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Look what followed me home


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i like it. but i honestly cant own one of those thats for damn sure!!!!!

my A.D.D. would kick in running 65 down the road and i would be like hey that looks like a great trail............ wreck, death, alot of O.R. member really sad cuz i cant knock hondas any more :(

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It'll do her to, the PO put on a Metzler dualsport knobbie on it too and we can dig a trench.

Funny story, my neighbor has a 1200 Sportster and we rode to the Harley shop so he could talk to one of the service guys about an issue he had, as we were getting ready to leave there were 2 or 3 couples hanging around their bikes in the parking lot, typical looking Harley owners, old guys with beards and bellies, leather on the ladies...clothes and skin, all wearing the official Harleytm jackets.

I was facing the front window and could see them in the reflection when I started her up, they all turned when I fired her up.

pop pop pop pop popopopopopop, blipped the gas then let off for a few cackles then a bang or two. The look of bewilderment they had from wondering how this damn Jap dirtbike could sound like an open pipe Harley filled me with joy.:D

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