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To the little bitch in the white 3000GT or Stealth or wtf it was.


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Stop driving like an asshole before you kill someone.


This happened around 6:30pm on Wednesday.


Background: I'm on my way home from work in the right lane driving my beater, not Cobra or the bike, coming down the west outerbelt just south of the West Broad street exit when this white Stealth/3000GT blows by me ON THE RIGHT HAND SHOULDER doing every bit of 100mph. There was plenty of room to go around in the middle lane, but this jackass feels like he needs to do this shit on the shoulder.


He gets off at the Georgesville exit, conveniently enough where I have to get off to head home. I pull up next to him and start throwing every word I could think of at him - this FAG doesn't even look over. Too scared, I suppose. I was SOOOOO tempted to cut him off and get out, but it isn't worth going to jail over.


He had a TV in the passenger seat, and I think he was being followed by his boyfriend in a white hard-top Mercedes SLK230 or SLK320 or whatever-the-fuck that car is. I happened to see this clown in the Benz on my way home tonight, driving like a fruitcake (cutting off other drivers, weaving, etc), and then saw his car at the Wendy's later on. Damn good thing I had my 6 year-old with me at time. The MB has some bling-bling black rims with silver lips on them that are about a size to big.


If anyone knows either of these jackasses, tell them to chill the fuck out. I already have the Mercedes' license-plates. Also, if you're going to dress up your car distinctively, you're just making it easier for people to remember your sorry-ass when they do see you acting normal, which is to say: dumb-assidly.


That is all. I feel better now.

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Not to interrupt but just wanted to say it wasnt me or either of the other white TT Stealths in the shop now :) Ive got a customer with a white VR4 spyder but pretty sure it wasnt him (even though the car made 500awhp he rarely drives it hard) and i cant think of any others off the top of my head....
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Stop driving like an asshole before you kill someone.

reasonable request:thumbup:


I was SOOOOO tempted to cut him off and get out, but it isn't worth going to jail over.

something doesn't seem right:confused:


I happened to see this clown in the Benz on my way home tonight, driving like a fruitcake (cutting off other drivers, weaving, etc)

ok, now I'm really confused.:wtf:

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reasonable request:thumbup:



something doesn't seem right:confused:



ok, now I'm really confused.:wtf:


Nothing to be confused about - the primary idiot is the guy the in the 3kGT/Stealth. The secondary (who seemed to be following him) is some clown in a SLK320, who I saw again Friday night. Apparently his (SLK320) normal mode of driving is just 'retarded'.


As far as cutting him off to stop him - we both ended up on the exit to get onto Georgesville road. Him in the right lane to go right, me in the left lane to go left. Traffic was stopped for the light, so I was able to chew him out.

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are you sure the 3000 wasnt like a really pale yellow??? I see that guy all the time and he drives like an moron... and coming from "Mr. My cruise control only knows triple digits"... thats bad.


I happend to have a run in with the same two i think about 4 mnths ago on 270 at about 2 am. I was doing about 70 or 75 and i saw the head lights coming up... at first i thought it was CPD... but then i saw the second set of lights jet out from behind the other set so i figured it for a couple of midnight club loving douchebags. So, as the started up on me, i sped up to see exactly how fast they were going... not blistering speed, but over 100. So i just let off with intensions of exiting off Georgesville Rd and the dude lets off with me... jsut stayed right next to me. I put on my indicator and began to get over to the ramp and these two fucks blow right in front me, like inches from my bumper.... if i would have had my 38" demo bar in the trunk, i would have done a little back yard body work to the both of those cars.

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Interesting post? Last night around 8:45 I was coming home, on 270 headed toward Sawmill exit (I was about 3 miles from exit) when out of NO WHERE - here comes Dil n' Do / a white 3000 & an ol beat up Suburban, chasing each other going over 100 mph, switching lanes, cutting people off etc. I watched in my fire breathin demo (Hyundai 4 cyl) & thought, wow they're going to kill someone, traffic everywhere. Oh yeah we were headed east toward the sawmill exit. If same person they're headed toward impound lot, fines, points et al. Hope it happens BEFORE they hurt someone -
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jeff does your friend with the spyder have twin apexi (looking). car drives by the shop a couple times a week.


Yeah, its a Pitroad-M but has the Apexi N1 look to it--thats probably him as im sure there arent many VR4 Spyders in columbus (let alone white ones).


Not that it really matters, but is this 3000 even a VR4?

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I know the Stealth. He lives in my apartment complex, and he's a total douche. I saw it when I first moved in, tried to start up a conversation with him, and got a whole bunch of "I'm a badass because I think penis pills work!" type of shit from him. Later that night, I watched him try to run at over 100 down Georgesville towards Norton, decide to pass a bunch of traffic by going left of center for the better part of a 1/4mile with a median between him and the correct lane, and end up sliding sideways through the intersection, almost into the Thorton's station, after he realized that there was traffic crossing while the light was red. How he didn't hit anybody is beyond me.
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I know the Stealth. He lives in my apartment complex, and he's a total douche. I saw it when I first moved in, tried to start up a conversation with him, and got a whole bunch of "I'm a badass because I think penis pills work!" type of shit from him. Later that night, I watched him try to run at over 100 down Georgesville towards Norton, decide to pass a bunch of traffic by going left of center for the better part of a 1/4mile with a median between him and the correct lane, and end up sliding sideways through the intersection, almost into the Thorton's station, after he realized that there was traffic crossing while the light was red. How he didn't hit anybody is beyond me.


Interesting. I'm thinking that someone needs to drain the oil out of his car for him. In the middle of the night. And forget to leave a note.


Pass the word on that I'm looking out for his sorry butt.

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