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Any way to gently handle this neighbor problem?


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Many of you have heard the stories about my bitch of a bad neighbor, who magically, has not called the cops on me this year (don't know how I got out of that).


Well, my good neighbor on the other side of me came to the door this evening, with some concerns. :( This is the neighbor I get along with, talk to from time to time, dogs play together now and again, etc.


Concern #1 was easy. We live in a culdasac, and I have tons of on-street parking; he has a single spot in front of his house. Well, when I'm loaded with guests, people have parked in front of his house, including my g/f for an entire weekend. Alright, no biggie. The car that was in front of there today I had no clue whose it was (still there), so easy enough, just tell people to quit parking there.


Concern #2: My Moostang keeps waking his baby up every morning when I leave for work at 7am. Well, currently, that's all I have to drive. Stockish w/ catless H-pipe and Flowmasters. Normally, I start the car, put on my seatbelt, let it roll out of the driveway on its own, and take off pretty easy. My only response to the guy was I don't know what else I can do; I'll make sure to take off quietly, but WTF does he want. The car at idle/low RPM w/ light throttle really isn't all that loud. I want to avoid a problem w/ my neighbor, but at the same time, what else can I do? Let it roll into the street prior to starting it?


Ugh, I'm more venting than anything. Damn neighbors; I can't wait until I have the equity in this house built up enough to get something w/ a big piece of land. I HATE dealing with neighbors.

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Hmm, this is a touchy one.


If it were me, I'd let the car roll into the street and as far away from your/his house as possible before starting it. That wouldn't be that much of an inconvenience, and would be a reasonable attempt to solve the problem.


Or, you could consider parking the car somewhere else, like on the street (or down the way a little bit). You said it's a culdesac, so I would imagine it's not the worst place to have to park on the street. However, I'm not sure how comfortable you are parking your car down the street from your place. Yet, on the flip side, parking your car somewhere else in the court would open up a parking space in your driveway for your g/f or whoever else.


Is there any way your can temporarily deaden the exhaust? You seem much more car saavy than me, so I would imagine you'd think of something like that anyway if such a thing could be done.


In any event, I think I would be more inclined to inconvenience myself here to accommodate him because (1) he's cool with you and (2) it's his baby that he's concerned about - not him, or his nagging wife, or dog or whatever that he's worried about being awakened.

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With the cash I'm outlaying into my Jimmy and Firebird right now (not minor stuff I'm buying), tossing money into the Moostang is not an option (that, and I can't afford any down time on it, as it's my only running car, lol). Besides, I don't want it to sound like stock, and the stock exhaust system is long gone anyways. The car isn't all THAT loud, but definately louder than stock. It's not like me starting the Formula up, which is more along the lines of waking the dead.


I do sometimes park on the street. My neighborhood is pretty much crime free, and no traffic back here, so that's no issue. Guess I could start doing that again. My driveway only comfortably holds 2 cars; Jimmy on ramps (classy) being one, then the other spot, which I normally park the Moostang. Guess I could park it on the street, seeing as that is further from their house at least. Parking down the street wouldn't be real cool to the people that live there (especially since the next house further would be the neighbors that suck).


How about I just win the lotto and get the hell out of neighborhoods all together? I don't belong in a neighborhood.

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I want to avoid a problem w/ my neighbor, but at the same time, what else can I do? Let it roll into the street prior to starting it?

Put mufflers on it. For the ime my bird poopped its head gasket, to the time I got the benz, the cougar was my only car. Very loud, and I hate most of my neighbors anyway. I never drive it before 11am, out of respect for the neighbors I dont hate. You'r mechanicaly inclined and you have a garage, put 20 $15 glasspacks on it, finding 18" of straight pipe to replace with a muffler aint hard. Consideration for your fellow man, It's part of being a part of society. If ya dont like it, move to Deleware. You dont need to "wake the dead" to wake an infant. Consider the fact that the guy has more then likely been up at least once or twice thoughout the night.

Or sell the car and get something quiet. Theres no need to have a daily driver like that. There are many solutions that make more sense for you then for your neighbors. Why suffer 5.0 mpg when you could seel it, get a gas sipping beater, and pocket a proffit.

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Put mufflers on it. For the ime my bird poopped its head gasket, to the time I got the benz, the cougar was my only car. Very loud, and I hate most of my neighbors anyway. I never drive it before 11am, out of respect for the neighbors I dont hate. You'r mechanicaly inclined and you have a garage, put 20 $15 glasspacks on it, finding 18" of straight pipe to replace with a muffler aint hard. Consideration for your fellow man, It's part of being a part of society. If ya dont like it, move to Deleware. You dont need to "wake the dead" to wake an infant. Consider the fact that the guy has more then likely been up at least once or twice thoughout the night.

Or sell the car and get something quiet. Theres no need to have a daily driver like that. There are many solutions that make more sense for you then for your neighbors. Why suffer 5.0 mpg when you could seel it, get a gas sipping beater, and pocket a proffit.

Wow, I can't believe that post:

- Car gets 20MPG, not 5

- I'm no homo, I'm not buying an economy car. Screw that, I'd rather have the world hate me than drive around some damn Civic just so the neighbors are happy. The Moostang is reliable, so I'm not saving any money buying something else. I hate boring FWD cars; that's torture to me. I'm not poor; I don't have to drive some gas sipping shitbox.

- The car has mufflers, full sized ones, 2 of them. This isn't the Formula, it isn't some crazy loud car. Just louder than stock. Nothing that you would think is out of the ordinary for your average Moostang on the street. But loud enough to wake a baby I guess.

- I do plan on ridding myself of this car, hopefully this winter. But it will be replaced with something much faster w/ a couple less seats. :)


I parked it in the street; I'll see how that does for them.

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I added 2 glasspacks to my Mark VIII as resonators. It did a great job of quieting the car down a little, and I would imagine it would have a very unique sound, while still sounding mean (especially in the throttle). At $20 each, youre not out a lot of money if it doesn't work.
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I personally think maybe you should concider putting a Cat or highflow back on it, That'll quiet'n it a bit..


Im glad your taking this matter seriously, being a father myself I understand how hard it was for him to ask you this and not be somekinda jerk.

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Be happy you don't live in Powell! Most of my neighbors hate us! Too many cars taking all the parking spots in our cul de sac, several units are too loud ie Marcs Cark etc. We worked it out though - we JUST DON'T TALK TO ONE ANOTHER, WAVE OR ANYTHING. Seriously we have tried to be good neighbors, but just could never get to common ground ----- we've had issues with dogs, actually you name it, I've probably dealt with it in one form or another. Best you can do = continue attempting to be a good neighbor, but remember you live there too. If someone can't take ya as a neighbor, no worries, they'll move -
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