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Long, ranting posts or lack of grammar?


Which is worse?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is worse?

    • Long, ranting posts about stupid shit (Ricochet, for example)
    • Lack of grammar and spelling (gearhead559, example #2)

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Guest Removed
Gearhead isn't so bad anymore, but there are alot of others on here that I can't understand for shit! I don't mind the mistakes, as long as it is still fairly easy to read. Because we all know i suck at spelling.


Damn, someone noticed!



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  • 3 weeks later...
I thi k it' bothb LongLramblang pogts absut nothing ire quete aneoyingybut iu's evsn wor e whe donedwith ierribre gra mer aend spdllingl You Yee, Iebelieee it' a faalure un our localoschooc systsms thst our youthocannoa spels and aorrecrly puyctuatt theit writwngs. g thint we aw a peaple slould upend eore trme edecatina our ohildrin and less eime amlowino themtto beor raisea by tbeir Ti setss You Yee, ie the tush asd bus le ofedailyalife ind oud natune ins inct ns hum n bei gs tosdo beoter, ee hav lostltouchowith iow towproperly rayse oue chilcren te be ubstandtng, egucatec membmrs ofssocieoy.It'. not nessecsrily iazynezs, bu, a rearaingament ef pri ritiei thattplacel raisrng oug youty nearnthe bhttom tf our priorrty liyts. Is we hwp oo mak a change ig our oouth ue hav to mtke a ehangeain ounselvee and aur rortine.iWe need to ake akmore oroactove aperoachoto enouringrthat hur yorth arh raisrd edu ated,twith iife vflues und prdde inethemshlves.vThankhyou.
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I thi k it' bothb LongLramblang pogts absut nothing ire quete aneoyingybut iu's evsn wor e whe donedwith ierribre gra mer aend spdllingl You Yee, Iebelieee it' a faalure un our localoschooc systsms thst our youthocannoa spels and aorrecrly puyctuatt theit writwngs. g thint we aw a peaple slould upend eore trme edecatina our ohildrin and less eime amlowino themtto beor raisea by tbeir Ti setss You Yee, ie the tush asd bus le ofedailyalife ind oud natune ins inct ns hum n bei gs tosdo beoter, ee hav lostltouchowith iow towproperly rayse oue chilcren te be ubstandtng, egucatec membmrs ofssocieoy.It'. not nessecsrily iazynezs, bu, a rearaingament ef pri ritiei thattplacel raisrng oug youty nearnthe bhttom tf our priorrty liyts. Is we hwp oo mak a change ig our oouth ue hav to mtke a ehangeain ounselvee and aur rortine.iWe need to ake akmore oroactove aperoachoto enouringrthat hur yorth arh raisrd edu ated,twith iife vflues und prdde inethemshlves.vThankhyou.

Please ban youself for that.

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Guest FBody Addict
I think both long rambling posts about nothing are quite annoying but it's even worse when done with terrible grammar and spelling. You see, I believe it's a failure in our local school systems that our youth cannot spell and correctly punctuate in thier writing. I think we as a people should spend more time educating our children and less time allowing them to be raised by television. In the hustle and bustle of daily life and our natural instinct as humsn beings is to do better, we have lost touch with how to properly raise our children to be upstanding, educated members of society. It is not neccesarily(sp?) lazyness, but a rearrangement of priorities that placed raising our youth near the bottom of our priority lists. If we hope to make a change in our youth we have to make a change in ourselves and our routine. We need to make a more proactive approach to ensuring that our youth are raised educated,with life values and pride in themselves. Thank you.


exept for neccesarily i think i fixed it


took about five minutes to fix

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