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EXCLUSIVE! Spy photos of Desperado's 6-second S-10 project.

Guest jpurdy2003

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Guest jpurdy2003

Now, as many of you may know, I have a tendency to pursue unique and unusual cars for photographs, whether it be the f-body on 20's or the Westerville Doll Head Miata. It's mostly due to my boredom and stupidity, but it can be fulfilling. My latest target was the famed 6-second, street driven Chevy S-10 of our own Desperado, which most of you had foolishly thought to be a figment of his imagination.


It was a cool, windy night on US 23 between delaware and polaris, and I was cruising along and munching on some of White Castle's finest square-beef laxatives. Suddenly, I see headlights in my rearview approaching at a rate of speed that makes Anthony's Firebird look like Bobby Lee's UFO. I see a white blur blast past me, and rapidly deccelerate to the speed limit.


I go five over, and catch up, since I'm eager to see what this supercar is. To my surprise, it is neither a McLaren F1 nor Danica Patrick driving her race car on the steet in nomex lingerie (damn that would have been better), but instead a vintage, 1980's chevrolet S10. I remember vaguely a mention of a six-second S10, and quite frankly, at these speeds I wouldn't doubt that it runs such a time. Either that, or the driver's heft descending a hill can take it over 200 MPH.


As I pull behind the S10, I noticed that there are three people sitting across the bench seat. I then observed that the left side of the car was about a foot closer to the pavement than the right. It must be desperado.


As they pull into a Speedway station, I realize that this may be the only chance I get to immortalize this beast on a CompactFlash card. I played it cool and got gas at the next island, and I observed the occupants.


First, with a great groaning from the truck's suspension, the human Sta-Puft Marshmallow man thundered out of the truck and stomped towards the mini-mart, the ground trembling with each punishing step. A water main out on US 23 burst and shot a crescent of water high into the air. The whole while, the blob mumbled repetitively: "Hot dawgs is two fer 99 cents."


I then noticed the two passengers, who are obviously GM factory engineers, judging by their identical airbrushed "Heartbeat of America" t-shirts. One was male, the other may have been female. Whatever they were, they must be completely immersed in their work. Many of us here on CR have busted knuckles or gotten cuts, but these individuals had battle scars that put most of ours to shame. They had numerous cuts and needle marks on their arms, probably from the numerous tetanus shots that come with the territory of working on decaying Northern cars. Or maybe they just use heroin.


As they went behind the building mumbling something about "Oxcontin," I saw my opportunity. Upon closer inspection, this truck was truly one of a kind. Apparently, after 20 years of development, these GM engineers had finally designed an aero kit that could keep the first-gen S10 stable at 200 MPH. It wasn't the best looking, but I can only assume that form follows function here.


I snapped one picture, but the shaking beneath my feet meant that the behemoth was returning to his vehicle. Also, the two engineers were approaching with a bag of what appeared to be some sort of pellets that I'm assuming are dissolved in the fuel tank to increase octane.


It didn't matter. I had gotten the shot, and I now present it to you:



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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

the thing i find funny is jack making fun of anything that he sees that isn't reflected from a mirror

I don't make myself out to be anything more than I am: a person of average intelligence and below-average appearance trying to climb out of the abyss of poverty. As opposed to someone who couldn't build a six-second car in six years with a six million dollar budget, no matter what delusions of grandeur he spews online.
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

hmm the irony, clark they do make a thing that is used all around the world everyday. Spell checker goes a long way!

WHO THE FUCK CARES, its apparent its a typo.


And i dont mind flat black at all, looks alright.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

Jack if your not going to post pictures of your 80's corrolla doing rear wheel burn outs then your wasting my time.

Why did I sell that car? :wtc:
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