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Hoblick, you've gotten away with this crap for too long.....


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I've finally decided to call you out on the bullshit you have pulled around here. I called it out on your "FTP" thread, but it got locked for being off-topic, so now this is ON TOPIC. Hell, this isn't even all of it, but good enough for me. You'll notice links for EVERYTHING I bringing up, in case your nut swingers think I'm pulling this shit out of my ass.


- Rip off your ex-roomate. It's common knowledge you owe him a bunch of money. Instead of being a decent person and putting effort into paying him back (after causing damage to his credit), you just go blow money on bikes, cars, etc. I don't give a shit if you two are still friends or not, that's horseshit. Check the last post in this thread


Another mention about the money you owe


There are more posts on this, but are either in areas I can't link, or stuff too far back to be worth searching for.


- You fucking hit Anthony, tell him you'll fix his truck, then do jack shit about it. Thread where you hit Anthony's Blazer


- Use this board to sell shit (T-shirts for your "Stuntaz" stuff), without ever being a registered vendor. Link


- Posting about your dog needing all sorts of vet care, ask for donations, and turn around the next week and blow more money on shit you don't need and brag about it on here.....nice. I can 100% sympathize about having a dog needing care and the bills associated with it, and had you really been in a financial situation that you could provide it care, that's one thing, but you proved otherwise:Link to dog. And now:


Shit you didn't need a month later.


Don't forget the toy you had to get for the bike a month later



- Anthony tries to buy/trade truck repairs for your nitrous kit. He called you out on it somehow being sold, when the timeline you gave was off. Take a look at your FS forum stuff, it's in there. N2O kit for sale.


Anthony calls you out about the nitrous kit timeline.


I already know you don't like me, not that I care. Hell, if that was the only reason, I'd never have bothered posting this. The fact you rip off friends, bitch about the mods for DOING THERE JOB, etc......that's enough for me to post this.


And people, before responding, read this whole post, and check out the links, before I get blamed by DJ again for spreading "shit I've heard about you." I'm not spreading shit I've heard, I've spreading shit that's been posted all over this board.

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it would be nice for you to stop posting shit you know nothing about, and trying to publicly humiliate me. not that i give a goddamn about what your faggot ass has to say.


one anthony has had about 4 months to get his truck fixed. i work at a body shop i told him to stop down and get an estimate and id be more than happy to pay or the repair to be done at our shop. he has yet to even stop down.


for the stuff i buy who gives a shit.. i can buy whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want. ill pm you about the roomate thing if you really want to know. not that it is any of your fucking business at all.


and if this isnt the biggest personal attack on CR i dont know what is. but im a big boy i cna handle your faggot thread.

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#1: Calling me a fag in response....doesn't really hurt me. Sorry. smile.gif


#2: I 100% agree you can buy whatever you want. I buy whatever I want. THE DIFFERENCE IS buying stuff you don't need when asking/accepting donations for something you DO NEED is shady (and I fully understand a pet needing care, and providing care is the right thing to do). IMO, it's a pretty simple concept.


#3: This post is NOT against the rules. No racial/ethnic/gender slurs of any kind. This is definately not a personal threat to you or anyone else. I'm not digging up private info; everything in this post has been made public on here previously.


#4: Okay, Anthony hasn't stopped down. Fine and dandy. Have you made an effort to schedule a time for him to come down. Gotta be pro-active and take responsibility to get things taken care of that you caused.


Sorry to be the asshole here (well, not real sorry), but coming here and using this site to your benefit, breaking the rules, bitching about the administration for just upholding said rules (me being part of that administration), doesn't fly so well. Sometimes ya have to be called out to put things back into perspective. smile.gif


And to my knowledge, Hoblick has not banged any previous or my current g/f. If he has, good for him. smile.gif

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well i am glad to hear that he did no such thing as banging ur girlfriend...lol...anyways we did need help with the dog bill...it was 2,500 dollars and me and hoblick dont make that much money and paying for the dog basically broke us for quite a while like im talkin no grocery shopping for a good month with not a damn good thing to eat :( ...and it was my idea to ask for help and i guess i just dont know why he is such a problem to you none of the above that u have posted concerns you in one bit thats all i have to say. graemlins/gives.gif
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Originally posted by BsStang01:

well i am glad to hear that he did no such thing as banging ur girlfriend...lol...anyways we did need help with the dog bill...it was 2,500 dollars and me and hoblick dont make that much money and paying for the dog basically broke us for quite a while like im talkin no grocery shopping for a good month with not a damn good thing to eat :( ...and it was my idea to ask for help and i guess i just dont know why he is such a problem to you non of the above that u have posted concerns you in one bit thats all i have to say.

I dont think Joe is saying that it was wrong to ask for help to care for your dog. Actually, I think he said he would have done the same thing.


What Joe has a problem with is that a month after you needed help taking care of your dog, Hoblick went out and bought new bike things or something (cant remember).


I dont think Joe is attacking or dog or anything ;)


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all i am saying is that he did not pay for the bike it was an even trade so no money was involved so i think Joe has no idea what he is talkin about and i think he needs to get his shit straight....and i understand the dog thing but that was my idea not Ryans so he can bitch at me if he wants to.....and yes this whole thread is fucking retarted and a waste of my time...u are all right...
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yes if joe has a problem with me he can take it up with me through pm or in person. besides the point no one knows anything about shit unless they are me, or in another case my fiance. so dont go flapping your gums wihtout correct knowledge. if you want to continue your rampage.. again like i said take it to pm, or in person. that is all.
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Originally posted by Death Sandwich:



asking for dog-care money and then buying "unnecessary" things is pretty weak IMO

Thank you for contributing to the ignorance of this thread.


Ok, don't meen to nutswing here... It gets tiring everytime I mention Hoblick's name, wether I mention how he is going to help my fix my bike, or wether I mentioned I was riding with him a few days ago, to here how bad of a person he is, because of a situation with ex roomates or whatever.


I don't know what happened between Hoblick and Fowler, so I am not going to sit here and judge. They are both adults, I think they can handle it themselves without a million people trying to make Hoblick look like a toolbag.


It seems to mee that eveyone these days is all up in everyones own buisness. Although its your friends Joe, don't you think they can handle their own situations? I think making a thread like this is honestly as low as you are tring to make Hoblick out to be.

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