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I know this is a long shot, but....


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Any of you guys' parents grow up on the hilltop by chance, around Eldon, and are around the ages of 48-54 or so? The reason I ask is, I'd like to find somebody, anybody who might have known my father, Larry D Browning. He ran around Holton park alot, and him and his friends used to call themselves the holton park boys when they were teenagers. He passed away when I was 3, in 1984, and I was too young to remember him. For some reason Ive been thinking about it, alot lately! I think it would be cool to find somebody who knew him, and can tell me something about him. All I have heard are stories, etc from family members. Anywho, if ya parents grew up in that area, please ask them if they knew him for me. Thanks.
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You know who to ask would be Jesse Stout.


Yeah, my dad grew up over on the corner of Whitehead and Ogden so not really close but not far at all. He went to Hilltonia and West and stayed in the Hilltop area his growing up so he very well may have known your dad. He's actually 50 today and we are going out for his birthday tonight so I will ask him. He still talks to and see's quite a few of his good friends from growing up around there. If he didn’t know your dad one of his friends very well may. I’ll see what I can find out.

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cool deal, thanks guys I appreciate it, alot! I know these few guys were some of his closest friends.


Jimmy and Jerry Beasley, Jerry Whitacker(may be spelled different) Don Deoring, and Henry Smith.



oh, and a guy with the last name Ross, they called him "Black Eyes Ross"

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