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Got Popped on 71

Big Chief201

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Something else to consider... does the ticket indicate where you were clocked? Something like "XYZ County between markers 150 and 151"?? If so, I'd ride back up that way and make sure the road is even marked for airplane tracking in the area indicated on your ticket.

Good point.

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So I'm crusin on 71 on my way home from seeing my parents at around 9am this morning I make it all the way down from Vermilion with no problems. Once I hit outside columbus (36/37) A cop is just chillin waiting for me. He got behind me and I'm done for. Seems to me the Airplane speed patrol calculated me doing 101mph. The tickets $160 which kind of sucks but it was only a matter of time before I got a ticket. The cop was cool as hell about it. I think I'm just gonna pay it and call it a night, what do you think?

$160 for 101mph sounds very fair to me. I was talking to a friend in Fl. New law allows them to confiscate the bike plus jail time for similar speeds. He thought most would run since stopping forfeited the bike + jail. Last fall HP popped a guy doing 135mph out of Lancaster(I think). He was ready for the handcuffs but just recieved similar $160 ticket. Ohio currently doesn't have extreme high speed $ tickets unless other vehicles are at risk--ie R/O

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so they gave me this peice of paper that says quote for quote: "I am applying for the Traffic Safety Program. I understand if I comply with all the terms of the Program, my case will be dismissed." So I'm going to go ahead and just pay the fine do the course and not have it on my license. Thank you god:bow:

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Hell ya!I was on my way to Lawrenceburg to go riding yesterday and saw 4 different cops in about 30 miles of highway...I WAS going to go get crazy inthe country and test out my new gear but I ended up following my gut and went back home and parked it.Stupid holiday weekends!lol

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have it taken upstairs to the courtroom. Tell the prosecutor you want to plead guilty but want the speed taken down a bit. Just say that you are getting a new job and a decent driving record is important.

Good idea. Don't try to fight it. Just try to get it taken down a notch or two.

If you fight it, they will nail your balls to the bench.

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...once I got up around the 36-37 exit there were like 4 cops all hiding...

Sounds like they got you dead on then, I thought there was only the one cop which is why I asked the questions I did.

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I was nailed on a State Rt, on the 4th. That's what I get for being greedy about discovering new twisties. I was doing 21 over according to the ticket, but the dumb LEO didn't realize that the actual speed limit was 65mph. I'm fighting it.

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