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I dont exactly trust their ratings. "Almost 1000"? Just tell us. CA @ 72F? How about actual cold cranking amps?



I watched one kick over two 1500hp boat engines. Seemed to ask if that was all they could draw.


I can do a little better than the retail smoking crack prices.



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I dont exactly trust their ratings. "Almost 1000"? Just tell us. CA @ 72F? How about actual cold cranking amps?

650 @ 72 means the cca is guarnteed to be less.

Using a standard conversion of .69 (this is a rough aproxamation for the chemical reactions slowing down from the temp change from ca to cca) (0*F) i got 448, so aprox 450 cca.

300 for a batery that I get one shot at it when its cool out, if im lucky, and forget about it in the winter? Ill stick to my heavy assed 1000 cca bateries and have the peace of mind knowing that ill be the one giving the jump start.

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