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In three years at Ohio University I will owe nearly $60,000. Ohio U. decided that a total of $2,600 would be a suitable amount to lend me, thanks O.U. graemlins/thumb.gif Blah. And College Tuition is suposed to go up again by next year.


Hooooray for eduactaion, only to be broke for a million years after!


Worst week evar.

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2600 x 3 = 7800 or am I not following? Do you already owe 60k and next year you can only get 2600?


I am graduating this quarter from OSU and will have only about 10k in loans, but my parents paid a bit less than half and I never lived on campus.

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Yea, to bad I am getting cut off from any money asside from emergancys once I leave the house. Oh well, looks like I am getting a bank loan. I had to have a talk with the parents this morning.


It is great how, when I am at CSCC working hard to transfer in with good grades, that they keep telling me I don't need to worroie about paying for school once I transfer, but as soon as they get that first housing bill, BOOM cut off. "You're paying for it all on your own." My mom just got promoted and is making $15,000 more per year than she was a year ago, and buisness at the shop, is at an all time high.


My sister will never have to worrie about this, because she is in like the top percentile at Gahanna, and will probobly get a full ride anywhere she wants. My Brother honestly, wont even go to college because hes set on drag racing (and he is good to).


Sometimes I wish he would stop dumping money into atleast one of our four race cars, and help me out with school a little. A few thousand would be nice, but he told me thismorning that he thinks it is a waste of money, because he didn't go to college and he makes plenty. Sorry, I don't want to labor for years at dealerships, work outa my garage for five years, then finally became a major success when I turn 45 with my own shop. I look up to him, but I would like to be finacially stable, with a great job, or my Snowboard shop by the time I'm 30.

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Originally posted by controler:

2600 x 3 = 7800 or am I not following? Do you already owe 60k and next year you can only get 2600?


I am graduating this quarter from OSU and will have only about 10k in loans, but my parents paid a bit less than half and I never lived on campus.

$7800 yes, just from O.U. directly. But $7800 total, isn't going to pay for a school that costs $15,000+ per year to attend. So that means I have to get a bank loan. Bank loans, equal interest added on. 15 x 3 + interest of loan came out to about $56,000 by the time I graduate, if I do by '08. All the math was done last night, and when my parents saw that number, they decided they wern't paying for one cent.
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I'm not saying their responsible, but for the past five years, they have been telling me they were going to. So being a highschool kid, why should I save money for saomthing my parents constently tell me they are going to pay for. Now less than three months before I Move in as a transfer student, I am cut off. And a main reason is because we spend most of that money on my 13 year old brother racing program. But thats how it is in this house Dragracing > Education.


You would think that when your parents make over a combined $450,000 per year, they would chip in a little. If they weren't going to pay for me, they should have told me before I transfered, not wait five years, of telling to me they are, and then drop the bomb when I am actually making somthing of an education for once.


[ 05. July 2005, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: Crash ]

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I feel your pain man. They make it damn near impossible to move up the corporate ladder w/o that degree yet colleges want to put you in debt for the next 20 years to get it. Bastards. The only thing beating the inflation of college tuition is health care and theres no end in sight. It blows, i'm paying out way more than that going to devry and nearly as much with my wife getting her masters at ODC. It would be nice for FAFSA to take a look at the bills going out and not just what we make a year. Hell on paper i'm hood rich but after I get done paying out my mortgage and car payments theres no way in hell i could afford a college degree on my own.
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Originally posted by Crash:

In three years at Ohio University I will owe nearly $60,000. Ohio U. decided that a total of $2,600 would be a suitable amount to lend me, thanks O.U. graemlins/thumb.gif Blah. And College Tuition is suposed to go up again by next year.


Hooooray for eduactaion, only to be broke for a million years after!


Worst week evar.

Thank Taft.
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"thats why i don't get people that go to school for useless underpaying majors."


actually even the most "useless" majors generally equate out to more $ than if someone just didnt go. college is just another piece of proof for employers that shows you can put up with shit for that much longer. OSU tuition is cheap in comparison to everywhere else so YAY!!

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Originally posted by Abbie Hoffman:

Why is it anyone elses responsibility to pay for your education?



That's also all fine and well if he could be looked at as if he is doing this on his own. The FASA see's that his parents make $450k/yr and own a business that's probably worth $1.xMill and his EFC (estimated family contribution) is automatically $99,999. At least that was the max number when I was getting out of High School that my friends who I went to school with whose parents were uber rich saw. At that point he gets NO help from any school in the form of grants, loans, anything.


I've known people that were in a situation where their parents made decent money but wouldn't help them with school. They tried to show the school and lenders that they were independent of their parents after filling out the FAFSA and it doesn't happen. They you have to go get a loan that is not subsidized and start paying it back immediately. In fact sometimes it's hard to even get those kinds of loans for school.


Eli, I'm pretty sure that when your kids get to the age that they are going to go to college you are going to pay for it if the show the drive to do well and that's what they want to do. Actually I'm pretty sure you will do whatever you can to help them out in that area. I'm pretty sure I will do the same if I ever have kids.


I've never meet Ben's parents before but I know how much he wants this and it just makes me upset that they can't help him out. I've seen it happen too many times. Sorry to hear that this happened, just do whatever you can to get through it so you can get what you want. graemlins/thumb.gif


Originally posted by Y0gi:

Just get a job while you're in athens, after pledging.

I've heard trying to get a decent paying job down there sucks. True?
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But if your parents stop claiming you as a dependant shouldn't you be able to get that loan? If they're not going to pay for it they should at least stop claiming you or else you're getting screwed.
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Guest infamous me 235

Same thing happened to my girlfriend. Sucks. Like out of the blue, "oh yeah jen, you have to pay for toledo." she got 1 scholarship that covers... not alot for a $19,500/year. so she had to goto the bank and get a loan out. but, when its all said and done, she'll be able to pay off her loans in 1 year or 2 years max when she graduates


$19,594/year X 6 http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/runaway.gifhttp://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/hsughr.gif

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Insensitive how? No one paid for my education. I am disappointed that he wants a handout. I had to work damn hard to get where I am. We had $600 a month when I grew up, and I'm supposed to feel sorry for Ben because his parents aren't giving him $60K? It's fucked up if they said they were going to and didn't, I'll give you that, but other than that my sympathy is lacking.


Ben, honestly, your education will mean much more if you have to pay for it yourself. You will have a better understanding of its value. I wish you the best, and hope it works out.

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Guest GSRchick714

I feel your pain - once I transfer to Ohio Dominican it's $19,000 a year there :eek:

Because of the stupid government's idea of "independence", I have to put my mom's income on my FAFSA even though 1. I don't live with her, and 2. She isn't paying a dime towards my school. I think that is SO STUPID.

Anyways, good luck paying your debts, most people do it someday :(

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Originally posted by Abbie Hoffman:

Insensitive how? No one paid for my education. I am disappointed that he wants a handout.

My bet is Ben's parents can more than afford to pay for all of his school. They just chose not to and make their son go through some hard times. I'm sure you will force your son to endure the same thing because it will make him a 'better' person.


School's are becoming more and more expensive and it's becoming harder and harder for someone to work their way through school. School's and the government assume your parents will help you and use that to decide how much money they will give you, and how many loans you can get. When a persons parents have as much in assets and make as much as Ben's does, you don't get anything in the way of grants or loans. Then he has to go get high(er) interest loans that aren't deferred. I would not have been able to go to the school I went to without help from my parents, grants, scholarships and loans. When you get awarded with a financial package, it says how much each one of those is to add up to what tuition, room and board cost. If one of those falls short, you’re in a pretty bad place. I would have been able to go to OSU without very much of any of those if I worked 40hours/week at a decent paying job (for a college student) while going to school full time (if I could afford it). But like Kyle said, it's one of the cheapest (non community college) schools in the state. Anywhere else and you’re hosed.


Are you even sure how all of this works? I've known numerous people who have went through the same thing and it's a major pain in the ass to try to get enough loans just to pay for your school. If the school/FASA doesn't feel like you need it (even just a loan), neither will most lending institutions (because the school and sallie mae are just mediators/dispersal agents for the loans). I'm not really sure you know the kind of position Ben is in right now.


From what you’re saying your parents didn’t have enough to send you to school. Well probably back then, just like now you would have gotten a lot of help in the way of grants and loans. I also knew people going to my school (~30k/yr now) who’s parents were dirt poor and they easily got enough loans, grants, and scholarships to pay for their school, books, and sometimes even some spending money. That’s because when they look at the little EFC box when their FAFSA comes back it says something near $0. You just chose to take a different route with your education. This is what Ben wants to do and his parents just chose to make it very hard on him. Once again I'll say, as you being a parent how could you make the decision to make something harder on you're child? I'm still waiting to hear that you aren't going to help Spencer (or Abbie) in any way you can go to school if that's what they want.

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Eli, I understand, I'm just saying this situation blows. If I would have known right out of high school that my parents wouldn't help me out with college, than I woudn't have gone. I have other passions and talents that don't require college. But now that I have spent 5k for school already, I feel I must stay commited to this. I do want an education, and I would like to prove I could do better than I have done in the previous years. I am not looking for a handout, because frankly, if I were just going to college to have the college experiance, I wouldn't have even bothered enrolling. That is what a handout to me is.


I am not looking for my parents to just hand me 60k so I don't ever have to pay a cent, or worrie about it. I would however have liked my parents be giving me some assistance, since I have worked hard in my classes this year. Its also not so much that they wont help me out, but that thousands are spend on my 13 year old brother, insted of my education.


I will attempt to get a Job while in Athens, but not till the spring quarter. Fall I will be pledging. I could easily not, and have plenty of time, but I feel that aside from my friends already active there, a frat is somthing that will help me stay on track with academics. It also helps that they have had top three GPA at O.U. for a while. And anything Supra Mark was in must be alright haha smile.gif


I can't work during the winter because, well, snowboarding. My whole reasoning for going to O.U. is so that I can get a bachlors in somthing else I enjoy, make enough money outa school to pay off loans now, and open up my own snowboardshop and do what I love. Snowboarding comes before School, because I am at school to make money, so that I can aford to be in the snowboarding industry. Also I feel I need an education to fall back on, incase somthing ever happens to me, to the point where I can ride ever again.


I could consider caliming independance, but I don't think that would be the spartest move right now. Asside from that everything Jesse has said is pretty much right. My parents combined income is to much for O.U. to invest say 10k into, FASFA feels that I only deserve 2k, which is nothing. FASFA also doen't look at how much of that income is taxed, and howmany bills are paid. If FASFA did than I would probobly recive a few thousand more.

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