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Ghetto/poor people... NWS.

Devils Advocate

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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

Thrift stores are sweet, 2 pairs of Diesel jeans for 15 dollars a piece is a fucking deal.

Considering Nordstrom's sells them for $150-$200 a piece...I agree.


The ONLY thing that bugs me about Thrift Stores is that someone else wore that stuff before me. Yeah, it's been washed, etc... but it's just weird to think that some guy farted in those pants before he sold 'em.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Neo:

I don't think you'll need reminded, it will just be a natural reaction to just want to regardless of if you know who he is or not.

Remember how awkward the few meets I showed up for were?
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It's easy for people with money to talk about how easy it is to start making money, but not everyone has it so easy. Some people get held back no matter what they do, and it's not always just because "they don't want to work". Sometimes just buying the wrong car from the wrong can fuck your financial life up for years.


I should know, it's why I'm always broke.

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all I'm going to say no one should get a free ride. if you get assistance you should have to pay it back. or made to work it off doing community service or something. if you lose your job too fucking bad a company doesn't need a reason to fire you. work wherever you have to to get by while you look for a job in your field. the worst one by far are the people who go on disability. they get all this money becuase something is supposedly wrong with them but seem to have no trouble doing yard work and fucking off. we've all met someone like that its rediclous the things people scam the govt. for and its your money being wasted by people who make no contibution to society at all. its one thing for the govt to have a public works project that offers employment oppurtunities like during the depression its a whole nother thing to just give money away becuase john doe lost his cushy office job and thinks he's too good to get his hands dirty diggin ditches while he looks for a new job so he sits on his ass and leaches tax money while he does nothing and waits for a job offer.


bleh I could on for pages we could get into all the illegals that are getting govt money and so on and so fourth its corrupt all the way through and the only way to clean it up is to get rid of it and start over. my feelings get a job or starve if you die you must not have wanted to live bad enough to work for the things you need.

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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

[QBwhy should welfare even last six months why do we let people collect unemployment for years. work hard or fucking die.[/QB]

Though I agree for the most part on the welfare system (IMO it should be severely limited), WTF is wrong with unemployment.


I'll take my situation, for instance. The tech market goes into the shitter. There I am, working at Lucent in R&D, going into my bosses office for my bi-weekely meeting (showing project progress, alinging with project needs/goals, etc.). I start showing him what I'm done, and he tells me "don't worry about it." From there I get handed the lay-off packet....nice. 100% out of the blue, 4 days after I move into the home I just bought (that wiped out my saved-back funds). I (nor did the 12 other people in my project, including my office mate) had any clue we were going to be laid off. I thought it was just another day at the office.


If it were not for unemployment, I would have been in a world of hurt in a hurry. It's not like it could even cover all of my bills; unemployment only pays $612 every two weeks before taxes. That was less than 1/3 of what I was making, and definately didn't cover my expenses. But unemployment did help a lot.


I did eventually find employment, and though I don't make nearly what I did, I still pay my fair share of taxes. Unemployment does what welfare SHOULD do....be a temporary way for someone to stay on their feet if something tragic happens. And I'm just a single guy w/ no one to support; I can imagine the hell of people with families to support who up and get laid off with no warning. :(

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Originally posted by Jelloman457:

on a side note....mike that truck in your sig looks badass. welfare should last two months thats it. after that people should be placed in a ring with lions to fight for their life if they win they can go on welfare for two more months...jk...or am i

works for me, mabye add some land mines for more enjoyment
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What about the Tupac that doesn't get a record deal and they wont let him work anywhere :-p. Selling drugs and making 3x everyones money makes you mad, being poor and not accepted for a job because of your race or how poor you family is makes you mad most of there school systems don't teach them shit so they don't have a chance to compete with the higher educated in the job market. Its not like they have the ability to do it themself, the people who are gonna try to use the asistance to get themself or children out of these situations(And really use it towards this not fuck off while there getting it.) Deserve the hep.


Everyone fucks up, maybe we mess up everyday and it doesn't come out as bad, maybe they messed up once and it completely fucked them over. They should be given some chance to get helped out of the gutter ;) . Sometimes you just can't get hired, there are 3298472842 people and how many jobs...

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I guess Im just a spoiled little rich kid, but:


Welfare should be given to the people that really need it, ie single teenage mom's and that sort of thing. It should also only last for 2 years tops. None of this current shit where you can only be on welfare continuously for 2 years, but you can be off and on forever (basically).


Unemployment is a great thing, especially when it is being used correctly...not just as a way to get out of working for awhile after you get laid off.


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Originally posted by Rane:

... being poor and not accepted for a job because of your race......

No one is poor because of their race. Poverty is an equal opportunity discriminator. This is what is called circumstantial. If you actually believe there are people being rejected for jobs because of race then you must hve been frozen in a lake somewhere for the last 30 years (at the very least). Not saying it never happens anymore, but I don't consider it a real problem. Any company that hires people dumb enough to discriminate against qualified people will not be in business for very long.
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I think it's funny that Eli and other Democrats are now trumpeting the very same welfare reforms that their party spent years fighting. ;) I also think it's funny that those reforms were first pushed through by Republican Governors such as Tommy Thompson and John Engler. I remember very clearly New York Senator Pat Moynihan predicting that masses of poor youth would wind up roaming the street looking for crime victims as a result. :rolleyes:


I also think it's progress. ;) Now, if we can get them on board for some tax reform, health savings accounts, maybe some charter schools and vouchers and a lighter, leaner federal government, we'll be in good shape. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

I think it's funny that Eli and other Democrats are now trumpeting the very same welfare reforms that their party spent years fighting. ;) I also think it's funny that those reforms were first pushed through by Republican Governors such as Tommy Thompson and John Engler. I remember very clearly New York Senator Pat Moynihan predicting that masses of poor youth would wind up roaming the street looking for crime victims as a result. :rolleyes:


I also think it's progress. ;) Now, if we can get them on board for some tax reform, health savings accounts, maybe some charter schools and vouchers and a lighter, leaner federal government, we'll be in good shape. graemlins/thumb.gif

Thats what I meant to say ;)


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

I guess Im just a spoiled little rich kid, but:


Welfare should be given to the people that really need it, ie single teenage mom's and that sort of thing. It should also only last for 2 years tops.


can't afford to have a kid keep your legs closed its not that hard to think before you act.
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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

can't afford to have a kid keep your legs closed its not that hard to think before you act.

Yeah really. We shouldn't be forced to help pay for other people's mistakes and problems. There are many charitable non-profit organizations and churches that can help all sorts of people in need. But they use the government as a long term source of aid instead. Unemployment is fine, but welfare needs reformed big time. I like the drug testing idea.


Oh, and I can't believe some people would pay $70 for a faded t-shirt, not my thing. But I guess on the flip side, they can't believe that we would spend hundreds and thousands of dollars a year replacing perfectly good parts on our cars just to go faster or look better. smile.gif

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Originally posted by SwimmingBird:

You cant help what you're born to. That is all

No, you can't. But that does't mean you're stuck there. If a person applies themselves and is dedicated to bettering themselves, there's no reason why they couldn't get out of the situation they were born into.
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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

No, you can't. But that does't mean you're stuck there. If a person applies themselves and is dedicated to bettering themselves, there's no reason why they couldn't get out of the situation they were born into.

I disagree. When the environment you grow up in has conditions that hinder development, you are at a serious disadvantage. FOR EXAMPLE: Many of the less well-to-do neighborhoods in the Washington D.C. area have gotten their drinking water from the Washington Aqueduct, which has recently been found to have a lead content higher than the acceptable levels (which are too high to begin with if you ask me). What effect will this have on the children growing up in those neighborhoods? Do they still have that same potential to do well, or has it been diminished significantly?


Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with the philosophy of working harder if you want more money. I have done it. I grew up poor. Not everyone can, and it is arrogant to say that everyone can accomplish the same thing, because it is simply not true. You will ALWAYS have people under the poverty level. When you have a society where the people adjust their income to compensate, the poverty level changes. It's called INFLATION. When everyone can afford to pay more money for something, the price gets raised. There is no way around it. There will always be people doing the most horrible jobs for the lowest amount of money, and some will even be happy to do them. There will also always be unemployment. No way around these things (in a capitalist society). It doesn't matter how hard everyone works.

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

I think it's funny that Eli and other Democrats are now trumpeting the very same welfare reforms that their party spent years fighting. ;) I also think it's funny that those reforms were first pushed through by Republican Governors such as Tommy Thompson and John Engler. I remember very clearly New York Senator Pat Moynihan predicting that masses of poor youth would wind up roaming the street looking for crime victims as a result. :rolleyes:


I also think it's progress. ;) Now, if we can get them on board for some tax reform, health savings accounts, maybe some charter schools and vouchers and a lighter, leaner federal government, we'll be in good shape. graemlins/thumb.gif

I do agree with the majority of those items. Remember why I'm a Democrat Mark. ;)
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