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Fucking slutty ass fucking whore!@


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You owe this guy lunch. Why? He took her away (either purposefully or not) before something happend where it would have been a big problem (aka marriage and/or kids). This guy did you a favor....at least buy the dude a beer!


Now I don't agree with Sam that this happens to everyone; I'm 26, have had a number of g/f's since HS, some long term, some not, but I can pretty much guarantee I've never, ever been cheated on. Could be luck, could be my cock, could be the personality types I go for; I dunno. But being cheated on doesn't make you a bad person; that makes the cheater a bad person.


You also didn't waste 3 years. I dated my last g/f for almost 3 years, and I don't think it was a waste. I learned a lot from that relationship, and know more about what I want in a woman, and what I want for myself. You probably learned that as well.

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Been dating this girl for almost 3 years. A couple months ago we took a break, got back together like 2 weeks later. Both of us had went out with other people on the break, no big deal right? Well everything has been good, or so I thought. Tonight she decides not to comehome after work, here I am worried to death. Her family hadnt heard from her or anything. So I start getting worried, just on the safe side I call the two hospitals in Zanesville, not there so I at least know shes ok. She calls me like an hour ago, said she wanted to come get her stuff. Im like ok, whats going on, where ya been? She said shopping, "yea right". She finally admitted that she was out with this dude, I immediately go off the fucking wall. Told her he is a dead man, and Im throwing her shit out the fucking door. So now I have a yard full of shit, and this bitch got scared and took of to her "new" guys house.


If anybody knows a guy named Al, in Zanesville that drives a black mustang, tell him I said he is going down!! I may not be on here for awhile after tomorrow, but who knows I may cool down a little by then. Sorry for the post, Im just pissed and need to let out some steam.


I think this is my first post in the kitchen lol

you are a week kid grow up she dont want you.she wants a man you think like a young BOY dont be mad at the guy he might not no nothing about you.he did not rape her she wants him not you be happy an move on.

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As long as you don't tell them about breeding goldfish or whatever you should be okay



NO NO NO, that wa my buddy that A. I.'d dairy cows.


Coey- Buy you a drink?

prospect - sure, whats' your name?

Coey - Duane

prospect - Well Hi Duane, I'm XXXXX. So what do you do?

Coey - I work for COBA

prospect - what's that, I mean what do you do for them, it sounds soo interesting

Coey - Well, I inseminate dairy cows,, (chick now has eyes the size of sliver dollars) ya see, I reach this arm up their ass, and with this arm I put this syringe thingy in her snatch up to about my wrist, and give her a shot of the love juice. (chick now spews drink all over floor)

no longer a prospect - Wow, just wow, I really have to go now,,, nice talking to ya.

Coey - Can I get you number then?

this is typically where he gets laughed at or given the number to the morgue or some such shit.


Yes, I seen him do it, and that's the way it happens, and yess, I have been in the bar or what ever when he was still at COBA and telling women this. And never had teh heart to explain to him that wometn don't waht to hear that you have hands up a cows butt before you even know their name.

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do you feel that way about your mom an grandmother an your sister.you need to thank frist ok.sounds like you might like little BOYS.


you are a week kid grow up she dont want you.she wants a man you think like a young BOY dont be mad at the guy he might not no nothing about you.he did not rape her she wants him not you be happy an move on.


Wow, someone should take your license away......

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All bitches are fucked up in the head. If I came home and found my girl in bed with some guy, I would knock her the fuck out. Then tell the guy he better leave. Most likely she didn't tell him shit, I've been "that guy with the black mustang" that some sluts boyfriend wanted to beat up. Go to the bar and get another one.
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after my girl of 3 years and i broke up, we didn't talk for a while (despite what you may think, i was capable of having a serious relationship in high school). now we're pretty much best friends. sometimes shit works out in the end. time heals all wounds


hmmm. I personally dont believe that guy and girl can be BEST, REAL friend..

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