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Well i was told about this forum a while back by someone not sure who it was. I ask ricky about 2 weeks ago what the url was so I could check it out. I looked it up yesterday and registered. I recieve an email back to day that says"


Your membership application to TrackAddicts.net has been reviewed and

rejected by our administrators for the following reasons: lack of any

reference from a senior member, lack of any apparent interest or

participation in autocross or road course racing, and a history of

argumentative posting on other message boards. We also do not allow


members to join simply for the purpose of rebutting a thread on our


which they may find objectionable. This is a private club which

happens to

have a discussion forum, and we reserve the right to refuse access to

anyone at any time and for any reason.



I realized that Veritas who pissed me off pretty good the other day trying to downgrade what I drive is what I assume the reason for this. Well FYI I will always agrue with someone who talks shit about my car for no good reason. The only thing I can say is I make a off the handle comment about wanting to race but I refuse to edit my posts, I have to live with what I say.


I just want to say to track addicts members who alot it seems are also here.


WRONG on the decision that was made. I had no idea who was on the norad had never looked at it ill yesterday.


I posted in here so it would not get locked, deleted, or moved.



Oh well no crying over it i just wanted to let those know who made this decision that they were wrong.

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oh and BTW. I see where many of you are comming from on the mustang not being a track car.









I just feel after owning so many imports my whole life mostly Audi and VW's the second i buy something i think will be a fun, fast, and cheap car, people have had nothing but stereotypical comments for me that were not there before I bought the car. No diferent of a person am I driving my audi to work am I driving my mustang. It's just been bothersome to me.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Talk to Supraglue, he has the biggest E-Penis of the Track addicts group.



....Ok, I'll go bck to studying now. ;)

I sent him an email and an IM, I haven't heard back so i'm not sure if he got them, and that is why I came here to talk about it.
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I'm trying to take as an unbiased approach to this as possible, despite this being posted in the kitchen I'm going to try to have a rational 'conversation' about this. Let me also state that I am an active member there, but have no stake other than that in TA. I didn't help start it and am not a moderator.


Well, you addressed half of that e-mail which was the half that says why they thought you were registering, to continue the argument which was started here. You said that wasn't true, so that takes care of that half of the e-mail.


You did not address why you do want to go to the board, you didn't even say in your post that you are genuinely interested in anything that the site has to do with. There are plenty of people on here I've seen post about auto-crossing and/or road racing (to a lesser extent), whom aren't on TA. I can never remember you posting about any of these things, and you never stated in this post that you were even slightly interested in any of the things that the board is about.


Secondly I am just sitting here wondering why you posted this in the Kitchen? I only see one of two basic reasons for this. You are assuming it is going to get ugly and you don't want it cluttering up non-crap based portions of this forum. Or the second option is that you want it to get ugly. If I were you, and I thought that something like this was going to get ugly, I wouldn't post it, but that's just me. I would have e-mailed the admin back and stated exactly what you stated here, along with why I was genially interested in that site. I can only assume from how this is written, seemingly towards the admin who wrote you it, you did not e-mail them. Therefore you are posting it here wanting it to get ugly, and more than likely didn't have a genuine interest in the site.


Just my take on things, trying to look at it from an outside perspective. This almost reads like an e-mail back to the admin’s initial e-mail stating why you want to join. If that’s the case, you are going about it entirely wrong.


EDIT: You guys got those post in while I was writing this.

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First I posted it in here beacuse I just don't want it to get locked, edited, and or deleted. I want it to be a mature open disscusion. The Kitchen seems to be the only place for this to happen. I am a very open person. If i have a problem I would rather talk through it than allow it to be a burden. The thread I believe to be the cause of this with Veritas was locked in the Senior Members section while I felt we were disscusing it and working through it.


As far as posting in threads in the past that pertain to track events or autocrossing. I have never had a large interest in autocrossing. As far as track events I have attented most of the large events at Mid-Ohio in the last three years. Untill recently I did not own a car that had any business on a track. So when those threads would come up I would rather keep my mouth shut than clutter the thread up. I had plans to attend an event put together by the ALFA club of ohio at nelson ledges later this month but it was canceled die to lack of interest. I am not a member of the alfa club but a good friend of mine is and they were doing an open invite due to lack of interest from their members.


I am just kind of pissed that no one sent me an email to ask WHY i was goining. It has kind of got me heated up beacuse of the curcumstances. I really wanted to talk to Mark about it thus why I sent him the email and IM's.

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Originally posted by mesteno:

Oh, and . . .




That attitude is the only reason he pproved you. tongue.gif


Big Papa, its realy quite simple, try not to take offence:

-Have you participated in an autocross, track event, or rally?

-Do you posses a vehicle devoted to such practices?

-Have you engaged in rediculous E-flaming?


Its simply not the place for ya.

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Originally posted by BrockSamson:

Originally posted by mesteno:



Big Papa, its realy quite simple, try not to take offence:

-Have you participated in an autocross, track event, or rally?

-Do you posses a vehicle devoted to such practices?

-Have you engaged in rediculous E-flaming?


Its simply not the place for ya.


Not devoted but much better suited than most of the cars on there

No not rediclous



After seeing the attidues of some of the members i am truely glad things turned out the way they did.

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Originally posted by BIG PAPA:


Not devoted but much better suited than most of the cars on there

No not rediclous



After seeing the attidues of some of the members i am truely glad things turned out the way they did.

translation: hi can i join your guys club


no, you aren't into this type of stuff and you cause trouble


well fuck you guys i am too cool anyways


thank god for the egyptian sweet sauce, and the viking destrucktor

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