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fucking portsmouth


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i go to shawnee state U, and i live on campus. well i got a ticket for speeding(ill admit it, i was speeding) but i wanted to contest it just hoping that the cop wouldnt show up, or at least get them to change the charge to a nonmoving violation. well then i found out that shawnee state was throwing all there on campus residents out for spring break the thursday before my court date for that friday. so when i found this out i went to the court on wednsday to ask them to reschedual my court date. so the fat bitch i asked told me i had to go and type up a request for the date change. so i went right home and typed one up, when i got back she had closed down early so i couldnt turn it in that day, and on her way out she fucking laughed at me. so when i went in on thursday to turn in my request she failed to tell me that request would only be granted if given at least two days in advance, and the fact that she was suposed to have given me a request form to fill out at the court house. so i missed my hearing and my request was denied, so now i cant even schedule a new hearing and they are going to suspend my liscence. i fucking hate portsmouth!!!
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my friend went to shawnee. he just moved up here but his parents still live down the street. all his family lives down there. he just took me down there for my first time actually visiting. dont know if you have ever seen it or not but he has a yellow 95 5.0 with white ram air hood and super 40s. he also has like 5% tint. he gets pulled over more down there for tint then he does haulin ass. he said they are pretty easy on people unless you are really flexing. do you ever make it down to ironton for a little action on the streets.
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hahahaha you guys tell me to just take the points and pay the $100 fine, I went to court today and they changed the charge from 50 in a 35 to 59 in a 55, no points and only a $15 fine. i have found, fighting tickets is always a good thing.
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i totaled a car a couple summers ago, got a "failure to control" ticket. cop put "Dry roads" on the ticket, and it was raining that night, and water marks from rain on the ticket. went to court to fight it, after sitting for an hour, my dad went in (while i was 17, so he went w/ me) and asked what was up, we had been there an hour. lady said "officer hasnt shown up, your case is dismissed". 0 points, 0 fines. :D . i still miss that BMW thought :(
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