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To Gear Smuck's review on the Lightning


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should i be impressed? :rolleyes:


it might help your credibility if you could spell PORSCHE correctly...


i've driven an open wheel formula car, big deal...


No, im not trying to impress you. Im explaining to you that I drive shit that handles good everyday, not for one or two hours. Im not a expert driver or some homo that pretends to know everything. To each there own i guess. Im still sticking to my story, the Lightning owns.

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Im not a expert driver

Then why are you critiquing anything's handling? "I drive porshes" doesn't mean you know anything about proper handling, it just means that stugart is throwing pearls before swine (as usualy happens in the US). If you could properly manipulate those cars at 100% of their ability, you would know that there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever. Driving a car and jerking the wheel from time to time gives no real indication of handling. Due to his real life experience, Matt is in a far better position to comment in this thread.


And mike, it is possible to make a well handling Live axle car...in the world of live axle cars. All things being relative, a 67 GT500 handles superbly compared to a 67 straight six convertable. But compare that GT500 to a contemporary IRS car, and it'll be out handled. Live axle cars dominate drag strips. The only road race series where they dominate are the ones where live axles are a rule.

You can build a live axle car to handle "well", but if you're going for maximum handling performance, you go with the IRS. The technology is a half century old, and Ford is finaly catching on. MN12s and FN10's were Fords test beds through the 90s.

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Then why are you critiquing anything's handling? "I drive porshes" doesn't mean you know anything about proper handling, it just means that stugart is throwing pearls before swine (as usualy happens in the US). If you could properly manipulate those cars at 100% of their ability, you would know that there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever. Driving a car and jerking the wheel from time to time gives no real indication of handling. Due to his real life experience, Matt is in a far better position to comment in this thread.


And mike, it is possible to make a well handling Live axle car...in the world of live axle cars. All things being relative, a 67 GT500 handles superbly compared to a 67 straight six convertable. But compare that GT500 to a contemporary IRS car, and it'll be out handled. Live axle cars dominate drag strips. The only road race series where they dominate are the ones where live axles are a rule.

You can build a live axle car to handle "well", but if you're going for maximum handling performance, you go with the IRS. The technology is a half century old, and Ford is finaly catching on. MN12s and FN10's were Fords test beds through the 90s.


Because i can. Dude im not trying to compare a porsche to a truck, i have no clue where u got that at. I thought if you drove a car, you could tell how it handled?

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Because i can. Dude im not trying to compare a porsche to a truck, i have no clue where u got that at. I thought if you drove a car, you could tell how it handled?

No. Only if you argue about them in internet forums can you tell how a car handles.


Driving is not involved.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I thought if you drove a car, you could tell how it handled?

Nope. Not even going to try and explain why. How about this example;


some one drives a 4cyl Gran Prix daily and enjoys it.

They test drive a GTP and it handles much better, in their opinion.

Then drives Borsche boxter, complains about feeling the road too much, and cant corner w/o spinning it. So they say it handles poorly.


Your ability to drive each car properly and to its extents what matters. Without that it's all up to preference based on the limited experince the individual has. Comparing the Top Gear host Base of Knowledge to your own is like comparing the library of congress to your local highschool, therefore his opinion is vastly more valuable then yours, and mine for that matter.

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