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School levy's


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Originally posted by Mowgli:

sent - rumor is Powell has higher taxes?

Nope mine are less than for the same home in dublin. By about 1200 a year.


Oh and the address yuo sent me is ony 4,400 a year.

Mine are 3000 right now going up to 3800.


Like i said 13000 a year is for a home with a value of about 800-1mill in dublin.


I would post a copy of the tax card I looked up but you seem a little worried about that. So I am respecting your choice.

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ducking into a meeting - i'll pm you later - more to this than i posted but the escrow amounts are what i mentioned for a reason: my neighbor is a judge who's leading this whole civil revolt - so i'll give you the skinny offline if you're interested. not like we're going to get hte district boundaries realigned but we can make noise.


...and i thank you for not posting the tax card on the old address i gave you. we've both been members here long enough to watch the theft burden of CR membership hit others ;)

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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

Olentangy- Pass the levy or kids wont have books to learn from.


We now have new plasma screen TV in the auditorium, mind you it is used two times a year by students!


Yeah, it was truly needed!!

It's crap like that and artsy collums that supports nothing that makes me hate being in a socialistic school system where decision makers aren't accountable for spending money on dumb crap. :mad:
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I think I like the idea of only people with kids IN SCHOOL should pay school tax. Makes sense to me: if you decide to pop out kids, you should be the one paying to educate them. Why should I have to pay because someone couldn't keep their legs closed/keep it in their pants?
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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

It's crap like that and artsy collums that supports nothing that makes me hate being in a socialistic school system where decision makers aren't accountable for spending money on dumb crap. :mad:

I used to live in Cleveland, went to Cleveland Public schools, (I know, yes it sucked), No AC, some rooms didnt have heat, so we used heaters, a few books, I still learned. Here, a fight breaks out, Oh my god, call the police, tell the news crews! Up there it was like "Fuck, I thought you were sorting this out last night"
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I think I like the idea of only people with kids IN SCHOOL should pay school tax. Makes sense to me: if you decide to pop out kids, you should be the one paying to educate them. Why should I have to pay because someone couldn't keep their legs closed/keep it in their pants?

Think about the statement "For the greater good" for a couple of seconds.


Let's put it this way. If that were implemented, in 50 years no one but the rich would be able to afford school. You don't give a shit hunh? I suspect someone with that attitude wouldn't. It's not your kids. What if that had been implemented 50 years before you started school? What about if it were 50 years before you parents started school?


Survey says, there was a very good chance, you, I, and most people on this board wouldn't have gotten any kind of education.


Our education system needs to be far better, through both massive reform and overall better funding. None of this made up No Child Left Behind stuff that only serves to make a few politicians look better at the cost of the whole entire education system.


Selfish people make me fucking sick.

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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

I used to live in Cleveland, went to Cleveland Public schools, (I know, yes it sucked), No AC, some rooms didnt have heat, so we used heaters, a few books, I still learned. Here, a fight breaks out, Oh my god, call the police, tell the news crews! Up there it was like "Fuck, I thought you were sorting this out last night"

That's the way all Columbus public schools used to be. It has been about 9 years since I was there so I can't say how it is now. You could damn near kill someone and they would just sit you down in the office and make you shake hands and send you home for a day or two at the most. Now people sue your ass.
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Well I didn't go to school. Like I said I didn't finish the 5th grade. Of course it definately shows in my spelling, but life ain't just about spelling.

I also have no GED or HS diploma. I did attend college for a little while, but then found a pretty good job at the time and stopped going.


When I enrolled in college I didn't need a GED or diploma or anything. I just took an entrance exam and tested out of 80% of the classes for the program I was enrolling in.


I've had quite a few jobs over the years and none of them cared that I didn't go to HS or have a GED. These were not simple jobs either. Most were either software/hardware support or level 3 field service positions as well as some programing stuff.


So you see I don't agree that the educational system is necessary at all and therefore do not support any increase in there funds. People will only learn if there interested.



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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Assured Risk:

I used to live in Cleveland, went to Cleveland Public schools, (I know, yes it sucked), No AC, some rooms didnt have heat, so we used heaters, a few books, I still learned. Here, a fight breaks out, Oh my god, call the police, tell the news crews! Up there it was like "Fuck, I thought you were sorting this out last night"

For real? I'm a Collinwood graduate. Where'd you go?


One thing that all of you bitching about higher taxes need to understand: better schools strenghthen the economy. Both start-ups and employers that are relocating want an area with a large pool of at least competently-educated people. If achievement goes down the shitter, or if valuable programs are cut (especially vocational programs), an employer is going to view the region or city as being short on human resources.


Cliffs notes: employers want educated people. If there aren't any, employers will leave, and new ones will not take their places. Look at Cleveland.

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Originally posted by Tractor:

So you see I don't agree that the educational system is necessary at all and therefore do not support any increase in there funds. People will only learn if there interested.



You are the exception that proves the rule. Yeah someone who graduates high school and ends up being a secretary probably isn't the most head strong person in the world. But how would that person have contributed to things running the way they do if they only had a fifth grade education? That same person, the 'average' person would have likely ended up homeless. Not contributing to society in any way, shape or form. I'll commend you for what you've accomplished, it truly is amazing. But it's not just about 'me, me, me!' You have to try and look at the bigger picture.


This is about the sixth time I've said this concerning they way people on this board think about things sometimes. Especially in connection with how they've voted... For the greater good. Don't just read it, think about it. The basic education system (k-12) isn't like some kind of 'hand out', like some people see welfare as. It is 110% something that is absolutely necessary, and everyone should get the same level of education. Period.


And I'm not just saying, vote for levys because schools need the money. I already stated that the school systems need reformed. I would find it very frustrating too if I felt that my tax money was being squandered by the administration.

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Originally posted by Neo:

Think about the statement "For the greater good" for a couple of seconds.


Let's put it this way. If that were implemented, in 50 years no one but the rich would be able to afford school. You don't give a shit hunh? I suspect someone with that attitude wouldn't. It's not your kids. What if that had been implemented 50 years before you started school? What about if it were 50 years before you parents started school?


Survey says, there was a very good chance, you, I, and most people on this board wouldn't have gotten any kind of education.


Our education system needs to be far better, through both massive reform and overall better funding. None of this made up No Child Left Behind stuff that only serves to make a few politicians look better at the cost of the whole entire education system.


Selfish people make me fucking sick.

Direct withdrawls from parent's income (a tax), required for any parent with a school-age kid. Easy enough, problem solved, parents forced to pay for their children's education. Now if that amount is based on a flat rate, a % of their income, etc. I can't be so sure about.


I'll tell you one thing, if the parents were more directly paying for their childrens' education, I would bet in general they would be more attentive to how their children do in school.


BTW, how is this selfish?? If I have children later in life, I would also have to pay.

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

We should have Communism here. I'm sure everyone is willing to sacrifice for the greater good. graemlins/thumb.gif

No, that's one extreme, and it would work about as well as the purely capitalistic society that people here are suggesting. They (any political or socio-economic structure) will all fail in their purest form.
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Columbus schools have gotten worse. Kids beating the police who work there with bats and shit. Killing eachother over shoes, someone tried to shoot my friend and take his lakers jersey. But I guess it was almost as bad when my older sister was here I used to goto the football games with her and there was alot of shoot outs back then too Lol.


Most people cut school anyways who goto independence, I see them all walking around and shit. Most of the people who don't play a sport there are prolly failing and its not because they dont have a chance to learn.


The one thing I don't get is, how can all of these people goto the same middle school. Were all cool as fuck, next time I see them is like a year later they goto walnut ridge and we goto independence or something. They all know eachother used to be boys like a year ago, now there shooting at eachother because they goto ridge or I-high. I try to ask them to like "Why you guys trying to fight him when we been cool with him for years." They just tell me "Cuz dawg he goto ridge." wtf??


Money is not going to fix the school systems. Unless they buy metal detectors and military personell.

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School levies suck and are as useful as the idiotic school board utilizing the funds. If you had Enron stock and the company started tanking, why would you throw MORE money at it?!? Columbus Schools could get a Trillion bucks and it wouldn't do anything without the right people to manage the funds.


Schools don't make a community better. The COMMUNITY adds value by improving itself. Graceland could have a kick-ass school system but I wouldn't move there for fear of being robbed. Bexley, UA, Grandview; old neighborhoods with lots of pride, adding their OWN value to their community.


THE ANSWER TO A SCHOOL LEVY: Sales Tax. Make EVERYONE that conducts a transaction in the state of Ohio pay to make Ohio schools better. Subsequently, each community would receive the state-mandated amount based on enrollment. If it took $10k a year to educate a 7th-grader, than every town and city would get XXX amount of funding per XXX amount of 7th graders. That way, renters not paying property taxes are STILL contributing to the schools their children go to through what they buy in Ohio.


And before you pull some idiotic comment about it sounding like communism or socialism, realize it levels the playing field to give EVERY child a chance. If a school system doesn't do well, you KNOW that it can't be funding constraints because the other school district across town does way better with the same amount of funding! If you want YOUR school district to do better, MAKE A DONATION! (That's how school gymnasiums are named ;) )

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