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goddamn asian drivers

El Karacho1647545492

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by Neo:

I hate the be the bearer of bad news, but being mad at a few people who happen to be of a certain race and saying "That race can't drive", is racist. That's in it's very essence what racism is; stereotyping according to your (or even my) narrow experience of the world.


...just the reason why I said earlier...I hate ANYONE who can't drive...no matter what race they are!


[ 11. February 2005, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: GSRchick714 ]

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Originally posted by 10xworse:

re-read, and figure out that I was talking about two specific asians and one specific black guy.


addition to the list:


I hate people who can't read, or who read too far into things.

Originally posted by 10xworse:

And not the women who drive too slow!


I'm so fucking sick of stupid asian ricers in Preludes pacing me on Morse road just because I drive an import. No i don't fucking want to race and no you are not the shit in your IS300.


On another note, fuck black guys in white STS's that put their blinker on and fly up on your ass at 90 freaking mph making you think that they'll move over and you have to swerve because you noticed that his head was below the dash looking for some shit under the seat.



OK, I read and re-read your post, and can find NO reference of specific asian people in your original post. Just apologize, say you typed some shit tht came out wrong, and forget it. OR, you can just look like a racist piece of shit. The choice is yours.
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Ok sorry that what I said came out wrong and seemed racist. I did not mean to insinuate that Asians or African-Americans are somehow lesser peoples than a Portuguese/American like myself.


Originally posted by Ricochet:

10x why would you make a thread like this, knowing it would turn into what it is now.. graemlins/nonono.gif

I'm really beginning to wonder what I was thinking.



Now for god's sake, someone please lock this accursed thread.

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He already does look like a racist POS. I mean after all he did say "He hates mexicans." how much more racist can you get. He then said "He hates Jews." Lol.


Anywayas, didn't that randleman guy first come out in MMA saying he used boxing?

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Originally posted by Rane:

He already does look like a racist POS. I mean after all he did say "He hates mexicans." how much more racist can you get. He then said "He hates Jews." Lol.


Anywayas, didn't that randleman guy first come out in MMA saying he used boxing?

good point smartass, now figure out I WAS KIDDING.

plus I apologized (sincerely). Drop the subject, OR, go on acting like a tool.

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Know whats worse than racism?


The nonstop neverending blah blah blah analyze analyze analyze platitude platitude argue argue argue fear fear fear over racism.


Talk about social programming gone out of control. Good god make it stop.


So tired of it. *time for a nap*


Wake me up when we're back to arguing about cars. Or rockets, or titties, or guns, or something.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Know whats worse than racism?


The nonstop neverending blah blah blah analyze analyze analyze platitude platitude argue argue argue fear fear fear over racism.


Talk about social programming gone out of control. Good god make it stop.


So tired of it. *time for a nap*


Wake me up when we're back to arguing about cars. Or rockets, or titties, or guns, or something.

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I hate people who embark in forum drama simply because they cannot take satirical comments in an online bulletin board system. Apparently I am the only one who finds his post interesting and or humorous and I am the one that is a minority. I'm from a dirty third world country where the only thing to look forward to is having another kid so you can have a meal to eat the next day.(edit- This is a joke, I am kidding, people in my homeland do not their children, you notice that by informing people that I am kidding its no longer humorous...) Everyone is so obsessed with being politically correct nowaday that harmless comments are now blown up racist dogmatisms. I find it interesting how in this world where anything said can offend anyone that the white people are left out. How come whenever I hit a white man its okay because at one point in my life like all other races that are in this country one of my ancestors sisters civil rights activist was oppressed? Conversely if a white man go as far as to comment that my skin is darker than others, which is simply stating the obvious, or touch me its a racial slur or hate crime. I frankly seem to be the only one to look at 10X worses posts and laugh because when he says I hate mexicans I hate jews I hate phillipinos he is obviously kidding. Read carefully, he insults himself there, ITS SARCASM!! Does that make him racist? ugh whats the point in arguing, anything anyone says can be considered offensive, I'll go on living my life with a sense of humor and those who are concerned are free to go on thinking everyone who uses the word white black or asian in a sentence is racist. I have gone passed looking at race as an issue, and if someone is racist so what?! They are still human being and thus hating them for being racist only fuels their cause. If racism is a part of their life let it be, its a free country! The right to swing one man's fist ends at another's nose... Until there is physical action I'm sorry to say that the common childhood statement "Stick and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me," applies.
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How come I don't get the right to punch someone.


Pussy's always start fights then call the cops. So much for my right to hand out beat downs, or even recieve one because if I lost a fight I'm sure spectators would call the cops.

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Originally posted by Rane:

How come I don't get the right to punch someone.


Pussy's always start fights then call the cops. So much for my right to hand out beat downs, or even recieve one because if I lost a fight I'm sure spectators would call the cops.

you whine too much
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I agree with you completely Rane, nowaday if you want to pick the fight the damn person either cries like a girl or hits you once then begs for peace... what the hell happened to being a man... I'm telling you,we need to enjoy the pain, the glory that comes with being man.. we need to start fight club...

#1 rule of fight club is we don't talk about fight club....

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