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Guest tbirdchick

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Guest tbirdchick

i hate fat ass bitches that think they are the goddesses of the world. an event that happend awhile back to put a long story short.... never seen this bitch in my life but she seems to think im either someone else or she's just wanting to stir up problems, everytime she sees me in town she throws shit at my car, spits on it, screams out her window, and today threw a pop can at my car on my way to work. Im about to go out and beat her ass with a baseball bat or something. threating her with cops doesn't work, and i acted like i was going to run her over with the car one time when she approached me in a parking lot. she usually is by herself or with 3 other whores. this is getting annoying, someone who throws shit at my car is the same as them trying to punch me in the face, it's a threat and im about it end it by slamming her ugly ass face into a brick wall graemlins/doh.gif . sorry just had to vent :mad:


[ 29. December 2004, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: rallychick ]

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So stop threatening her. Call the cops and file a report. Sounds like the kind of person that would let you hit her, then call the cops herself and get your ass in jail for assault. There has to be some reason she's decided to take out her anger and frustrations on you. Do you have any mutual acquaintances?
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Guest tbirdchick
well here's the story from the first time i've met her, i was driving down bridge st. in chillicothe, and i look over in the right lane so i can get over, and she was in that lane, then she flips me off. so i ignore it. so then we get to a light, she starts screaming at me, so i yell at her to grow up. well then she threatens me and spits on my car and throws shit, then the light turns green i get behind her and get her plate number and call the cops. well then after all that shit happen i sit in a parking lot to cool off. then she and her friends come around and stop. she's yelling spitting, and throwing shit again, and starts to walk towards me, i told her to back off i don't know her and to leave me alone. she throws something at my car again and put a dent in the side, so then i put it in gear and move the car towards her to make her think im just going to run her over, then she gets in the car, and yells shit as she leaves, just as she left the cop came buy and asked me what was going on, i told them what happen and he toldm e he has 2 cruisers looking for them, then i leave and head home, then that same chicks gets beside me starts screaming at me, and said she was going to beat my ass at the next place i stop. i told her i was going home and i dare her to follow me. she spits at my car and keeps going straight, then i look behind me and there is a cop with lights on flying towards me then goes around me, and pulls the bitches over! well she still seems to want to start stuff, all because i looked at her when i was trying to see if anyone was in the lane i needed in. it's all fucked up.
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Guest tbirdchick
im guessing she's around 17-19 years old, i don't have her plate number anymore i gave the paper to the cop in the parking lot. she's got a newer grand am and it's a blue color with loads of shit hanging from the rear view mirror.
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Yeah, just keep filing reports. After half a dozen of them, one of two things can happen. The cops will get so pissed that they have to keep dealing with her, she will get a nice visit at her house that will scare even her. Or you might have to file a restraining order. I don’t know how much it would take to do this, but I want to think 3 or 4 reports like this would be more than enough.


[ 29. December 2004, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: Neo ]

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Originally posted by rallychick:

i hate fat ass bitches that think they are the goddesses of the world.

now do you guys really want to see some jello wreslting.


btw that sucks sorry to hear that....carry an airsoft gun in your car or a sling shot to ward her away if she comes again. also an idea take a cop out on a date and TRY and find her so he can beat her ass. just my $.02. good luck and remember

she could be on this board so watch out.

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Originally posted by MackZilla:

We have a fat ass bitch filter on this board.



Tiff, just move, stop hanging out in chilli'town. Seriously, its just the one bitch this time, but the problem is more that of the community. Move up to columbus where no one knows or gives a damn about anybody. graemlins/thumb.gif

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