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Anyone know where to find some good racing forums?


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No, the site still sucks. It's broken, and needs fixed. I am not here to contribute positively in any way to the board until the shit is right. I will point out every shortcoming along the way.


I typed up a response to anyone with a comment about my posting here, but I can sum it all up with eat a dick and mind your fucking business.

I don't get it.


If I didn't like having someone kick me in the balls, and every time I went a certain place during my free time I got kicked in the balls......I'd stop going there! I wouldn't just bitch about it and hope eventually that they will stop kicking me in the balls.

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I don't get it.


If I didn't like having someone kick me in the balls, and every time I went a certain place during my free time I got kicked in the balls......I'd stop going there! I wouldn't just bitch about it and hope eventually that they will stop kicking me in the balls.



or you would try to affect change.


if you really think eli, anthony, and myself are having dinner as a prelude to homosexual lovin', then you are mistaken.


(but ant does look cute in flannel shirts with the sleeves cut off.)

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Joe, what the fuck is your point? What is it you're trying to do or say that has any bearing on the current conversation? When you have an insult that pertains to the matter at hand, get back to me. Something better than "It's not my fault xxxx", or "At least I don't xxxxx". I mean, come on, we've been out of high school for about 10 years now. You should be able to come up with something decent. Should.
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Joe, what the fuck is your point? What is it you're trying to do or say that has any bearing on the current conversation? When you have an insult that pertains to the matter at hand, get back to me. Something better than "It's not my fault xxxx", or "At least I don't xxxxx". I mean, come on, we've been out of high school for about 10 years now. You should be able to come up with something decent. Should.

The current conversation is about you bitching about the site (imagine that), and dinner (or attempted gay sex, no one has cleared that up yet) w/ Anthony. So I'm right on topic there bub.

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Time for you to understand how the process works then. Anthony and I will fix what we agree is wrong with CR. So, sit back and let the adults talk, and then do as Anthony says. Remember, you'll be carrying out what we want done, and you won't be involved in any of the decision making process. All you do is moderate. Poorly.




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Time for you to understand how the process works then. Anthony and I will fix what we agree is wrong with CR. So, sit back and let the adults talk, and then do as Anthony says. Remember, you'll be carrying out what we want done, and you won't be involved in any of the decision making process. All you do is moderate. Poorly.





Easy there, killer. Take your own advice and back off of Joe. He's under my wing and don't think for one minute that you will have any "authority" over what he, or anyone else says and does on CR. He's in place for a reason and he is staying there in his full capacity whether you like it or not.


You will never be in charge of anything. Let's make that perfectly clear.


Anthony has agreed to listen to and consider your recommendations whenever you feel like returning his phone calls. There is no "we" about anything involving you. He will consider what you have to say, bring the considerations to the staff, and we will choose to act or disregard them.


So you need to know YOUR role. Which is just a regular member. We don't want to see you trying to misconstrue yourself as having any power here again.

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Fuck you Chris. I talked to Ant and he told me a lot of what you said on the phone about CR was incorrect. So, in essence, the guy running the show doesn't know what he's doing. You told me on the phone that CR is no longer about racing. Is that correct? What other inane bullshit would you like to spout off?


In your relationship with Joe, I guess we know who's the bitch.


If you and Ant take that stance I have no qualms about standing aside and letting you guys do your thing. If this opinion is shared by Ant, I will stand aside, and you guys can continue to do the swell job of Administering this site that you have been doing.

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Fuck you Chris. I talked to Ant and he told me a lot of what you said on the phone about CR was incorrect. So, in essence, the guy running the show doesn't know what he's doing. You told me on the phone that CR is no longer about racing. Is that correct? What other inane bullshit would you like to spout off?


In your relationship with Joe, I guess we know who's the bitch.


If you and Ant take that stance I have no qualms about standing aside and letting you guys do your thing. If this opinion is shared by Ant, I will stand aside, and you guys can continue to do the swell job of Administering this site that you have been doing.


Yep, fuck me. I'm sure what I said to you was "lost in translation" anyway.


He has no problem listening to your recommendations. But straight from him on the phone not 15 minutes ago, they are just that. Recommendations. So make them and let us do our thing. Quit trying to be more than you are and we don't have a problem.

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Alright buddy. I'll just bide my time until you're "let go" from this position as well.


Better get some suntan lotion, a wide brimmed hat, and an ice cream machine. Because it will be a cold day in hell. :)

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If it's a cold day, why would I need suntan lotion and an Ice Cream machine?


You suck at site admin AND insults. No wonder you and Joe get along. Now all he needs to do is break his car and you guys will be like the Bobsey twins.

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You suck at site admin AND insults.


Now all he needs to do is break his car and you guys will be like the Bobsey twins.


Ah HA! My car was never broken. ;)


Read it again. Someone of your intelect should be able to get it on a second pass. :)

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