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Highway Shooter sentenced


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Did yall hear him crying ass around about how sorry he was. Panzy ass coward, couldn't even look the people in the eye that he was shooting at. Someone shoulda bitch slapped his mamby pamby ass in the mouth for that crying around shit. The guy is such a worthless piece of human excrement that he's now deciding to ball baby ass around about what he did. He did it, he fucking knew he did it, and then he tryed to hide from it, that ended up not working out so now he's gonna ball ass around about how sorry he is. Bullshit, he ain't sorry, other than maybe about getting caught, and what really perplexes me is that the little fuck never did give a reason. I don't care what his reasons were, hell he was probably doing it to get some kicks, but he lacked motivation to really get to it, and he wasn't all that good at it to boot. How many cars did he shoot at? and he killed one person. And there ain't one of you that will sway me into believing that wasn't what he wanted to do, if he sat out to not kill anyone, when he capped that woman he would have stopped, but he didn't, that tells me he wanted to kill people. But out of all the shots the guy took, he only killed one. Hell Ted Kysinski had a better track record than that, and in the same length of time that he was playing the unibomber bullshit, there were more people killed by fucking soda machines than his bombs, sorry, but that ain't much of a record looking at it statistically. Am I glad they got him, and hes' off the street?? sure am. But I have issues with the guy, more than what he did, but that he was such a failure at doing it. I mean, if you are gonna off people for kicks, walk the hell up to em and dust em. Don't sit on an overpass and take pot shots at em with a handgun. Handguns are for killing when you are looking someone in the eye, that's for people with enough drive to want to see the look on their face when the bullet goes in, how they react when they know they been shot. If your gonna go plinking the drivers of moving automobiles, get a fucking rifle, it works better for being a panzy ass coward that don't what to look em in the eye. And what was with that shit anyhow? Cowardly little bitch couldn't even get up the gumption to walk up on someone and do em, he had to go hiding and sneaking around about it. And then he sucked at it. Look at Malvo, now that was a cowardly bitch, hiding out in the trunk of a car, but he had em running scared from building to building. Gave new meaning to paying at the pump. It was more like cashing in your chips. This fuck couldn't even get that level of fear instilled in people. The only ones that wouldn't go over on the south end were the real serious head cases that always thought they were next and people that didn't have any reason being over there to begin with. I am just let down that the ass hat is gonna have the chance to make his lowly contribution to the gene pool.
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I considered editing what I said. But I think it would be better to explain it than to change it because it's about how I feel. First off, its' not that I wanted to see the guy be good at killing people, or that more people died, that ain't the case. What the guy did is discusting, pure and simple. I think he should hang for that alone. But the other part of it is that with what he did, and his lack of motivation to do it, by that I mean he went a long way towards being a lunatic serial killer. Then fell short on the killing part. What sort of looser, desides to start killing people, goes out and starts shooting, then after multiple attempts only gets it right one time? He was trying to shoot people for God's sake, it's not a difficult thing to do once you get past the moral delima of it. Think about how hard the actual act of shooting something else is, say a paper target, it's not hard to hit the paper. Now when you are a screws loose, people killin loonie, the act becomes no different. Point and shoot, because he obviously wanted to kill and had killed previously (Gale Knisley) so he had got past the moral delima of taking another humans life. That's a bigger factor in many people still walking the streets as opposed to the idea of jail time in my opinion. But even after all that, he sucked at it. And he seemed there for a while to be getting a fair amount of practice. So in addition to being a sicko serial killer wanna be, he was a looser to boot that couldn't get killing right. And killing aint difficult if you have teh stomache for it. Then to cry about what he did, saying he was sorry. I don't believe that he was sorry about anything short of he was sorry that he finally got caught.
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i passed the scene of the murder about 10 min after it happend, sad.


this is a perfect example of how pussified our society has become, now our tax money will go to keep him locked up. fucking squeemish pansy jury.

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