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Some fucker is following my kid to school.


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well, The assistant principle said that the cops were going to "monitor" that area and send an unmarked car to sit and observe. I think they said that yesterday. Today, it didn't happen (the cops being there).


Monday and Tuesday my father is going to drop them off at school directly since the wife and I will be out of town. They're also off Thursday and Friday of next week.


I'm thinking I'm going to leave the house about 8:00 or so. Go pick a spot to sit around there, and just park the car and see what happens. I'll most likely bring my video camera and tape what's going on.


When something goes down.. I'll let ya know. Until then.. we just have to wait I guess.

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about the whole camera thing its a good idea, but you might want to concider the possibility that this dude is psycho. if he sees them take a picture of him he might actually come through and come after your son. which would make thigns a lot worse. i would say follow your son sometime and you take the picture foir saftys sake cause you never know with people these days
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.. update..


Assistant Principle called me last week. She said that the cops identified the guy. Get this. He's a teenager, going to a school called "Eagles Nest". I guess it's the kind of school that the fucked up kids go to (kind of like a boot camp for kids who are in gangs and shit.. the stuff you see on Maurey povich and shit?).


Anyways. Cops talked to the kid and said that they hear of him doing this again to my son and his friend, that they will arrest him for menacing..


No problems as of yet.


Thanks everyone for giving a helping hand in some ass kicking if need be :).

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Wow, what a fucking douche! I hope the instructors at the eagle nest are informed of this, and administer the apropriate disciplinary masures. Even better if they give him some "private counciling"


Glad it was resolved without any harm to yourself or your family.

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I too am glad this chapter is closing. Only thing that bothers me is why aren't the police dealing with him NOW! Screw the warning & scaring crap, he should be disciplined by facing the authorities now, hell he's already proven "previously" apparently that he's a tool -
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yea i was wondering about hwo things went through for you earlier today when i was on here. Glad to hear they went good, with the incident that happened in delaware with the stabbing or whatever of a middle school student its just sad that kids get subjected to some of the shit they do.
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