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Tourette's Thread


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Please use this area to practice your Tourette's. (and become a :postwhore:)

Do not use names, but pronouns (you, him, her, she, they, them, and cagers) are allowed.

If something has pissed you off, feel free to let it rip here, but please respect the no names.

Let me start off to give you a couple ideas......

Your best quality is that you are a mutilated portly frog molester who controls the mind of the libelous piglet and a flatulating pedophile.

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There ya'll go again. talking like I am not here. Damn.

Wet noodle loving poodle fucking ass breeding velcro glove wearing sheep hearder That stole my dog to turn around and use a hangmans nuce to kill him They hung them in a tree about 10 feet.

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