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Anyone Want to Help fix a door?


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Well last night I got locked out of my house, sat outside for about an hour and decided it would be better just to kick my door in. Yea... bad Idea... I'm an idiot, anyway I'm buying a new door, and need to fix the door frame. Does anyone want to help me out, I jhave never fixed a door frame befoire.
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Ok, if you want help, here you can go the Lowes or home depot and buy the whole shebang for anywhere from 200-5K dollar door and frame. Your going to need a crowbar, shims/biscuits and a few other tools.. If you go to home depot, buy the home 1-2-3 book, it will give you some good knowledge for installing a door.( double check this buy flippin thru the book, they have a few books and the carpentry one might be better reference)


Good Luck, not to mention i am sure a good Google search will help you in more info.

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Damn, yall is a bunch of NO hammer swingin fucks.


Ben, now that I am done laughin at your silly ass for tearing up your shit. I will tell you how to secure it. I am going to assume that you fucked up both the door and the jam. Go down to Lowes or something similar and get a brass door wrap that wraps around where the lock is. Be sure to measure the thickness of the door and the lock backset, it's either 2 3/8's or 2 3/4's that is VERY important. That will fix the door it's self unless you split the fucker down the middle. I have repaired more kickins when I was a locksmith than I care to count like this. Now for the door jam. I am going to assume that since you kicked in the door that it swings in and not out. Now, you not being a big dude, unless you sat down and kicked with both feet you couldn't have done a ton of damage, it may look like hell but it's not that bad. I am also going to assume that the door did NOT have a deadbolt. Cuz you would not have been able to kick it in without bolwing it off the hinges, at least if it was put in right. So, if it's not already laying loose remove the strike plate (little latch plate that the lock pin goes into on the door jamb. I am back to the asumption that the actual door jamb is sort of fucked up but you didn't get into the framing around the door at all. the jam is a 1/2 inch pine board in most cases. If you really want to swap it out go get a new board, if not we can fix it but it will look rough until you get someone to really repair it. While you are at Lowes, get a box of 3 inch drywall screws. You need to also look for a new heavy strike plate or you can make one out of HEAVY gauge sheet metal. It will go behind the old strike plate that you are going to beat back straight. You are looking for one/making one that does NOT hve the curve in it. If you make one, just cut it so that there is no curve.


Once you have all this stuff, hopefully you still have Anthonys dremel tool. It's the easiest thing to use to route out the extra depth needed for the backer plate. Route enough additional wood out so the the backer plate and the strike plate will sit flush in the door jamb. Then using the 3 inch screws, mount them both into the door jamb. Now you will also want to remove the hinge screws one at a time and replace them with the 3 inch drywall screws. Reason is that you weaken the entire door jamb when you kick in the door. So you don't want it to start sagging in a month or two. Do both the door side and the door jam side on all the hinges.


BTW, once you do this, you will not be able to kick the door in anymore. So you better pickup a key rock or something to put a key in for the next time.

And I may be an irritating fuck, but I am also a handy one. If you just totally can't figure this out, call me ( 989-2459) and I will try to get over there and help you get it taken care of. Post pics of the door and the jamb so I know what I need to bring to fix this.

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