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Guest GSRchick714

Sometimes I don't understand why I watch some of the shows I watch...Real World? I sit there and watch other people do what I do....why does that interest me so freaking much? :confused:

TV is addicting

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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Why the fuck do you care if someone decides to use different words than you, you stupid savage? Sorry if we aren't all satisfied with a vocabulary consisting only of grunts and crude hand gestures. Don't you have a pint-sized parka to sew, you nancy-pants Daddy boy?

I like chicken and rice soup.
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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Why the fuck do you care if someone decides to use different words than you, you stupid savage?

So, Eric is a savage because he is complaining about people not speaking proper English, and not using words correctly? graemlins/wtf.gif


Originally posted by copperhead:





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Originally posted by WebNinja:

Why the fuck do you care if someone decides to use different words than you, you stupid savage? Sorry if we aren't all satisfied with a vocabulary consisting only of grunts and crude hand gestures. Don't you have a pint-sized parka to sew, you nancy-pants Daddy boy?

Suck it dry billy bass, I use tha queens english. Even the vikings had language. Serious, go out some time, and stand next to some highschool kid in an argument and listen to them reort "I am chill, I am sooo chill, you're the one who needs to be chill..." and let me know how that feels bouncing around in your skull.
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Originally posted by Neo:

So, Eric is a savage because he is complaining about people not speaking proper English, and not using words correctly? graemlins/wtf.gif


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by copperhead:





Listen Charlie Brown, the English language evolves Daily. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean that it's wrong and needs to be bitched about on the intrarweb. Shouldn't you be ruining someone's christmas right about now?
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Do you want to come up with a new joke or just keep using the same one over and over again that wasn't even funny in the first place? I guess I shouldn't expect any more out of you though.


Shut the fuck up or it will be your Christmas I ruin next year by making your mom cry from t-bagging her on Christmas eve.

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Originally posted by Neo:

Shut the fuck up or it will be your Christmas I ruin next year by making your mom cry from t-bagging her on Christmas eve.

Bahahahah, I wanna see that in person! Too funny, too funny! graemlins/lol.gif


Ninjas are soooooo sw33t they roXors! Give his mom a mushroom stamp!

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