are important things to worry about than limiting the rights of Muslims. I'm more worried about the ACLU changing its policy from protecting the individual rights of citizens to fighting against Christianity in the public sector.


They've already had enough influence on some people restrict teaching the Declaration of Independence in schools! They're trying to re-write our history. They claim "Separation of Church and state" which is funny, because the Constition does not say that ANY WHERE.


Sooo...this country was founded on idea to freely worship whomever or whatever you please without fear of persecution. So limiting anyone's rights to practice their religion, Islam or otherwise is wrong and goes against the founding principles of this country.


Sorry, a little off topic there....

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OK, here it is from a non believers point of view.

I don't believe in any sort of higher power. But that is MY PERSONAL belief, and I don't wish to push that on anyone else. I feel that we have gone TOO far with the "Seperation of Church and State" thing. Removing any and all symbols of religon from public places does push the Athiest religon down everyones throat.


As far as giving special rights to religous groups, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Budists, Pagans, or any other is wrong. If a Catholic want's a nativity seen on the statehouse lawn, let it be, if a Jewish person wants a Star of David, let them put it there.

But the idea of giving Muslim children praying rooms, when prayer in public schools by Christian religons is against the rules is bullshit.

Consider that the wearing of a shrowd (Muslim headress) by Muslim females, to me is no different than a child wearing a shirt depicting the crusifixion of Christ.


We need to run a level playing field, either both are acceptable, or neither are acceptable.


And realize that about the time that the ACLU or some other group of do gooders tryes to remove the name of God from the Constitution or the Decleration of Independence, we will see what rednecks are about. And this is what the government fears the most.

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yes, i do have some fucked up beliefs, but thats what makes me who and what i am. oh yeah, republicanist, you can kiss my ass you tree hugging faggot. what are you gonna do when the terrorists come for your pansy ass?? oh wait, I know what you'll do, put you head between you legs and kiss your ass good bye.
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What in the fuck are you talking about, douchebag? What about the fact that I believe in the freedom of religion makes me a tree hugger? If I were you, I'd make my ignorant redneck ass go back to drinking pabst and beating my dog instead of typing out retarded sounding run-on sentences on the internet.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

yes, i do have some fucked up beliefs, but thats what makes me who and what i am. oh yeah, republicanist, you can kiss my ass you tree hugging faggot. what are you gonna do when the terrorists come for your pansy ass?? oh wait, I know what you'll do, put you head between you legs and kiss your ass good bye.

You make baby Jesus cry. graemlins/nonono.gif
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Should we spy on US born musilum-Americans? no.


should we look into people that have come into this country in the last 5, 10 or 15 years? No problem with it.


I don't think it can be 100% one way or the other, I don't see a problem in looking at citizens that have only been so for a short time.

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