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well it finally happened


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been riding since I was 18 (and prior, but dont tell anybody), never wrecked a bike, but I laid one down for the first time tonight.

Pulling onto high st from frambes, and must have just been a combination of a cold tire (only been riding for about 50ft) and possibly wet or gravel pavement. The back end just slid out from under me. Luckily I wasnt going fast so it wasnt too bad, I was just damn close from sliding into oncoming traffic. A few scratches, little blood, and Im sure I'll have a bruised shoulder and knee in the morning, but no biggy. Few scratches on the pipe, mirror, turn signal, and handle, but broke off the front brake handle so I had to ride home on just the rear brake. I was actually surprised it didnt scratch the tank/frame at all but I'll inspect it more in the morning when the sun is out.

Only thing really hurt was my pride, my first defeat in my motorcycle career. It sucks that it happened just riding normal, not even doing anything stupid, but I'm sure if I was doing something stupid it would have been two hundred times worse.

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There are those that have been down, and there are those that are going down.


Its just a matter of "when."


Have gear so you can get back up and do it again.


This also applies to certain sexual situations in both cases, if you are uncertain of how the road will react, wear your gear.

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