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Missing cat, reward and open challenge

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2yr old Savannah. I dont like house cats..I like this cat, he is bad ass.


He is not small, and he is not a cuddler. He's 15-20 lbs and almost 2ft tall at the ears. He's lean and has about a 6' vertical leap. This is a breed of serval cat, and knowing columbus, some one will call him in as a leopard. :p

He is declawed up front, but still has his rear claws. Though an indoor housecat his whole life, theFeral is strong with him, I have sensed it. He will not come if called and is without collar. Food and movement will attract him, but you'll need a landing net to get ahold of him. That is the challenge part. This is no house kitty, he's half Serval and one generation away from being wild.


The area; He escaped a house near Bristol Pkwy and Brand Rd in Dublin, about 6am today (11-1-05).


The reward; $100 and a trophy, swear to god, I'll have one made.

This is for ALIVE and UNHARMED only. You can go ahead and dart him, as long as he doesn't OD.


more pics for reference (not him but close):

size comparason

size comparison


his grandpa

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dont know about barking, but i know they hunt by jumping from long distances directly onto their prey.
Sahara sand cats bark. Never heard of him barking, but he does jump.

HE once fell 10 ft from a loft, cracked his head on a coffee table on the way down, got up, shoot it off, and walked away.



He came back. Apparently cats hate rain, and his home house was the only warm dry place he could access. He was found on a window sil meowing to be let in.

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Mang, just to let you know, Cats [almost] ALWAYS find home.

THey know where it is, they know where food is..

I have moved 4 times with three cats. They are out door/indoor cats.. and i let them out in fear of losing them each time.. and yet they always come home.


Glad you found your cat, he is beautiful. I think he would eat my dogs.

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Thanks for posting this up though. It has really brought a lot of interest to me. I mean right now I couldn't possibily own an exotic cat like this, but maybe in a year or so. I really like the idea of the Bengal cats, cheaper and seem to be friendly and playful from what I've read.
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Screw the new heads for the T/A I'm getting a new cat. Those things are sweet.

If you have a rodent problem...or problem with other cats and most dogs, it might be a good investment. I could see him taking down a teacup poodle or Chihuahua fairly easily. Make an internet video empire of it.

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