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Looking for Brian Spilner in the Green Eclipse, seriously

Science Abuse

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No, I mean seriously, the guy made his car up to look just like Spilners floor board popping pile from The Fast And The Furious.


Anyways, I need to have a sit'n'chat about driving and knowing your limits.

So, if you know him, or just happen to see him out and about, tell him; "You would have hit the Tbird if the driver hadsn't given your stupid ass room to fuck up like you did, now he's looking for you, and he wont have his woman with him."


This fucker had no perception of braking or the effects of oversteer, and almost nosed into Elena and I tonight because he thought he could pass us on a curve. This is why you drive at 7/10 ladies and gents, you give yourself a margin to fill with braking when a fuckstick messes up. IfI had stayed in it and pulled through the turn as fast as I could, he would have nosed into my ass at a relative speed of 20-30mph on my exit, causing me to spin. But he didn't, only because I gave him room to skate across the road in front of me.



Keep that in mind and you have plenty of room to watch people wreck by themselves.

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Originally posted by Coke:

Yea I see him everyday down at CSCC, I felt really gay when he was next to me at a light... you know, because my bike and his car are the same color....

...and because you're a homosexual. tongue.gif


Wow, thanks to you guys and his retarded highschool taste in cars, I know alot more about this tool then I thought I would. Thanks, I'm proud to call you "My accomplices". graemlins/thumb.gif

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Oh, forgot to mention. He damn near got in a wreck IN the parking garage of CSCC one day while I was sitting in my car. Dumbshit was looking to his right for some odd reason (I think he was staring down an integra or something, gave a good ole JDM rev) and unknowingly drifted into the oncoming lane in the garage. Well, luckily the guy in the accord in the oncoming lane noticed he was an idiot that didn't know how to drive, and slammed on his brakes while laying on the horn. So, Spilner uses his mad street racing skillz to swerve out of the way, narrowly avoiding hitting the accord by about a foot.


I laughed my ass off and was kind of upset that he didn't hit something. Had he done that, I'd have got out of my car, pointed, laughed, and continued on to class.

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Originally posted by Avenger:

I see that thing turning in and out of that subdivision at the end of Brice rd (north of Main) all the time. Same guy also drives a white Beretta with different rims on each side.

trying to fool the cops?

what a dousche. someone please make his car explode like the one in that wast of an hour and a half..

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