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Remember my bros SCed vette?


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About a year and a half ago, I drove to Pittsburgh to pick up my brothers new vette, it was a beast of a car and was f'n fast! Well I got to spend a week driving it before I put it on a truck to LA where it would reside with my brother. Here is a happy picture of it hanging with the other cars in our corral.



Well after having the car for over a year, my brother decided he would sell it and get a new toy.


Well my brother got a call over the weekend from the guy who bought the car, and he was asking if my brother had any of the receipts for any of the work done to the car. So that he could justify its value to the insurance company. Turns out the guys father in-law decided he would tourch his house, starting with the garage. and here is all thats left.





























It is very sad, its was like being told that a friend from highschool had died. Well thats my story, just thought i would share.

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I sold a 68 Lemans that I bought off the original owner.I sold it to a guy across the street who totaled it the first weekend he had it.I watched the towtruck unload it into his garage with the front so smashed up you couldn't see out the windshield.I know how you feel,nice Vette.
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